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(미친) 노무현..

While the S.K. gov't (i.e. Roh Moo-hyun and his gang) last Sunday has been showing its ugliest - i.e. common (state terrorist) - side, at the same time Roh demonstrated that he's (likely) complete crazy - or better said clearly irresponsibly.

According to K. Times he "said Sunday that his decision to send Korean troops to Iraq was a historical error". ``As president it was an inevitable decision to send troops to Iraq,'' Roh said in an interview with K-TV. ``I realized that this was a time when I couldn't help but make a historical error even though I didn't want to.''

What? WTF he's talking about??

Just  20 days ago the S.K. gov't - decided to extend the presence of S.K. occupation forces in Iraq - the "Zaytun Division" - until the end of 2008.

And on the same day, according to Yonhap News Roh maintained that "Kim Jong-il the is most flexible man in North Korea". Wow, that's one of the "best" jokes I ever heared!! Harrharr, even CNN reported about this crazy contribution by Roh..

Well, I think there is no further comment necessary anymore..


Sending Troops to Iraq Was Historical Error: President (K. Times, 11.11)

Kim Jong Il 'most flexible man' (CNN/AP, 11.11)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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