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게시물에서 찾기2010/08/25

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  1. 2010/08/25
    MTU연대콘서트(감사 인사)
    no chr.!

MTU연대콘서트(감사 인사)


MTU released y'day the following piece:

Thank you all!
(Get Up, Stand Up! Stand Up for Your Rights!)

In behalf of Migrants' Trade Union, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to everyone who has supported and participated our concert last Sunday, August 22.

Despite of the short notice and short preparation period, the event pulled off... without any major glitches. It was a smashing success as people continue to rave about it. The performances were exceptional and were applauded by the audiences. Each one who came to watch the concert wore big smiles as they went out of the hall after the performance.

First, we would like to thank our very generous sponsors who have helped us make this event possible. Without you we would have not been able to see the realization of this event. Thank you to Serapina for doing the fund-raising for us despite of her busy schedules and other obligations. To Minbyun, who has not only helped us with our legal case in the Supreme court but has always been there for us to support all our efforts and activities. Thank you very much to KCTU, KCTU Seoul regional councul, KCTU Goyang-Paju branch, Metal Workers Union, New Progressive party, MP Hongheedeok, MWTV, Buddhist Action group, Bongeunsa temple, Korean House for International Soldarity, I&We, Peace Museum, Friends of Asia, JCMK, Network for migrants human rights, Catholic migrants center EXODUS and the lawyer Gwonyoungguk.

Secondly, we would like to thank the volunteer team. They were very organized and truly commendable in their dedication. Always alert and ready to cope with any situation, we owe you a lot for you have strictly kept everything in order. Everything just went on smoothly. Despite a minor delay on the starting time we were able to finish right on the dot at 5pm. We would like to make special mention of Minsu dongji the owner of Potala Restaurant in Myeongdong. He and his wife supported us in the concert driving us back and forth and picking up all our stuff as well as making our refreshing lassi drink. KCTU Seoul Regional Council dongjis, General Workers Union President Yoon Sunho and Bang Moonsoon, et al, they have been with us since the night before the concert preparing and ironing out everything which led to the smooth succession of events. And of course for the real brains of this operation, we would like to give our very special thanks to Soemoethu dongji who has not only done a wonderful job hosting and performing in our concert but has lent us his expertise and experience in organizing the programs for this event and connected us to all those wonderful artists.

And the artists.... all those wonderful artists. Thank you very much for the outstanding performance that you have given. Eventhough your participation in our event was purely voluntary and had no monetary benefits you have still given your best. We will forever cherish the memories that we have been able to make and share with you. Rest assured that you are included in the historical milestone of MTU! We sincerely hope next time, as the opportunity comes, your doors will still be open to us... to share each others passion, each others culture and our solidarity!

We would also like to thank our guests who have been there to support MTU all the time: The leaders and members of MTU, migrants, students, movement and social groups, activists and non-activists, Koreans and non- Koreans alike. Thank you all for making this event a special one. We hope to see you in the next one too. Maybe next time you can bring more friends.. because with you, the experience is well worth it!

Last but not least, I would like to personally thank the staff and the sit-in participants for working day and night just to make this event possible. We exist to inspire and empower people. We are living out our purpose. Be proud because we can do anything that we set our minds to! Be proud because we are MTU!

Thank you everyone! 투쟁!

In solidarity,
Migrants Trade Union



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