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  1. 2007/05/15
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  2. 2007/05/13
    팔레스타인 미키 마우스(3)
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  3. 2007/04/25
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  4. 2007/04/04
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  5. 2007/03/21
    '21세기 사회주의'(베네수엘라)
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  6. 2007/03/09
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  7. 2007/03/04
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  8. 2007/02/13
    6자회담.. #3
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  9. 2007/02/09
    6자회담.. #2
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  10. 2007/02/08
    6자회담.. #1
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버마 (국제 연대..)

..with the Struggle for Democracy in Burma

..according to an advertisement on MTU's free board (10.6)


For more informations.. please check out:

Free Burma Campaign/S.K. (버마 민족민주동맹 한국지부)

Call for int'l action on Burma (10.6/7) (The Irrawaddy)

International Day of Solidarity.. (indymedia/int'l.)


'They Come at Night and Murder the Monks' (Der Spiegel/Germany, 10.3)

[10.2] Solidarity Rally in Seoul (Korean report, pictures)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

버마: 국가 테러 #3

Burma, 9.28: The Third Day of Crackdown/STATE TERROR


According to several sources in Burma: Despite the threat to be killed - again - 10,000 people protesting against the junta today took the streets of Rangoon!!
In Mandalay soldiers refused to shoot on demonstrators. In other areas citizens were trying to defend monasteries against attacks by the military. According to int'l media the Internet connections from/to Burma are complete cut off..







More detailed reports here:

Burma Protests: The Situation on September 28 (The Irrawaddy)

Burma protests: Friday (G.blog)

Internal fights between (Army) Battalions (Yongon Thu)

Burmese troops seal off Buddhist monasteries (Guardian/UK)

Local residents thwart monastery raids (DVB)

Security forces fire on school pupils

Myanmar Breaks Up Rallies, Cuts Internet (AP)

Myanmar's blogs of bloodshed (A. Times/HK)



Taking action for Myanmar (Hankyoreh)

버마, “군부 내 갈등 조절 안 돼”  (Chamsesang, interview)


Solidarity in S. Korea:

[9월 28일] 버마.. 촛불 집회 (Pictures and report)



버마 민주화운동 희생자 추모와 민주화운동 지지를 위한 촛불문화제.

▶ 일시 : 9월 29일 오후 7시

▶ 장소 : 광화문 세종문화회관 앞





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

버마: 국가 테러 #2

Burma, 9.27: The Second Day of Crackdown/STATE TERROR

"Myanmar's (Burma) security forces fired automatic weapons into crowds of anti-government protesters, after attempts to clear them from the streets on Yangon (Rangoon)", CNN reported today afternoon.



After military and police forces raided in the ealy morning hours several Buddhist monasteries the majority of the protesters today were mainly "ordinary" people. According to witnesses the monks were blocked by armed forces inside the monasteries and temples.


During the day, particularly in the early afternoon, according to sources inside Burma/Rangoon, large military units opened fire on demonstrators and killed at least ten of them (incl. a Japanese photo journalist).




Several hundred of students were arrested.
Since the early evening Rangoon is "looking like a ghost town"
But, according to political underground sources in Rangoon - despite the state terror - the people will continue the struggle (tomorrow the protests will be held from 8 a.m. until the afternoon)..


For more please read:

Burma Protests: The Situation on September 27 (The Irrawaddy)

Soldiers Open Fire on Protesters (Der Spiegel)

'Several killed' as Burmese forces shoot.. (Guardian)

Junta raids monasteries and fires on crowd (IHT)

Burma: Military Crackdown("photo gallery" by Der Spiegel)

Related stuff by NYT, Guardian, Asia Times:

..Junta Has Few Options Other Than Force

Interactive: Burma protests

Monks in the vanguard for regime change

The man behind the Myanmar madness

Economics at the root of Myanmar protests



Solidarity in S.K.:




“한국정부는 조속히 버마 군부의 무력진압에 대한 입장 밝혀야” (이주노동자방송국)

“군부독재 끝날 날 멀지 않았다” (Chamsesang)

버마 민족민주동맹 한국지부 (NDL)



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버마: 국가 테러 #1

9.26: Burma's junta started in the morning a massive crackdown (as it was to be expected). Just call it..


Despite the junta's yesterday's threat (to smash current democracy movement in general and the street protests in particular) today once again thousands of people took the streets across Burma. Since the early morning, especially in the major towns such as Rongoon and Mandaley, police and miltary forces were in readiness to crackdown any demonstration. Finally, according to several underground sources in Burma, the "security forces" killed at least seven people (monks, nuns and students), injured and arrested hundreds..






But the All-Burmese Monks Alliance and the 88 Generation Students group released a joint statement today vowing to continue the protests and to ignore the military’s attempts at intimidation..



“We, monks and students, hereby announce that we will not be afraid of any threats or violent crackdowns and we will continue our fight for our nation's sake by joining hands with all the ethnic groups and the people of Burma,” the statement said.




For more news please read:

Mass Protest Rock Burma (The Irrawaddy, 9.26)

Myanmar crackdown: 'Monks killed' (CNN)

Monks clash with security forces.. (IHT)

Moment of truth for Myanmar's military (A. Times/HK)

Related articles:

Burma: A Protester's View (Guardian, 9.26)

Buddha vs the barrel of a gun (A. Times/HK)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

버마: 민주.. 투쟁 #2


Yesterday, according to nearly all sources inside and outside of Burma, tens of thousands of protesters took the streets all across the country.

Last night the junta issued statements that they will act now "according to the ruling law" against the protests, i.e. STATE TERROR was announced.

But today protesters defied junta's threat of crackdown and thousands of protestors took the streets of the main cities in Burma again. Allone in Rangoon, if we can believe some sources of the opposition forces in Burma, about 100,000 people, 30,000 monks supported by 70,000 citizens/political activists (according to The Irrawaddy), demonstrated for democracy.

About the latest news (9.24/25) please read following reports:

Burma Protests: the Situation on September 25 (The Irrawaddy)

(Burma) Monks Defy Junta, Resume Rallies (AP, 9.25)

Burmese protesters defy junta's threat of crackdown (Guardian, 9.25)

Burmese military issues threat to monks (DVB, 9.24)

Tens of thousands join Myanmar protest (IHT, 9.24)

Barefoot Against the Junta (Der Spiegel, 9.24/incl. "photo gallery")

Videos about/related to the protests:

Protests in Burma

TV warning to Myanmar protesters (Reuters TV, 9.25)

Related article:

The Silent Genocide of Myanmar (Der Spiegel, 9.06)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

버마: 민주주의 투쟁


..today's German magazine Der Spiegel headlined. Channel NewsAsia: "That's the beginning of the end!"..

  Today about 20,000 people led by Buddhist monks demonstrated in Rongoon (aka Yangon) against Burma's military junta, in what has quickly become the largest anti-government demonstrations since the failed democratic uprising in 1988.
   The latest protest movement began Aug. 19 after the government raised fuel prices, but has its basis in long pent-up dissatisfaction with the repressive military regime.

State terror against protesting monks, Pakokku (Sept. 2007)


Using arrests and intimidation, the government had managed to keep demonstrations limited in size and impact - but they gained new life when the monks joined. But since the beginning of last week the demonstrations were continuously increasing.


Last Thursday Burmese Buddhist monks called on students and civilians to join hands with them in public protests against the military regime which has ruled the country for almost 20 years.
   The Federation of All Burma Young Monks Unions issued a statement saying, “It is time for the Burmese people to work with monks and courageously demonstrate their genuine aspirations.” 


This was the first official call by protesting monks for the public to take part in their demonstration marches which have spread across the country during the past week. Previously, the monks asked the public not to join their protests..




For more detailes about..:

The last days of the protest - a chronology (daily updated!!)


Related articles:  

Emboldened Myanmar monks challenge junta rule (Channel NewsAsia, 9.23)

20,000 March Against Myanmar Government (AP, 9.23)

10,000 Protest Against Myanmar Gov't (AP, 9.22)

Timeline: Myanmar fuel protests (al-Jazeera)



For some (more or less) independent informations about Burma, please check out:

The Irrawaddy

Democratic Voice of Burma



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이스라엘: 나치주의..

Originally the State of Israel was created in 1948 to protect the Jews against a new holocaust(Shoa)/against anti-Semitism, fascism and neo-Nazism. But now - surprise, surprise - today's Yedioth Ahronoth had to report that

"Israeli neo-Nazis arrested"

the and "Police have seized 5 kilograms of explosives, a pistol, and an M-16 assault rifle belonging to the group of neo-Nazis", Haaretz reported today.

Israeli neo-Nazi gang celebrating f.. bullshit


Israeli Neo-Nazi Ring Busted (AP, 9.09)

In a case that would seem unthinkable in the Jewish state, police said Sunday they have cracked a cell of young Israeli neo-Nazis accused in a string of attacks on foreign workers, religious Jews, drug addicts and gays.

Eight immigrants from the former Soviet Union have been arrested in recent days in connection with at least 15 attacks, and a ninth fled the country, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said, in the first such known cell to be discovered in Israel.

All the suspects are in their late teens or early 20s and have Israeli citizenship, Rosenfeld said.

``The level of violence was outrageous,'' Maj. Revital Almog, who investigated the case, told Israel's Army Radio.

A court decided Sunday to keep the young men in custody. They covered their faces with their shirts during the hearing, revealing their tattooed arms, and did not comment.

News of the arrests came as a shock in Israel, which was founded nearly 60 years ago as a refuge for Jews in the wake of the Nazi Holocaust and remains a most sensitive subject. Any forms of anti-Semitism around the world outrage Israelis, and the discovery of such violence in the country's midst made the front pages of newspapers and dominated talk on morning radio shows.

The gang documented its activities on film and in photographs. Israeli TV stations showed grainy footage of people lying helpless on floors while several people kicked them, and of a man getting hit from behind on the head with an empty bottle.

Police found knives, spiked balls, explosives and other weapons in the suspects' possession, Rosenfeld said. One photo that was seized showed one suspect holding an M16 rifle in one hand and in the other, a sign reading ``Heil Hitler,'' he added.


Police discovered the skinhead ring after investigating the desecration of two synagogues that were sprayed with swastikas in the central Israeli city of Petah Tikva more than a year ago, Rosenfeld said.

Police computer experts have determined they maintained contacts with neo-Nazi groups abroad, and materials seized include a German-language video about neo-Nazis in the U.S.

The group planned its attacks, and its targets were foreign workers from Asia, drug addicts, homosexuals, punks and Jews who wore skullcaps. In one case they discussed planning a murder, Rosenfeld said, without providing details.

Some of the victims filed official complaints with police, and other victims were identified after police viewed the films and photos.

In the past, there have been only isolated cases of neo-Nazi activity in Israel. ``This is the first time that we've ... arrested such a large number of individuals who are part of an organized neo-Nazi group,'' Rosenfeld said.

Under Israeli law, a person can claim citizenship if a parent or grandparent has Jewish roots. Authorities say that formulation allowed many Soviets with questionable ties to Judaism to immigrate here after the Soviet Union disintegrated. About 1 million Soviets moved here in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Rosenfeld said all the suspects had ``parents or grandparents who were Jewish in one way or another.''

Israel doesn't specifically have a hate crimes law, and suspects in past cases have been tried as Holocaust deniers, he said.

The Anti-Defamation League, a U.S.-based group that fights anti-Semitism, condemned the neo-Nazi cell, but urged Israelis not to stigmatize the entire Russian immigrant community based on the acts of what appeared to be a marginal group.

``The suspicion that immigrants to Israel could have been acting in praise of Nazis and Hitler is an anathema to the Jewish state and is to be repelled,'' the statement read. ``The tragic irony in this is that they would have been chosen for annihilation by the Nazis they strive to emulate.''

Amos Herman, an official with the semiofficial Jewish Agency, which works on behalf of the government to encourage immigration to Israel, said the phenomenon was not representative of the Russian immigration.

He called the gang a group of frustrated, disgruntled youths trying to strike at the nation's most sensitive core.

``We thought that it would never happen here, but it has and we have to deal with it,'' he said.



For more please read/check out:

Israeli neo-Nazis arrested (Yedioth Ahronoth, 9.09, incl. video)

..neo-Nazi arrests (Haaretz, 9.09)

Israeli Police Arrest Skinhead Gang (Der Spiegel, 9.10)

Anti-Semitism in Israel ("Pogrom" homepage)

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독일: 매일 파시즘 #1

(East)Germany: The Daily Reality of Racism and Fascism/Neo-Nazism

East Germany, 17 years after the "re-unification": No-go-areas,

death zones for migrant workers, foreigners/"strangers"..


A Village in the Hands of the Neo-Nazis (Der Spiegel, 9.04)

Houses torched, pets killed and outsiders chased away: Such is life in the Eastern German town of Jamel. For years, it has been controlled by the neo-Nazis who live there. Even the mayor says he has given up.

Getting here took them 15 years -- but 20 minutes was all the time they had. Cowering under umbrellas, the delegation from the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania trudged through the village's muddy alleys. State Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier and his group listened in disbelief to the mayor's stories -- stories about newcomers driven out of the town, houses set on fire, pets impaled on the garden fence and gunshots in the woods.

The politicians had come to pay a visit to Jamel, a small hamlet in the bleak flats of northern Germany near the Baltic Sea coast. They finally wanted to see for themselves if the rumors were true -- if Jamel was indeed under the control of neo-Nazis.

They used words such as "haunting" and "depressing" to describe what they saw and heard. They pledged to craft an "overarching strategy against the right." As they departed from the village on that drab day in January, a man stood in front of his house and filmed the unusual visitors. It was 30-year-old Sven K. -- a demolition contractor known to be a neo-Nazi.

'All Right Wing'

People like Sven K. -- and his family and friends -- are the reason why Mayor Uwe Wandel says: "We have given up on Jamel." Wandel, 49, has been the mayor of Gägelow for less than six months, and far from being resigned, his words sound more like a matter-of-fact analysis. Not a single bank is still willing to issue credit for projects in Jamel, he says. Indeed, a reconstruction plan developed for the town years ago has been gathering dust since.

Wandel may not have been in office long, but he has lived in the area since 1983 and knows the history of Jamel all too well. None of it, he emphasizes, is exaggerated.

It all started in 1992, on April 19 -- Easter Sunday. About 120 neo-Nazis raised the Reichskriegsflagge, a symbol used by Hitler's Nazi party, in front of the old farmhouse at the end of Forststrasse. They wanted to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of Hitler's birth. "We'll smoke you out," the right-wing radicals allegedly told the G. family next door. The family had previously complained about constant neo-Nazi music. And it had paid a steep price for such complaints: break-ins and slashed tires came first. Then one day they found their chickens dead and hanging from the garden fence.

Partying with the Nazis

On Easter Sunday 1992, the family barricaded itself inside the house. The mayor at the time, Fritz Kalf, was there with them, armed with a shotgun. When the police were called, a mere four officers arrived -- and they didn't dare enter the farmhouse where the Nazis were partying. Later, three dozen more cops showed up and put an end to the revelries, but not before the doors and windows of the G. family's house had been destroyed along with Kalf's car. The culprits vanished in the darkness. Indeed, the only who received a citation that evening was the mayor -- for carrying a gun without a permit.

What followed resembles a chronology of terror -- terror against anyone who considered moving to this seemingly peaceful, out-of-the-way spot.

The G. family held out for three more years before leaving the village for good. New tenants wanted to move in, but they too were quickly driven out. The house in Forststrasse 10 was set fire to for the first time in 1996. Later there was a break-in and the furniture was demolished. Then, a few years ago, a non-German couple decided to spend tens of thousands to renovate the place -- despite having been received with the words "Piss Off" sprayed on a wall. The day they planned to move in, the house was set fire to again. Exasperated, the two gave up.

It was not the only case of arson. When two potential buyers took a look at a house on the edge of town, it too went up in flames the following night. An alcoholic from the town took responsibility, but nobody believed him. His trial ended in acquittal.

The Kommandant

In 1996, the 200-year-old farmhouse where Hitler's birthday had been celebrated four years earlier was condemned for "safety reasons." Sven K. and his family left the village temporarily, but soon returned and moved into a house nearby. A new owner wanted to renovate the decrepit farmhouse and start a cozy bed and breakfast. It didn't take long for the idea to be shelved, the man driven away by threats and vandalism.

Then, in the spring of 2003, hunters reported that they had seen a neo-Nazi group training in the woods near Jamel. Considerable time passed before police looked into the report. But even several months later, officers found bullet casings littering the bottom of battlefield trenches, as well as a sign that read "Caution! Firearms in Use! The Kommandant." They discovered a camouflage-painted jeep in Jameln, decorated with symbols used by the Wehrmacht under Adolf Hitler. Inside were air guns and pistols.

Sven K. is "The Kommandant." In April 2004, the forest military exercises led to him being charged with the "formation of an armed group." It wasn't the first time he had run afoul of the law. The prosecutor's office has lost track of how often Sven K. has been the object of a criminal investigation -- the police department in Schwerin says merely "countless times." He has been accused of breaking and entering, of robbery and of wearing banned symbols like the swastika -- and has been convicted numerous times. He also stands accused of having instigated a neo-Nazi attack on a youth group in Western Germany.

The swastikas seen on a Jamel town sign not so long ago have now disappeared. "This is theirs, and so is this, and that," says Mayor Wandel, pointing to the few houses on bumpy Forststrasse. Various cars parked in the driveways feature the words "The Boys for the Rough Work" in gothic lettering. One car has a bumper sticker that reads: "Don't Complain, Fight!"

Just as during the January visit by the politicians, the rain makes the pleasantly green surroundings look depressing. Nobody is to be seen anywhere. Plastic buckets and shovels lie strewn about on the playground in the middle of the little roundabout on the edge of town. The farmhouse is a ruin, with the roof having partially collapsed. It is surrounded by a fence and the premises are filled with trash.

In September 2006, the house was sold at an auction for €18,000 ($25,000). Sven K. is said to have been one of the bidders, but the price climbed too high for him. The new owner soon got in touch with the police; he was scared. "He wanted to take a look at his new property and was concerned about going to Jamel on his own," Klaus Wiechmann, the spokesman of the police department in Schwerin, remembers. The new owner eventually took a look at the dreary ruin escorted by patrol cars. It remains unclear what his plans for the property are.

A few steps away from the farmhouse, wood and trash is piled up on a square by the edge of the village road for one of the periodic -- and illegal -- bonfires lit by locals.

Saving the Village from the Neo-Nazis

"Well, you know, that's how it is in small villages. People make a fire there every now and again," says Horst Lohmeyer, shrugging his shoulders. He and his wife Birgit have been living in Jamel for more than three years. The Lohmeyers have nothing to do with right-wing extremism. The musician with his long gray hair and the East German insignias on his lapels has built himself a home in the old 19th century forester's lodge on the edge of town with his wife, a writer. They eventually want to turn the barn into a cultural center. They only slowly began to realize a few years ago that Jamel was seen as a neo-Nazi village but didn't let that put them off. "We have never been threatened," says Lohmeyer and he has never had any dealings with Sven K.

And there is no reason why he should. The Lohmeyers live slightly out of the way in the part of the village -- sheltered by giant linden and maple trees -- the mayor believes is not dominated by right-wing radicals.

But despite this healthy distance, the Lohmeyers do not want to leave the village to the neo-Nazis. The couple organized a small music festival on their property in early July, bringing in rock, Latin and folk bands to perform on a small stage behind the forester's lodge. The weather was lousy and only about 100 people made the trip to the out-of-the-way village -- "but it was a nice start," Horst Lohmeyer says.

Too Late?

All the more so as everything remained calm -- with neither radical right-wingers nor militant left-wingers making their way to the village. Sven K., concerned that left-wing anti-fascists could use the festival as cover from which to launch an attack, sent a watchman to keep an eye on the proceedings. But when they didn't show up, even he came over for a beer with his family the next day -- "kids and all, completely normal and peaceful," as Lohmeyer recalls it.

Perhaps the concert really does mark a new beginning for Jamel, and perhaps the same can be said of the symbolic if long overdue visit by the politicians. Jamel has become quieter. "No investigations are ongoing at the moment, neither into political nor into regular crimes," says a police spokesman. Officers stepped up their presence in Jamel years ago, he emphasizes.

But Mayor Wandel knows the calm could be deceptive. The right-wingers, after all, have effectively brought the village under their control. Following his brief visit in January, state politician Robert Nieszery warned that "the only reason Jamel is quiet is because the town is populated almost exclusively by neo-Nazis."


Related articles:

독일: 인종 차별 공포

Mügeln Mayor Slammed for Trivializing Racist Attack

Racism On the Rise in Germany

'Awareness of Ethnic Discrimination Is Low in Germany'

A German Ritual of Hand-Wringing and Helplessness

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독일: 인종 차별 공포 #1



Actually there is no day passing in Germany, especially in the Eastern part (the former GDR), without racist/fascist attacks against foreigners/migrant workers (but  "of course" also against Germans with the "wrong" skin colour, or people just wearing the "wrong" clothes/hair style etc..). A short while ago Chinese students were attacked in a train in East Germany and later kicked out.. About twentie days ago a Vietnamese family was attacked in their home in Burg (Sachsen-Anhalt, E. Germany). There, after the attackers destroyed the entrance, the two children of the family (14 years old son and 9 years old daughter) were beaten, while the attackers shouted racist slogans, according to Junge Welt (8.04).

But last weekend, in the night from Sat. to Sunday a "special event" took place in a small town in Saxony (Sachsen): dozens of Germans, armed with knifes, clubs and pepper spray, hunted a small group of Indian migrants during a street party, the so-called Old City ("culture") Celebration.

"It was like a small peoples' uprising"

The hunted migrants were able to hide in a pizzeria, owned by a friend, but the fascist crowd, now joined by many "ordinary" citizens wanted to get in by force, destroying doors, windows of the restaurant and the car of one of the owners. Meanwhile, according to eye-witnesses, the increasing crowd of "audience", i.e. "ordinary" citizens (Tagesspiegel, 8.20), applauded and shouted slogans like: "Foreigners out!", "Here rules the national resistance!" etc.. One witness later said: "On the end almost everyone joined the riot.. It was just like a small peoples' uprising."

"No, here, in our small beautiful town we have no racist scene"

Even today, two days after the attack, the representatives, such as the mayor of Mügeln, are denying that "this unfortunate incident" is caused by a "spread racism here". "In our town we have no racist and fascist structures!", the mayor said in several interviews.
But, according to anti-racist activists based in the region, in the past there were several nazi concerts held in the town and everywhere you can see the fascist graffitties praising the "NSDAP", the "National Resistance" etc..

But finally neither the mayor of the town, nor the representatives of the federal state are interested to fight against the fascism there - they're just worrying about the "bad image" of their state/country/town..

The German bourgeois magazine Der Spiegel published y'day following article:

Indians Attacked by Crowd at Street Party

A group of eight Indians was attacked by a mob at a street party in eastern Germany on the weekend. All were injured, one seriously. The police deny there was a political motive behind the attack despite calls of "foreigners out."

Despite a mob's calls of "foreigners out," police are denying there was a far-right motive behind an attack on a group of Indians in eastern Germany this weekend.

The eight men were attacked by a mob of around 50 Germans at a street party in the early hours of Sunday in the small town of Mügeln in the eastern German state of Saxony. The trigger for the violence was a brawl on the dance floor in a party tent shortly before 1 a.m., police said. The reason for the brawl was not yet clear.

The Indians left the tent where the dance was being held but were then attacked by the mob, which chased them across the town's market place until they took shelter in a pizzeria run by an Indian. The owner let them in, but the mob tried to kick in the doors of the restaurants as a large crowd looked on. The restaurant owner's car was also seriously damaged.

Seventy police officers were called in to restore order. Fourteen people were injured in the incident, including the eight Indians, four of the attackers and two police officers. One of the Indians and one of the attackers were taken to hospital for treatment. Two of the attackers, aged 21 and 23, were arrested on Saturday night but later released. The police have set up a task force to investigate the incident.

In remarks to the German news agency DDP Monday, a police spokeswoman in Leipzig denied there was a neo-Nazi motive behind the attack, despite eye-witnesses accounts of people calling for "foreigners out."

There were reports Monday that the police had been warned in advance of the attack but had done nothing to prevent it. Mayor Gotthard Deuse told the German news station N24 that there had been warnings of possible problems at the street party. However, the police spokeswoman denied this, saying that the warning in question had been sent to a youth club in the town, warning of a robbery. This had "absolutely nothing to do" with the attacks, the spokeswoman said. The mayor said there were no neo-Nazis in the town and that, if the incident did have a far-right motive, it was most likely caused by people from outside the city.

Some of the men were merchants living in the area, police said. "They just wanted to take part in the celebrations," a police spokesman told the Associated Press.

Attacks on foreigners are far from unusual in eastern German states such as Saxony, where there are concerns that far-right groups are gaining in strength and taking on institutional roles in some places. The far-right, neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD) holds several seats in Saxony's state assembly, having won over 9 percent of the vote in the 2004 state election.




For more please read:

Racist Manhunt in Small-Town Germany

After Attack on Indians, Germany Fears For its Reputation

Far-Right Views Established Across German Society




Related articles:

Neo-Nazi Shooting Spree

Neo-Nazis Attack Theater Group in Eastern German Town

Neo-Nazis on Trial for Burning Anne Frank's Diary

Severe Anti-Semitism Hits Youth Football in Germany



Lack of Women in Eastern Germany Feeds Neo-Nazis



1990, Rostock-Lichtenhagen



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

런던: 北朝鮮 '미술'

"Londoners (and of course their guests) can see the finest examples of modern artwork from Democratic (??/^^) Korea at an exhibition in the heart of the capital. Works by north Korean People's Artists can be viewed for the first time in Britain..", london communists (^^) announced July, 31.

Artists, Arts and Culture

of North Korea

Cool Hunting wrote two weeks ago, just a day after the opening ceremony:

It's not often that the flag of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (D.P.R.K.) flies over London's Pall Mall, a few hundred yards from Trafalgar Square, but it was this week during a rare exhibit of North Korean artwork from the isolated nation's "people's artists," a select group that numbers less than a dozen. One attendee of the opening, which featured North Korean diplomats and their wives, described the scene: "There were loads of people, it was really packed. The embassy was there and some old (British) hanger-on Communists (*)—you know the type, with their bad-fitting cheap suits and beards—they were being a bit weird and annoying people."

The artwork itself, all from the famed Mansudae studio, ranges from original propaganda posters (unsigned), ceramics, pastoral landscapes and "jewel" art—a form of painting made from crushed minerals that are bountiful in the mountainous Korean peninsula. Over two years in the making, the show is a chance to get a peek at a rich culture, including top North Korean artists Jong Chang Mo, Son U Yong and Hwang In Je...


..Exhibition of Art Works from the DPRK (RCPB/ML)


Trendy London Welcomes North Korean Art (A. Times, 8.01)

Artists, Arts and Culture of the D.P.R.K. runs at La Galleria, 5b Pall Mall, London SW1Y 4UY, until September 2.
(La Galleria is in Pall Mall, at the entrance of the Royal Opera Arcade, one of the earliest arcades in London and just minutes away from Trafalgar Square and the West End.)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    블로그 이미지
  • 설명
    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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