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게시물에서 찾기Migrant workers' struggle

403개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/06/26
    6.25 MTU 대회(사진)..
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/06/23
    6.25(日) MTU 대회..
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/04/29
    4.30 이주노동자 .. 대회..
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/04/27
    MTU President A. Hossain Is Out Of Prison..
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/03/28
    美, 이주.. 투쟁....
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/03/24
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/03/17
    3.18 MTU 연대의 밤
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/02/16
    이주노동자 '세상'..
    no chr.!
  9. 2005/12/30
    12.30 MTU Interview in K. Times
    no chr.!
  10. 2005/12/25
    우리의 투쟁...
    no chr.!

6.25 MTU 대회(사진)..

Here just some impressions..


Sorry, but I don't know what was really going on y'day there. Well, actually since years I'm demanding to get informations.. NO WAY! Only when I was joining the stuff by myself I was able to report about it - and(of course^^) when I was in "duty" I was reporting about our latest activities as soon as possible, mainly at least in the early morning of the following day..

But today.. perhaps the comrades, who are in "duty", don't think that it is necessary to inform the public about our activities..


Wow, but a lot of representatives of the KTX struggle/strike group(2nd pic) joined the rally/demo!! 



Source: 김지태(다함께)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

6.25(日) MTU 대회..


압둘 사쿠르를 즉각 석방하라



'테러리스트' 딱지붙여 이주노동자


 활동 탄압하는 경찰 규탄대회


2006.6.25(日) 오후 2시 30분

탑골공원 앞 




1. 대회 명칭
  「압둘 사쿠르를 즉각 석방하라!」
   '테러리스트' 딱지붙여 이주노동자 활동 탄압하는 경찰 규탄대회

2. 주요요구
- 압둘 사쿠르를 즉각 석방하라!
- 이주노동자는 테러리스트가 아니다!
- 경찰청은 사과하라!
- 살인적인 단속추방 중단하라!
- 미등록이주노동자 전면합법화 하라!

3. 일시 : 2006.6.25(일) 오후 2시 30분

4. 장소 : 종로 탑골공원 앞 -> 행진 -> 명동성당 마무리

5. 주최 : 이주노동자 인권과 노동권 확보를 위한 시민사회단체 연대회의
 "Korean Dream" by Yeon Yeong-seok
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

4.30 이주노동자 .. 대회..

이주노동자 단속추방 즉각 중단 촉구 결의대회

누르푸아드 단속 사망사건 규탄 및 단속추방 중단 촉구 결의대회
- 일시 : 2006.4.30 14:00

- 장소 : 대학로 -> 행진 -> 종묘공원
- 주최 : 이주노동자 인권과 노동권 확보를 위한

  시민사회단체 연대회의


- 14:00 사전대회
- 15:00 본대회
1부 : 문화공연
2부 : 결의대회
-16:10 행진 및 종묘공원 마무리 집회











진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

MTU President A. Hossain Is Out Of Prison..

April 25, 2006- Seoul, S. Korea

Anwar Hossain, President of the Migrants' Trade Union, was released from
immigration detention today at about 5:45 pm after spending the last 11
months in Cheonju Detention Center. The Korean government cited his
deteriorating health and two pending court cases as reasons for his
release. Anwar was released on an open bond- the MTU paid the Korean
government about $500 US Dollars for Anwar's release in exchange for an
open-ended visa so that Anwar can receive medical treatment and recover
from his time spent in detention. There is no time limit on his stay in

Anwar was greeted by more than 200 supporters and migrant workers upon his
release. In a statement he gave to the Korean press, he said that he will
keep fighting until every last migrant is free from detention and can have
the freedom that he has today. Tomorrow Anwar will be admitted to the
hospital to receive much needed medical treatment for injuries sustained
during his arrest, as well as health issues that he suffered while in

Anwar's release was unexpected and the news came after a week in which 4
migrant workers in Korea died trying to escape immigration crackdowns and
another died while on the job. Pressure, within Korea and from abroad, has
been intensifying against the Korean government to release Anwar and stop
the violent crackdown on migrant workers. The MTU would like to thank
everyone who has sent letters on Anwar's behalf, attended protests and
rallies and helped in innumerable other ways. Anwar's release would not
have been possible without their help.

The MTU is calling on all workers in Korea and around the world to unite
so that all may be free from oppression and discrimination. We at the
Migrants' Trade Union firmly believe that an injustice to one is an
injustice to all and we will continue to fight together to free everyone
from oppression.

Please check out also



Please check out also..






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

美, 이주.. 투쟁....

A protestor dances to music played by Korean Americans on traditional musical instruments during a protest against an immigration bill that would criminalize illegal residents, in Los Angeles on Sunday./AP


Please read more about it here..



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


..아랍 에미리트 연방.


The Guardian, UK, reported yesterday following..

Riot by migrant workers halts construction of Dubai skyscraper


Construction of what is expected to be the world's tallest building was halted yesterday after 2,500 workers in Dubai rioted over pay and conditions, causing damage estimated at £500,000.

The trouble broke out on Tuesday night when buses due to take labourers to a residential camp at the end of their shift were delayed, witnesses said. Workers from the Burj Dubai tower site and surrounding housing developments then chased and assaulted security officers, broke into offices, smashed computers and files, and destroyed about two dozen cars and construction machines, they added.

"Everyone is angry. No one will work," a labourer, Khalid Farouk, told the Associated Press. Other workers said they wanted pay rises: skilled carpenters earn £4.34 a day and labourers £2.84.

Construction workers building a new terminal for Dubai international airport also downed tools in sympathy yesterday, airport officials said.

Burj Dubai is intended to be the world's tallest building when it is completed in 2008. The developers are keeping its eventual height secret in case competitors try to overtake it. So far 36 storeys have been built.

In recent years Dubai has been the scene of an extraordinary construction boom. Most of the work is done by poor Asian migrants who have been growing increasingly restive amid reports of mistreatment and exploitation. Last September about 7,000 labourers staged an unprecedented three-hour demonstration.

Workers' grievances often centre on poor living conditions and non-payment of wages. According to the UAE labour ministry there were 5,486 complaints about non-payment of wages last year. Some companies have been accused of retaining and "losing" migrant workers' passports to stop them returning home.








진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

3.18 MTU 연대의 밤









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이주노동자 '세상'..

Well, before y'day I found this nice example of creativity:






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.30 MTU Interview in K. Times

  Migrants Want Flexible Employment System

Shakil, vice president of the Seoul Kyonggi Inchon Migrant Trade Union (MTU)

A leader of a migrant labor union is urging the Korean government to adopt a more flexible employment system towards foreign workers.


``The government should introduce a more flexible and secure employment scheme, replacing the current work permit system, to allow migrant workers to work longer in the country and change jobs for higher wages and better benefits,’’ Shakil, vice president of the Seoul Kyonggi Inchon Migrant Trade Union (MTU), said in an interview with The Korea Times.

He said that under the new hiring system, migrant workers will be able to choose a job that offers higher salaries like Korean workers and stay in the country as long as they want to.

Shakil stressed that the government should abolish the current work permit system introduced in August 2004, which requires workers to stay in one place and renew their contract every year for a maximum of three years.

``It does not make sense to force experienced foreign workers to leave the country after only three years. It is also not good for Korean employers who need more skilled workers,’’ Shakil said.

But the government has refused to adopt the new system, saying that it needs to maintain control on foreign populations for security and immigration reasons, and direct foreign labor to small and medium-sized manufacturing firms.

It also said that migrant workers would move to easy and high-paying workplaces, such as ones in the services industry, and compete with Korean workers for spots if they are allowed to change jobs.

``Such things go against the government’s intent in admitting migrant workers in the first place. The goal is to provide necessary workforce to the nation’s labor-intensive manufacturing companies that are struggling to find workers,’’ an official at the Ministry of Labor said.

Korea introduced the current work permit system to reduce the number of undocumented workers and help businesses ease their labor shortages.

It replaced the decade-long industrial trainee system under which migrant workers suffered from low wages and human rights abuses due to their unstable job status as trainees.

Under the system, foreigners willing to work in Korea are required to learn about Korean culture and language in advance, and are permitted to work here for up to three years.

They are entitled to enjoy the same treatment as local employees, including the right to organize, benefits from industrial accident insurance, and a guarantee of minimum wages.

 The government said the system has worked smoothly to supply qualified foreign workers to small and medium-sized businesses, especially manufacturing firms.

But businesses and migrant workers have been complaining about the system due to its complex employment process and small worker quotas.

Many employers in desperate need of foreign workers say it is difficult to find workers as they have to get government permission first, sign the employment contract and then wait two or three months for the workers.

Workers are also dissatisfied that they have to leave the country after three years, causing a substantial number of workers to become undocumented aliens who work illegally.

Turning Into Illegal Aliens

Shakil, who came to Korea in 1992 as part of first batch of industrial trainees from Bangladesh, is one of many illegal foreign workers overstaying their visas.

He said that the government should extend the employment period for migrant workers and renew their visas without asking them to leave the country to reduce the number of illegal aliens in the country.

``The Korean government is saying that undocumented workers should voluntarily leave the country and undergo a hiring process in their home countries,’’ Shakil said.

``But it does not make sense because only a fraction of migrant workers are allowed to come back to Korea to work and the whole procedure usually takes more than six months,’’ he added.

``Who would voluntarily go home under the current circumstances?’’ he asked.

Shakil is currently taking part in a sit-in protest at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRC) in downtown Seoul, demanding a release of MTU head Nd Anwar Hossin who was detained for overstaying his visa in May.

``We will continue to stage a protest until the government frees Hossin and urges the NHRC to submit a petition to the Ministry of Justice for his release,’’ he said.

Shakil said that the large number of undocumented workers, including Hossin and himself, have no choice but to become illegal aliens because of the shortsighted employment policy for migrant workers in Korea, which is just focused on meeting short-term employment needs.

Legalization of Migrant Workers Union

``We are urging the Korean government to give the MTU legal status as the first labor union organized by migrant workers. If it refuses to approve our union, we will stage a legal battle in cooperation with the Korean labor and civic groups, including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU),’’ Shakil said.

A small group of migrant workers from Bangladesh, Nepal, the Philippines and Indonesia organized the union in April.

In June, the Ministry of Labor decided not to approve the first-ever migrant workers’ union, citing a lack of enough documentation and the illegal status of its members.

Touching on Korea’s civic and labor groups that are active in help migrant workers, Shakil said that he and other workers greatly appreciate their efforts.

``An increasing number of civic groups, such as the Joint Committee for Migrant Workers in Korea, have become active in helping improve the welfare and legal rights of migrant workers,’’ he said.

He said that many civic groups recently stepped up pressure on the government to join an international accord on migrant rights on the United Nations’ international migrant day on Dec. 18.

``They have helped us stage a mass demonstration and various cultural events designed to urge the government to improve the rights of foreign workers,’’ Shakil said.

He expects migrant workers to receive better treatment and more legal rights once the United Nations pact is ratified by the Korean National Assembly.

``Migrant workers continue to suffer from poor working conditions and discrimination from Korean employers. They are still treated badly by Korean employers and receive lower wages, and the situation gets worse if they become illegal aliens overstaying their visas,’’ he lamented.

``The bigger problem is the government’s harsh crackdown on undocumented foreign workers,’’ he said

Government Crackdown on Illegal Aliens and Rising Crimes

Shakil said that due to the government’s inconsistent and short-sighted labor policies for migrant workers, more than half of migrant workers have become illegal aliens.

According to the Ministry of Justice, the number of migrants illegally working in the country stood at 199,000 in June, accounting for 52.6 percent of the total 378,000 here, up from 44.7 percent at the end of last year.

Since the beginning of this year, the government has mobilized immigration officers across the nation and spotted a number of illegal foreign residents, persuading 30,000 Korean-Chinese and 16,000 other foreign workers to return to their countries by May.

The government has said that it will step up the crackdown on illegal aliens and attempt to dissuade local employers from illegally hiring foreigners.

``The government’s tough measures is driving some migrant workers to support their livelihoods through illegal acts, pushing crime rates by migrant workers higher,’’ Shakil said.

The Ministry of Justice said that the number of criminal offenses committed by foreigners rose from 8,046 in 2002 and 9,338 in 2003 to 12,821 last year. The figure has already reached 7,591 in the first seven months of this year.

``Since I came to Korea under the industrial trainee system in 1992, there have always been problems with crimes committed by foreign workers as many of them are forced to find alternative ways of making their ends meet,’’ Shakil said.

He added that once foreign workers overstay visas, it becomes harder to find a job and even if they do, they are likely to be treated badly and receive lower wages and benefits compared to other legally employed migrant workers.

``I think that the government should pardon all illegally staying foreign workers and introduce a new employment system if it wants to reduce foreign workers’ crimes and improve their welfare and living conditions,’’ he said.

Shakil said that problems inflicting migrant workers affect the whole of Korean society.

Foreigners’ Increasing Role in Korean Economy

Shakil said that migrant workers, mostly from Southeast Asia, have become the backbone of ``Corporate Korea’’ as they play a crucial part in the production of a variety of industrial goods.

``The world is becoming more integrated into one large global community and a rise in the number of foreign nationals residing in Korea reflects the worldwide trend as foreigners have played an increasingly important role in Korean society,’’ he said.

The legally-registered foreign nationals who stay more than 90 days in the country stood at 433,394 as of the end of August, according to the Ministry of Justice.

People from Southeast Asian countries account for about 68 percent of the registered foreigners.

Shakil said that migrant workers from Southeast Asia provide manpower for the country’s light industries as they fill in for locals who are reluctant to work in labor-intensive industrial jobs.

He stressed that the government should make every effort to improve the legal and social conditions for migrant workers and their families so that they can receive the same wages and benefits as Koreans.

``Korean society should also change its attitude toward migrant workers and treat us equally and fairly because we are now an integral part of Korean society,’’ he added.


12-30-2005 17:54





K. Times is a bourgeois daily newspaper in S. Korea.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

우리의 투쟁...

Documentaries about migrant workers' struggle...


...beginning with the occupation of Myeong-dong Cathedral's compound between Nov. 2003 and Nov. 2004 and ending with the occupation of NHRC Nov./DEc. 2005. Including statements from representatives of DLP, KCTU, Hangyeoreh newspaper etc.



Produced by Docu-In





Here you can watch a documentary by People's Power (R-TV) about the

occupation of NHRC and the reasons why MTU used this measure

to fight (A. Hossain, the chairman of MTU, still in detention center,

the permanent crackdown of migrant workers...) against the S. Korean government:



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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