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게시물에서 찾기2012/07/06

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  1. 2012/07/06
    北vs.南(선전 전투): 1:0 ^^
    no chr.!

北vs.南(선전 전투): 1:0 ^^

Well, it seems that the S. Korean ministry of information(^^) has really taken leave of its senses...

Yesterday afternoon: Ro Su-hui was arrested, handcuffed and tied with a rope, upon crossing the inter-Korean border at the truce village of Panmunjom from North Korea after spending more than three months there..., according to Yonhap


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For two consecutive nights at the end of June, (North)Korean Central TV showed footage of a news conference with Park In-sook(aka Park Jong Suk), an elderly N. Korean woman who successfully(^^) 're-defected’ to the DPRK in late May after six years living in Seoul(*)


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* Yesterday's KCNA 'reported' the following under the titel "DPRK Woman Interviewed upon Her Return Home (6)":

Referring to her feelings after coming back to the DPRK, she said as follows:

A single misstep made me fall into a bottomless pitfall. But my motherland injected life-giving water to me who might have become a forlorn wandering spirit.

When I deplaned, quieting my thumping heart, I was stunned by the cordial reception given by officials concerned.

Had I been handcuffed, I would not have found any word to say.

That night I thought and thought, looking up at the starry sky over Pyongyang.

I felt at that time how affectionate and great the motherland is for me. I would have no more to desire in the world before I die.

Until that time I could not imagine what profound loving care awaited me.

The dear respected Kim Jong Un did not blame me who did so many wrongs in the past but brought me under his warm care.

Kim Jong Un made sure that I, little different from an offender, reside in Pyongyang with my son who is a teacher at Pyongyang Kim Won Gyun Conservatory and daughter-in-law.

I am an ingrate who had betrayed my motherland to seek better living while others devoted themselves to building a thriving nation, tightening their belts.

I visited the statues of Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il on Mansu Hill to express thanks to Kim Jong Un who helped me to be reborn.

I atoned for my wrong doings and renewed my pledge to uphold Kim Jong Un with my pure conscience by showing intense loyalty to the Generalissimos though I failed to do so in the past.

The world does not know such tender-hearted leader as the dear respected General Kim Jong Un.

I was reborn thanks to Kim Jong Un identical to the great Generalissimos. 







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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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