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게시물에서 찾기2012/05/29

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  1. 2012/05/29
    [2012]국제앰네스티 보고서
    no chr.!

[2012]국제앰네스티 보고서

사용자 삽입 이미지

A few days ago Amnesty Int'l published its annual report. Regarding to the current situation in the DPRK(aka North Korea) the report concluted - unsurprisingly(^^) - the following: Last year "ended with Kim Jong-un succeeding his father..., but there were no indications of an improvement in the country’s dismal human rights record. North Koreans continued to suffer violations of nearly the entire spectrum of their human rights. Six million North Koreans urgently needed food aid and a UN report found that the country could not feed its people in the immediate future. There were reports of the existence of numerous prison camps where arbitrary detention, forced labour, and torture and other ill-treatment were rife. Executions, including public executions, persisted. Collective punishment was common. Violations of freedom of expression and assembly were widespread" .

The complete report you can read here!


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    no chr.!

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