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  1. 2009/08/13
    용산을 지키는 사람들 #1
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  2. 2009/08/12
    李정권vs 쌍용차 파업자
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  3. 2009/08/09
    쌍용차 투쟁/민주노총...
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  4. 2009/08/05
    동지들, 평택으로 갑시다!
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  5. 2009/08/04
    쌍용투쟁: 계급전쟁 #8
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  6. 2009/08/03
    물을 주러갑시다!!!
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  7. 2009/08/02
    쌍용투쟁: 계급전쟁 #7
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  8. 2009/07/31
    [7.29] 평택.. (동영상)
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  9. 2009/07/30
    쌍용투쟁: 계급전쟁 #6
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  10. 2009/07/29
    쌍용투쟁: 계급전쟁 #5
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10.16(土): 공공운수노동자 투쟁문화제

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

10.15(金): 비정규직 투쟁승리 문화제

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

오스트리아'노동조합'과 '위대한수령'김일성

No, that's not just a sick joke... but a perfect way to f*ck the int'l labor movement!!

Yesterday's KCNA 'reported' the following:

President Kim Il Sung was presented with a gift by the Left Bloc of the Austrian Trade Union Federation on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. The gift was conveyed to an official concerned on Tuesday by Federal Secretary of the Bloc Oliver Jonischkeit on a visit to the DPRK.

Related KCNA 'report'(2009.5.09):

The Left Bloc of the Austrian Trade Union Federation sent a solidarity letter to the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea on the occasion of May Day. The letter said that the Songun politics pursued by General Secretary Kim Jong Il is of decisive significance in the struggle of the workers and other people in the DPRK for consolidating and developing socialism in the DPRK and opening the gate to a thriving nation till 2012, in particular. The letter noted that the above-mentioned organization is confident that they will further develop the socialist cause by frustrating ceaseless provocations of the U.S. imperialists and its followers.
The DPRK's present development serves as a shining symbol of the superiority of socialism to capitalism, the letter held...


For more 'info' please check out:

Oliver Jonischkeit
Gewerkschaftlicher Linksblock
Austrian Trade Union Federation




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反G20투쟁 ('뉴스레터'#5)


First of all: it seems that the planned "Sound Cannon Terror" is off the cards (at least for now!??), as yesterday's Hankyoreh wrote:

Sound cannons will not appear at G-20

The Lee Myung-bak government held an extended officials meeting Sunday at the Office of the Prime Minister to decide to put off the adoption of
long-range acoustic devices (LRAD), also called sound cannons. Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) Commissioner had pushed for the adoption ofthe devices.
“The administration agreed on the GNP’s argument that the adoption of sound cannons should be postponed until there is a consensus by the people
that it is safe,” said an official from the Office of the Prime Minister.
The move signals an effective abandonment of the KNPA plan to introduce and employ sound cannons prior to the G-20 summit in November...


Korea Times(10.10) reported the following:

Security tightened at G20 summit venue

The 14-lane Yeongdong Boulevard and 12-lane Teheran-ro will be partially blocked during the G20 Seoul Summit slated for Nov. 11-12 to better protect Coex, the summit venue in southern Seoul, the Presidential Committee for G20 Seoul Summit said Friday.

Public transport operating around the area will be free on Nov. 12 while ordinary citizens will be prohibited from visiting the nation’s largest underground shopping mall and convention complex.

“The G20 summit will be the largest event ever held in Korea and we will be 120 percent sure about the safety and security of the summit venue. The store owners of the Coex have gratefully decided to endure losses for possibly two days,” said Kim In-jong, head of the Presidential Security Service and the G20 security team.

The security team instead will encourage media crew, delegations and others at the convention hall to use the restaurants and shops to make up for their losses. The Hyundai Department Store on Teheran-ro near the convention center, however, will be open without restrictions.

A total of 40,000 people will be guarding the main convention hall as well as the hotels and other places that the heads of the states, governments or international organizations might visit. The security team will form a triple guard line — the red zone will be right around the Coex center, where 2.2 meter-walls will be installed. The second line will be within 600 meters from the building with special fences and the third line will be within 2 to 3 kilometers around Coex.

The team will be on alert around the clock on the land and in the air. Nearby high-rise buildings will be prioritized for marking and pedestrians and drivers visiting nearby areas will have to undergo tight security checks.

Any protests or rallies against the summit will be prohibited near Coex. The organizers have designated Olympic Park, far from the Coex, as an official protest zone. Any rallies taking place outside the zone will be “severely” suppressed, Kim In-jong said.

The government also plans to refuse entrance of “professional protesters” on a global black list but still expects about 500 to come to Korea to oppose the international event.

“Looking into the details of the Pittsburgh and Toronto summits, the demonstrators are highly likely to turn violent. The military as well as fire fighters will join the security in case of an emergency,” Kim said.

The National Assembly has allotted 24 billion won for security during the G20 summit.





Related articles/reports:

S. Korea to ban all rallies close to G-20 summit venue (Yonhap, 10.11)
G20 sparks debate on nighttime rallies (K. Herald, 10.11)
Seoul enhances security ahead of G20 (PressTV, 10.05)
Unbelievable Martial Arts G20 Security Force (public intelligence, 10.04)
민주노총, 11월전국노동자대회·G20규탄투쟁 결의 (노동과세계, 10.12)


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反G20투쟁 ('뉴스레터'#4)


“We will use whatever is necessary to prevent any possibilities of protests”
(Yu Jeong-kwon, head of security of the 'Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit', 10.01)


Riot police show how to disperse violent(*) protesters with water cannons yesterday at a police training field in Namtaeryeong, Seoul. The demonstration was a part of ceremony to mark the launching of a new police-security corps that will help ensure safety at the November G-20 Summit in Seoul.

(source: JoongAng Ilbo, 10.05)


* But, as you can see in the picture: unarmed and defenseless!!

Related article:
S.Korean police showcase strength before G20 summit (AFP, 10.04)


And yesterday's Hankyoreh editorial gave us some more details about...

Commissioner Cho’s "sound cannon"


The long-range acoustic device, sound cannon, that police are currently seeking to introduce is a device used overseas against pirates and terrorists, among others. In 2005, one was used to repel pirates approaching a luxury liner off the coast of Somalia with a 150-db compressed sound wave. The reason sound cannons have never required safety testing despite being produced and used in the United States is because they are fundamentally devices to be used against enemies. Now, the police of South Korea have reportedly said they intend to use this device against citizens. It is a notion unimaginable to anyone who does not view protestors as heinous criminals akin to pirates.

It has now come to light that the police themselves determined that there were issues with the safety of these devices and postponed their introduction of them. Sources say that Cho Hyun-oh, commissioner of the Korean National Police Agency, proposed their introduction to the agency in April, when he was head of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, but the proposal was rejected because safety checks had not been conducted. Just five months ago, the police said they could not use sound cannons for safety reasons, but they have done a 180-degree turnaround now that there is a new commissioner. It is simply beyond belief.

The dangers noises pose to the human body go beyond the imagination. Those in the military are familiar with the aftereffects of gunshots pounding on the eardrums during shooting drills. In some cases, people are left with hearing loss or tinnitus for the rest of their lives. Sound cannons present an even more serious risk than this. In a city like Seoul, the intensity of the sound may become magnified as the sound waves reflect back off off buildings, and it is apparent that not only protestors but ordinary citizens as well will suffer the damages.

The individual who applied for a Korean patent on this device went so far as to issue a warning.

“If you set the angle of the sound cannon to the front and send out a 150-decibel noise, there may be rupturing of the eardrums.”

Police are now trying to hasten the introduction of this exceedingly dangerous weapon without carrying out proper safety tests. Seeing them unconcerned with the outpouring of concern, one has to ask whether the police have already gone deaf before even using the sound cannon...





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反G20투쟁 ('뉴스레터'#3)


Now, "the cat is out of the bag"! Yu Jeong-kwon, head of security of the 'Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit', announced last Friday, “We will use whatever is necessary to prevent any possibilities of protests”.

But Yu's announcement remained not unanswered! More than 500 anti-G-20 activists from 81 civic groups and labour unions (incl. MTU) gathered in downtown Seoul Friday afternoon to denounce the G-20 and the special security law:


사진: 노동과세계


Last Thursday's Korea Times published the following report (incl. the "cute" cartoon):

'Sound cannon' angers protesters


The latest plan for police to use a state-of-the-art anti-protest device, “the sound cannon,” to more effectively disperse demonstrators ahead of the upcoming G20 summit has riled up controversy, spurring strong resistance from civic groups and opposition parties.

Law enforcement authorities insist that the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) has proven safe to use, stressing the need for it and other high-tech devices to deal with violent protesters before and during the G20 summit slated for Nov. 11-12.


A police officer covers his ears during a demonstration of a directed audio device, called an

audio cannon, at the riot squad headquarters of the SMPA on Friday.(source: Hankyoreh, 10.02)


But opposition parties and civic groups claim that the police are using increasingly excessive force to clamp down on citizens opposing policies of the Lee Myung-bak administration, urging the government to scrap the plan to use the LRAD and other drastic anti-protest methods.

They also say the police should spend more money to prevent violent crimes rather than purchase such an expensive device, reasoning that the use of excessive force by the police makes protesters more violent.

On Sept. 28, the National Police Agency said it will revise the rules governing the use of police equipment in order to add the controversial acoustic device to the list of useable police gear.

The LRAD, a crowd control and hailing device developed by the U.S.-based LRAD Corp., weighs around 20 kilograms and can emit a high-frequency sound of up to 152 decibels.

If a person is exposed to the sound generated by the device for two to three seconds at 100 meters, he or she will likely suffer from a headache and pain in the eardrums...

The police also changed the rules to make it easier for riot police to use tear gas, rubber bullets and so-called “multiple launchers” if the situation arises that the lives of police officers and bystanders are threatened.

Previous regulations permitted use only when national security and public safety were at risk.

However, opposition parties and civic organizations are blasting the introduction of the latest anti-protest devices.

“There is no single reason whatsoever for the police to use such a potentially harmful device against law-abiding demonstrators. The number of violent clashes between the police and protesters here has decreased dramatically over the years. Korea is so much different from other countries in which violent conflicts take place frequently,” said Ahn Jin-geol, a manager at the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy.

He argued that the Lee administration is treating the people as a volatile mob of rioters, becoming more lenient toward harsh suppression by the police.

“In many cases, excessive use of force by the police turned peaceful demonstrations violent. The government should spend taxpayers’ money to prevent and crack down on crimes rather than to purchase high-tech anti-protest devices,” Ahn said.

On Sept. 29, Rep. Jun Byung-hun of the main opposition Democratic Party (DP) said the party strongly opposes the planned introduction of the LRAD, demanding President Lee to stop provoking citizens who do not agree with his policies.



Related article:
Anti-rally law starts, sparks protests (JoongAng Ilbo, 10.02)


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Last week KCTU released its own interim programme, aka 'KCTU Struggle Plan', for the (anti-G20)People’s Week of Action:

1) KCTU Action Weeks protesting G20
ž Period: October 30th~ November 12th 

In conjunction with Commemoration Period of Labour Martyr Chun Tae-il, various forms of activities and events are to be organized by KCTU and its affiliates.

¤ National Workers Rally commemorating 40th anniversary of the death of Labour Martyr Chun, Tae-il (November 7th, 2010)

2) People’s Week of Collective Action
ž Period: November 6th ~ 12th
<People’s Response Preparation Committee-provisional title>, a national coalition protesting G20 is to conduct joint activities during this period, including people’s summit, mass rally and march, etc.

¤ People’s Summit
   Period: November 8th~10th
A series of thematic discussions/workshops/conferences around the 13 main agenda;
Jobs and employment, Fundamental Labour Rights, Financial Regulation, Environment & Climate change, FTAs & TNCs, Food Sovereignty, Democracy & Human Rights, Poverty & Development, Forced Migration, Security & Peace, Public Services, Intellectual Property Rights, Nuclear Issues

Within People’s Summit the followings are mainly organized by KCTU;

-> Free Trade Agreement and Peoples’ Alternative
ž Time: November 8th(To be confirmed)
ž Organisers: KCTU, Our World is not for Sale Network (Under discussion)

-> Labour Assembly: Southern Trade Unions’ Voice on Global Economic & Social Crisis
ž Time: November 9th (All day)
ž Organiser: KCTU, COSATU, CUT-Brazil
ž Trade Unions in G20/non G20 country will be invited

¤ Cultural Ceremony
ž Time: November 10th (Evening, on the eve of Mass Rally and March)

¤ Press Conference for Seoul Declaration
¤ Action Day protesting G20
ž Time: November 11th, (Opening Day of G20 summit)
ž Organiser: G20 People’s Response Preparation Committee

3) G20 Trade Union Summit
ž Time: November 10th~11th
ž Organiser: ITUC, OECD TUAC, GUFs


Finally here you can read KCTU's call for international participation in People’s Week of Collective Action protesting G20 Seoul Summit.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反G20투쟁 ('뉴스레터'#2)


Today in downtown Seoul: Under the slogan...

Put People First, People's G-20 Action 

...81 progressive civic right groups, resistance organisations, workers and peasants unions founded an alliance to oppose the goals and principles of the G-20 and announced to hold a series of protests before and during the summit.



The alliance includes the Korean Confederation of Trade Union(KCTU) and People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy(PSPD), one of South Korea's largest civic organizations, as well as 'minor' left-wing opposition parties(DLP, NPP, SP etc.) and migrant workers organisations.


The alliance also charged that "law enforcement" agencies' crackdown on the homeless, street vendors and migrant workers in advance of the summit, disguised as anti-terrorism and public safety campaigns, are in violation of human rights.


The alliance plans to hold a mass rally next month in protest of a special law on G-20 security that goes into effect on Oct. 1. The "provisional law" limits demonstrations and gatherings by giving police greater authority to arrest and allows the government to mobilize the military to help police in their security duties, according to today's Yonhap.


Related reports:
“사람이 우선이다!” G20대응 공동민중행동 돌입 (KCTU, 9.15)

"사람이 우선이다", 'G20대응민중행동' 발족 (VoP, 9.15)

Already one week ago at least 50 organisations released their "Call for Action":
The G20 Summit is NO EXCUSE for Repression!


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反G20투쟁 ('뉴스레터'#1)


Yesterday's (bourgeois) Korea Herald reported the following:

Progressive groups to hold anti-G20 forum, protests

(South)Korea’s progressive activist groups are preparing massive anti-G20 rallies with international organizations, before and during the G20 summit slated for Nov. 11-12.

Forty-seven groups will launch an integrated organization Wednesday to jointly deal with issues related to the G20 and oppose its principles and goals, including the globalization of financial systems, group leaders said Monday.

They include the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the country’s second largest umbrella labor group, and the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, one of the country’s major civic groups.

They have set Nov. 6-12 as their “joint action period,” during which they plan to focus on publicizing problems with the major agenda items and issues that the global economic forum has been dealing with.

The progressive groups will hold the “People’s Summit” from Nov. 8-10 to highlight problems with the agenda et by the G20 and put forward alternatives, group officials said.

The KCTU has separate plans to stage a variety of events jointly with international labor organizations. (*)

On Nov. 9, the KCTU and labor unions from Brazil and South Africa will host a “Labor Assembly” to listen to voices of workers from around the world.

From Nov. 10-11, the International Trade Union Confederation will host a meeting of labor union leaders from the G20 nations to encourage leaders to pay more attention to labor and social issues.

The ITUC is the largest international labor organization, with 176 million members from 312 trade unions from 156 countries. It has held its leadership meeting at the host country of a G20 summit each year.

In related news, local labor and social activist groups will hold an international meeting on Nov. 8 to discuss the limits of free trade agreements.




* More (detailed) info in the course of this week!!

Related article:
Activists plan protest at G-20 event (JoongAng Ilbo/Yonhap, 9.14)







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

G20: '깨끗하게 청소해!'


During the past days the S.Korean media addressed the ongoing/increasing STATE TERROR - related to the next G-20 Summit in Seoul - against "undesirable minorities", such as migrant workers, poor street vendors, homeless people...

Three days ago the bourgeois
Korea Times reported the following:

Tight security for G20 Summit to deepen woes for minorities

With 100 days to go before the G20 Summit in Seoul, the National Police Agency said Tuesday more than 400,000 policemen will be mobilized around the event’s main venues to ensure security.

Tight security measures will be taken at all summit-related venues, including conference rooms, hotels and roads through which leaders from the world’s 20 biggest economies will pass through, a police spokesman said Tuesday.

But human rights advocates warn that such measures put many underprivileged people and immigrants at risk of losing their space to make a living, planting a seed of social unrest.

“The most-affected people are street vendors, the homeless and migrant workers,” said Lee Young, a human rights activist. “The government is risking the well-being of a great number of poor citizens in order to form ideal conditions to host a meeting for a small number of leaders.”

The Ministry of Justice, police and other government offices have teamed up for months to “wipe out” unauthorized street vendors and homeless people spotted around meeting venues in central and southern Seoul.

At the same time, they have launched large-scale crackdowns on unregistered migrant workers nationwide, deporting many confirmed to have lived here with expired visas.

“These actions clearly show that the government views immigrants and poor citizens as people who can challenge the security of the meeting at any time,” Lee said.

To protest the crackdown, unionized migrant workers have issued statements and staged rallies in central Seoul.

During a recent rally in front of Myeongdong Cathedral in downtown Seoul, Michel from the Philippines, the chief of the Migrants’ Trade Union, condemned the ongoing crackdown, saying, “The Korean government is using the G20 Summit as an excuse to trouble minorities. We want the government to end their oppressive behavior. End the crackdown!”



Two days ago the "left"-liberal Hankyoreh published the following cartoon:

G20 human rights sweep


A street cleaning car labeled “Successfully Hosting the G20 Summit” sweeps up a street vendor and a migrant worker with its giant whirring brush.
   Meanwhile, a police officer, stained with criticism for the weak punishment of a police officer responsible for the torture of innocent civilians, orders the driver, “Clean everything perfectly!”


Related articles:
Human rights abuses behind a G20 smokescreen (Hankyoreh, 8.04)

G20 정상회의 D-100일...떨고 있는 외국인 노동자 (VoP, 8.04)








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