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게시물에서 찾기2012/04/11

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  1. 2012/04/11
    no chr.!


Congrats! The (north) Korean Workers' Party(WPK/조선노동당) has now two 'leaders': A young fat guy: "the dear respected Kim Jong Un" - and a cadaver(*): "Kim Jong Il, the genius of ideas and theories..."!!

In the late morning (CET) KCNA "reported" the following:

Kim Jong Un Elected First Secretary of WPK (Urgent)

The Fourth Conference of the Workers' Party of Korea held Wednesday decided to elect the dear respected Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the WPK and people of the DPRK, as first secretary of the WPK true to the behests of leader Kim Jong Il.

And just few hours later the same "news agency" "reported" that The Fourth Conference of the Workers' Party of Korea decided to hold leader Kim Jong Il in high esteem as Eternal General Secretary of the WPK...

* No Problem! Because since 1994 Kim Il-sung's cadaver is (north) Korea's ruling "Eternal President"...



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    no chr.!

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