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게시물에서 찾기2020/06/05

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  1. 2020/06/05
    [6.05] 인종차별 반대한다!
    no chr.!

[6.05] 인종차별 반대한다!

South Korean activists stage a protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Seoul on June 5, 2020, to rebuke the U.S. government over the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis. (Yonhap)

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Dozens of protesters gathered in the South Korean capital of Seoul to condemn police brutality in the US and demand justice for Floyd's death.

Announcing a joint statement in front of the downtown US Embassy, members of human rights groups and other participants also called for South Korea's government to make a statement against the "racial discrimination and state violence" of its ally.


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They said South Korea should also address its own problems with racial discrimination and urged the government to push for an anti-discrimination law, which had been resisted by conservatives and church groups for years, to improve the lives of migrant workers, undocumented foreigners and other minorities.

"As the US civil society empowered and stood in solidarity with Korean pro-democracy activists in the past, we will now stand in solidarity with citizens in the United States," said activist Lee Sang-hyun, referring to South Koreans' bloody struggles against military dictatorships that ruled the country until the late 1980s.

"In remembering George Floyd, we also wish to eliminate discrimination in South Korea's society," Lee said, reading out a statement.
(source: alJazeera, 6.05/a detailed report in Korean you can read here)

Related article:

BTS: 'We will stand together' on Black Lives Matter (K. Times, 6.05)



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