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5112개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2009/04/10
    4.11(土) 대구: 연대밤
    no chr.!
  2. 2009/04/09
    no chr.!
  3. 2009/04/08
    M.E. '평화'..
    no chr.!
  4. 2009/04/07
    광명성1호 & 광명성2호
    no chr.!
  5. 2009/04/06
    [광명성2호] 축하~하하
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  6. 2009/04/05
    no chr.!
  7. 2009/04/03
    4.4(土): 반전공동행동
    no chr.!
  8. 2009/04/02
    용산에가면 시대가 보인다
    no chr.!
  9. 2009/04/01
    오늘은 '만우절' 이에요!
    no chr.!
  10. 2009/03/31
    反G20/反자본주의.. #2
    no chr.!


From today's Guardian(UK):

Ian Tomlinson death: G20 witnesses tell of

dogs, batons and an attack by police

From G20 protesters to journalists to bystanders, those who saw the events leading up to Ian Tomlinson's death speak out

The main protests of the day had ebbed away but hundreds of people were still penned inside a police cordon near the Bank of England around 7pm last Wednesday (4.01) when newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson started on his journey home through the City. He never made it. What happened in Tomlinson's final half hour before he collapsed and died of a heart attack is now the subject of an inquiry on behalf of the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The Guardian has gathered statements from 15 witnesses who saw Tomlinson to piece together a forensic reconstruction his movements. This directly contradicts the official version of events put out by police in the aftermath of Tomlinson's death. The witnesses accuse police of lashing at protesters and bystanders alike, attacking them with batons, shields and dogs. Officers are alleged to have attacked Tomlinson twice; both times from behind and as he was walking away. Eight witnesses produced photographic evidence, time- and date-stamped, that corroborates their version of events. Three said they saw Tomlinson being assaulted by riot police. Here are their accounts.

Why did Ian Tomlinson die?

G20 police assault revealed in video

Ian Tomlinson's death at the G20 protests


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

M.E. '평화'..

Peace in the M.E.? Forget it!

Two weeks ago, 13 Palestinians, ages 11 to 18, belonging to the Strings of Freedom Orchestra took a brief journey from a West Bank refugee camp in Jenin. Their trip brought them to Holon, Israel to perform a “Good Deeds” concert honoring 30 Holocaust Survivors. “We Sing for Peace,” was performed in Arabic and audience members reciprocated with an impromptu Hebrew song.

If there ever was an example of “the audacity of hope” - this was it. But the Palestinian Authority, backed by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad moved swiftly to quash a small initiative that for a few moments cracked carefully nurtured stereotypes of the Israeli enemy. The concert, insisted an official in Jenin, was a “dangerous matter” threatening the cultural and national identity of Palestinian children! The gesture to elderly Holocaust victims was denounced; the Holocaust, he warned, was “a political issue.” The orchestra was promptly disbanded, its conductor, an Israeli Arab woman, Wafa Younis, arrested and later barred from the camp and her apartment-studio boarded up.

Related articles in the Israeli media, e.g. Haaretz:
Palestinian children sing for Holocaust survivors

PA expels founder of Jenin youth orchestra over concert for survivors

Related article in PIC (i.e. Hamas "propaganda dept"):
Shame on us!

Related int'l reports:

Palestinian orchestra leader deported after death threats (UK)

Strings of Freedom silenced (CN)

Palestinian Youth Orchestra Is Disbanded Over a Holocaust Concert (USA)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

광명성1호 & 광명성2호

Well.. this will be (hopefully^^) my last contribution about this f.. stupid subject!

KCNA(1998.9.4) about the successful(*) launch of the Gwangmyeongseong-1 "satellite":
The satellite is running along the oval orbit..
The satellite is now transmitting the melody of the immortal revolutionary hymns "Song of General Kim Il Sung" and "Song of General Kim Jong Il"..


KCNA(2009.4.5) about the successful(**) launch of Gwangmyeongseong-2 "satellite": 
The satellite is going round on its routine orbit.
It is now sending to the earth the melodies of the immortal revolutionary paeans "Song of General Kim Il Sung" and "Song of General Kim Jong Il"..


Any more questions?

*   Third stage failure (Encyclopedia Astronautica, 1998.9.31)
North Korean Missile Launch Was a Failure.. (NYT, 4.06)


Related articles:

Launch keeps N Korea in spotlight (al-Jazeera, 4.06)

Beware the North Koreans (Yedioth Ahronoth/IL, 4.06)

A missile launch for dummies (Asia Times/HK, 4.07)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[광명성2호] 축하~하하

Today's (resp. y'day's/KST) TOP newsmaker:

The Dear Leader's Gwangmyeongseong "Satellite"

And the entire int'l news community was forced(^^) to report about the "successful launch of the Eunha-2 space vehicle..", or as NK's No. 3 Radio Broadcast announced today at 13:00 (KST): "The Gwangmyeongseong-2, which is a declaration of the achievements of a strong and prosperous state to the whole world, entered(*) its orbit successfully!"

Reuters (09:35 CET): "North Korea said it had successfully put a satellite into orbit on Sunday on a three-stage rocket that was now circling the Earth and transmitting revolutionary songs." "Der Satellit überträgt die Melodien der unsterblichen Revolutionshymnen 'Lied von General Kim Il Sung' und 'Lied von General Kim Jong Il'", the German Spiegel interpreted a KCNA report.

Related articles:
North Korea launches rocket (LA Times)

North Korea fires rocket over Tohoku (Japan Times)

North Korea launches long-range rocket (Guardian)

Donnernde Grüße von Dr. Seltsam (Der Spiegel)



* But (accidentally^^) the "satellite" left its orbit immediately, according to the latest news reports(**):

AFP: The US military on Sunday disputed North Korea's claim it had launched a satellite into space, saying "the payload itself landed in the Pacific Ocean."

CNN: No object entered orbit, the North American Aerospace Defense Command said Sunday, after North Korea claimed it had launched a satellite.

BBC: North Korea failed in its attempt to get a satellite into space after a rocket launch early on Sunday

Yonhap: North Korea failed to send a satellite into space, South Korea and the United States said Sunday, declaring no object entered orbit.

Latest TOP headline on Spiegel Online (15:00 CET):

USA melden Absturz von Kims Rakete






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Repression against the anti-G20-protests in London, UK (4.01):





The protests, repression and resistance during the anti-NATO demos in Germany and France (Baden-Baden, Kehl and Strasbourg), 4.3/4:












Related articles/reports:
Summit Protests Turn into Street Party (Spiegel, 4.02)

Police 'assaulted' bystander who died during G20 protests (Observer, 4.05)

Stones in Strasbourg, Guitars in Baden-Baden (Spiegel, 4.03)

Pictures from Strasbourg, 4.03

Latest infos about the anti-Nato protests



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

4.4(土): 반전공동행동



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

용산에가면 시대가 보인다



For more detailed informations (in Korean) please check out:
4.3(金): 레아 오픈식 "용산에 가면 시대가 보인다!!"




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

오늘은 '만우절' 이에요!

Following "report", published in today's Chosun Ilbo MUST be an April Fools' joke(*):

Kim Jong-il's Son Feels Japan's Reaction 'Justified'

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il's eldest son Kim Jong-nam has said he believe Japan's reaction to the North's impending rocket launch "justified" for self-protection, Fuji TV reported Tuesday. The cable news channel interviewed Kim's eldest son on Monday at Beijing International Airport and in Macau.

Kim had been asked whether the Japanese government was overreacting. The questioner did not directly mention the missile launch, but Fuji TV said Kim's reply was surprising since North Korea warned on Mar. 9 that shooting down the missile would be tantamount to a declaration of war.

When the reporter asked Kim why North Korea was bent on launching a missile at this moment, he said he did not know but felt the timing must be connected to the six-party nuclear disarmament talks and direct dialogue with the United States.

When the reporter said Kim senior looks pale and emaciated, Kim responded, "As you know, you lose weight as you grow older. Isn't it better to be thin than to be fat? Perhaps father was tired because of his overwhelming workload."


* Just y'day KCNA Blasted Japan's Anti-DPRK Ruckus! And the very angry pamphlet ended with the warning: "Should Japan dare recklessly intercept the DPRK's satellite, the KPA will consider this as the start of Japan's war of reinvasion... and mercilessly destroy all its interceptor means and citadels with the most powerful military means!"

But possibly it has been also just an April Fool's joke (but a little premature!)??(^^)



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反G20/反자본주의.. #2


While the organizers (Attac, trade unions, left parties etc.) of last Saturday's mass demonstrations (against the "G20" summit in prticular and the capitalism in general) in Berlin and Frankfurt see it as a complete success ("The first step toward 'French circumstances'!"), the German ruling class and its media sees it - naturally!! - slightly(^^) different:

The bourgeois magazine Der Spiegel writes:

"German demonstrations about the economic crisis at the weekend were low-key and didn't draw the massive crowds one might expect given the scale of the recession facing Europe's largest economy."

"Tens of thousands of people marched in capital cities across Europe on Saturday to protest the economic crisis and demand that world leaders act on poverty, jobs and climate change ahead of the G-20 summit in London on Thursday."

"In Germany, an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 people took to the streets in Berlin, Frankfurt and other cities, but most of the protestors were trade unionists and left-wing activists. The broad mass of people stayed at home or went shopping.

That's because Germans haven't felt the full force of the economic crisis yet, despite foreboding economic statistics. At present, many people are still resorting to putting workers on short-time rather than laying them off, and parts of the auto industry -- which accounts for one in five jobs in Germany, is being shored up by the so-called scrapping bonus -- a €2,500 tax-free payment for people who scrap their old vehicles when buying a new car.

Center-"left" Frankfurter Rundschau writes:

"Half a year after the collapse of Lehman the sense of horror about the reckless behavior on financial markets and in the banking sector remains strong, and hasn't been alleviated by the shameless cashing-in of many top players. Not everyone has lost out, and some are even getting well paid for their failure. Given the impact on society it's astonishing that the storm of protest hasn't been more evident on the streets."

"Left-alternative" Die Tageszeitung writes:

"Despite the increasingly dramatic figures from the financial and the real economy, people aren't yet feeling the impact in their everyday lives. In addition, the origins of the crisis are as complicated as the proposed solutions, which makes it harder to come up with simple slogans and to motivate people. Still, the fact that visible protests have taken place is a signal in and of itself."

Conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

"Several tens of thousands of people demonstrated for a fairer world economy over the weekend -- not peacefully everywhere. That's likely to mark the start of a turbulent G-20 summit in London. Security forces in London have been advising bankers to go to work without wearing ties this week. Even though the anger is understandable, things shouldn't go that far in a democratic state."

"It's OK for greedy bankers to feel uncomfortable in their golf clubs or when they're out shopping. But they mustn't be physically threatened. People who demand decency must behave decently. That applies to both sides."


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"Candlelight Media Center" Established!

It has been two months since the police carried out the horrible forced eviction in Yongsan, what has resulted in the Yongsan Massacre.

And since then more residents and activists were arrested and the demolition in the area has resumed. But nothing has been resolved for the evictees and the families of the deceased.

Nevertheless, they and their supporters continue their hard struggle.

In order to support their cause, activists from the Association of Korea Independent Film & Video (KIFV), among other media activists (무나동지! 고마워요!!^^), have opened a space for media activities called "Candlelight Media Center" (CMC). It is located next to the site of the Yongsan Massacre, in an area scheduled for demolition.

The goals of the "Candlelight Media Center":

- keep alive the candlelight vigil for the 5 evictees who were killed in February;
- rally media activists who use direct action, and expand public interest to other issues including the Yongsan Massacre;
- build a base of activities for the continuing struggle until the government makes clear the truth about the Yongsan massacre and punishes the officers who are responsible for the killing.

A group of media activists has been working on the construction of the media center in secret, for fear of attack from the police. And the activists expect that the CMC will be safe from demolition at least for the next several months.


3.25: first activities inside CMC

The first and second floors of the CMC are being remodeled to be used for diverse purposes, including news production, meetings, film screenings, and media education programs. Several events and activities are scheduled to commence the activities in this new space starting from this week.

How to get there:
Subway line 4 신용산(Shinyongsan) station exit 2. Walk toward the Yongsan disaster spot (it takes 3 minutes). You will take a path to the rear load, and look for "Rhea(레아) Hof", 2nd fl.

Related article:

용산 촛불들 “우리가 기록하고 보도한다” (미디어스, 3.26)





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