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게시물에서 찾기2009/03/18

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  1. 2009/03/18
    反미 '형벌'(^^) #1
    no chr.!

反미 '형벌'(^^) #1

Well, the Dear Leader (aka The Great General Kim Jong-il) is now utterly fed up with the recusant attitude by the new U.S. administration (aka the Criminal/Trigger-happy Obama-Clinton-Gang), according to today's int'l news.

And so HE decided to punish them until they'll pay tribute (sincerely and devout!!) to HIM (The Sun of the 21st Century) - once and for all!!

The first step: The D.P.R.K. will reject from now any food "aid", "provided" by the U.S. imperialst bastards! And by the end of March the so-called NGOs (i.e. the CIA etc.), "responsible for the distribution of the food aid", will be kicked out - mercilessly!

Related articles:
North Korea refuses US food aid (BBC, 3.18)
Q+A: Why is hungry North Korea refusing U.S. food aid? (Reuters, 3.18)
At the Heart of N.K.'s Troubles, an Intractable Hunger Crisis (WaPo, 3.06)


Last night the Dear Leader (after enjoying a bottle of Hennessy, mixed with Jinro Soju!!) asked HIMSELF: "Why - TFH - the Korean people need American 'food aid'?"

Of course, the answer you'll get here - sooner or later!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
  • 소유자
    no chr.!

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