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437개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/06/22
    네팔뉴스 #40..(인터뷰)
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/06/21
    反평화 Pal.<->Israel #5
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/06/19
    네팔뉴스 #39..
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/06/18
    人民 민주주의..
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/06/17
    反평화 Pal.<->Israel #4
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/06/16
    네팔뉴스 #38..
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/06/15
    美, 2005年 KATRINA..
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/06/15
    2006 독일월드컵 #6
    no chr.!
  9. 2006/06/13
    反평화 Pal.<->Israel #3
    no chr.!
  10. 2006/06/13
    no chr.!

M.E.전쟁 #4







Today's edition of Asia Times(HK/China) is publishing following interesting articles:


US hawks smell blood


Leviathan run amok


The Guardian, GB, wrote this, 7.18..

Why did Hizbullah do it? 



Until now in Lebanon more than 200 people, mainly civilians were killed by Israeli attacks.

At least 500,000 Lebanese are fleeing their homes, trying to take shelter in schools, other parts of the country or are on the way to Syria.


Pictures from the war zone..

In Lebanon..



..and Israel



The very latest by Ynet(early evening/CET):


Iranian President Ahmadinejad: Day of happiness for region near


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday, “The day of happiness for the region is near… The world is on the verge of great changes,” according to the Iranian news agency.


Ahmadinejad added that he considered Israel’s operation in Lebanon “a type of playing with fire.”



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M.E.전쟁 #3







Only in the last hours many of Hizbullah's Katyusha missiles were fired to Haifa, Safed, Tiberias, Akko... in Israel. Right now, while I write this, Haifa is again under attack..

This new round of violence followed massive air raids by IDF/IAF against targets in Lebanon. Alone until Sunday at least 100, mosttly civilians were killed there(the German magazine Der Spiegel reported at least 170 people killed in lebanon until now, Monday afternoon/CET).

On Sunday morning(CET), in Isreal the new working week just was beginning, Hizballah's Katyushas were hitting Haifa, killing eight railway workers in a train depot.


On Saturday Hizbullah declared the "all-out war" against Isreal and just yesterday they promised more "surpises" for Isreal, similar to the attacks against Haifa, but "more worse".. Additional Nazrallah, the leader of Hizbullah, said in a TV speech on Sun. that there is a "historic opportunity to defeat the Zionist enemy".


Today morning(CET) Hizbullah's missiles were hitting the first time Affula, a Isreali town just few KM north of the border to the West Bank.


Meanwhile Israels's attacks against Gaza are continuing. IAF rockets were hitting last night again the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


In the West Bank city of Nablus Al-Aqsa militants killed one IDF soldier and injured several other by throwing hand grenades. According to Isreali media the security forces are worrying that the Palestinians there will create sooner or later a "THIRD FRONT".



Here the latest news by M.E. and intl. media:


Israel Answers Attack With Lethal Blows (Guardian/AP, today morning, CET)


Hezbollah and Israel traded fierce barrages for a sixth day Monday, as the latest eruption of warfare in the Middle East showed no sign of easing. Rockets struck deep inside Israel a day earlier, killing eight people in Haifa, and Israeli planes bombed Lebanon from north to south.

Israeli missiles hammered the Lebanese capital on Monday morning, killing two people in Beirut's port, bombing a gas tank in a northern neighborhood and shelling the southern suburbs,

The port was in flames, and the Israeli army said it had launched at least 60 strikes overnight, both with aircraft and artillery. The strikes Monday killed 15 people and wounded more than 53 by mid-morning.

The death toll on both sides rose to more than 200 - at least 180 in Lebanon and 24 in Israel. In addition to the Israeli victims at a rail repair facility in the Haifa attack on Sunday, an Israeli rocket blew up a Lebanese army position, killing eight soldiers, and a sea-launched missile killed at least nine people in the southern Lebanese port of Tyre...


Read the full article here:



Israel army in Lebanon raid 


Haifa under rocket attack again (Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth)


At least seven blasts heard in northern city, whose residents already woke up to siren sounds Monday morning; no injuries reported. Carmiel also hit by rockets; several residents suffer from shock. Four people lightly hurt Monday morning in Katyusha attack east of Akko...



Beirut between Saturday and Sunday night..


Targets in Lebanon and Isreal attacked in the same time..


Monday, early afternoon(CET), Haifa, Israel



Asia Times(HK/China) is publishing following analysis:

Hezbollah and the art of the possible


Just few minutes ago(Monday afternoon/CET) Ynet reported following new developments:


Al-Aqsa: We kidnapped Border Guard officer in W. Bank


Fatah armed wing publishes announcement naming officer allegedly kidnapped; IDF: Name not recognized, but claims being investigated The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, Fatah’s armed wing, claimed Monday afternoon they had kidnapped a Border Guard officer in the West Bank...


Please read the entire article here:



Of course finally it might be turn out that it's not true, but on the other side if it's true.. it just might be really the beginning of a THIRD FRONT



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北 미사일.. #7




U.N.S.C. Resolution 1695 on DPRK


Following the full text of yesterday's(7.15) draft resolution adopted by the U.N. Security Council:

The Security Council, Reaffirming its resolutions 825 (1993) of 11 May 1993 and 1540 (2004) of 28 April 2004,

Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in north-east Asia at large,

Reaffirming that proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, as well as their means of delivery, constitutes a threat to international peace and security,

Expressing grave concern at the launch of ballistic missiles by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), given the potential of such systems to be used as a means to deliver nuclear, chemical or biological payloads,

Registering profound concern at the DPRK's breaking of its pledge to maintain its moratorium on missile launching,

Expressing further concern that the DPRK endangered civil aviation and shipping through its failure to provide adequate advance notice,

Expressing its grave concern about DPRK's indication of possible additional launches of ballistic missiles in the near future,

Expressing also its desire for a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the situation and welcoming efforts by Council members as well as other Member States to facilitate a peaceful and comprehensive solution through dialogue,

Recalling that the DPRK launched an object propelled by a missile without prior notification to the countries in the region, which fell into the waters in the vicinity of Japan on 31 August 1998,

Deploring the DPRK's announcement of withdrawal from the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (the Treaty) and its stated pursuit of nuclear weapons if spite of its Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards obligations,

Stressing the importance of the implementation of the Joint Statement issued on 19 September 2005 by China, DPRK, Japan, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States,

Affirming that such launches jeopardize peace, stability and security in the region and beyond, particularly in light of the DPRK's claim that it has developed nuclear weapons,

Acting under its special responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security,


1. Condemns the multiple launches by the DPRK of ballistic missiles on 5 July 2006 local time;


2. Demands that the DPRK suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program, and in this context re-establish its pre-existing commitments to a moratorium on missile launching;


3. Requires all Member States, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, to exercise vigilance and prevent missile and missile-related items, materials, goods and technology being transferred to DPRK's missile or WMD programs;


4. Requires all Member States, in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and consistent with international law, to exercise vigilance and prevent the procurement of missiles or missile related-items, materials, goods and technology from the DPRK, and the transfer of any financial resources in relation to DPRK's missile or WMD programmes


5. Underlines, in particular to the DPRK, the need to show restraint and refrain from any action that might aggravate tension, and to continue to work on the resolution of non-proliferation concerns through political and diplomatic efforts


6. Strongly urges the DPRK to return immediately to the six-party talks without precondition, to work towards the expeditious implementation of 19 September 2005 Joint Statement, in particular to abandon all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs, and to return at an early date to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards;


7. Supports the six-party talks, calls for their early resumption, and urges all the participants to intensify their efforts on the full implementation of the 19 September 2005 Joint Statement with a view to achieving the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner and to maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in north-east Asia;


8. Decides to remain seized (appraised) of the matter.



But DPRK's response was/is - simply said: "F*** YOU!!"


NK immediately, after only 45 minutes(J. Bolton called it a "world record"), rejected the resolution and vowed to continue its missile tests.

Park Gil-yon, North Korea's U.N. ambassador, accused the Security Council of ``unjustifiable and gangster-like” action aimed at isolating his country.

``The delegation of Democratic People's Republic of Korea resolutely condemns the attempt of some countries to misuse the Security Council for the despicable political aim to isolate and put pressure on the DPRK, and totally rejects the resolution,'' Park said, according to intl. news agencies.



North Korea rejects UN missile demand (IHT/NYT, 7.16)





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M.E.전쟁 #2





One of the very latest news: the German magazine Der Spiegel reported in the early afternoon(CET) that the leader of Hizbullah, Sheikh Nazrallah, is now on Isreal's death list..

Actually the entire Friday in the Muslim world is the weekend holiday and in Isreal the holiday(Shabbath) just a short while ago(Friday afternoon) was beginning and will end Saturday night. So during this time the news are more frugal as regular.. 


Here the latest by intl. and M.E. news agencies and papers:


Guardian, GB:


Israel vows to destroy Hizbullah

Bombardment of Lebanon continues as Israelis told to stock up on supplies

Israeli jets continued to bomb Lebanon on Friday, hitting the airport and 18 other targets as Jerusalem threatened to escalate its attack on the besieged country even further. Three people were killed. Hizbullah fired 13 more rockets at northern Israel, but caused little damage.
Hundreds of thousands of Israelis were advised to stock up on essential supplies on Friday morning before returning to their bomb shelters by noon. The residents of northern Israel had emerged from their shelters after a relatively quiet night. On Thursday more than 150 Hizbullah rockets had been fired, killing two people.


Read the full article here:




Haaretz, IL:


Israel imposes sea and air blockade on Lebanon  
IDF officer: Army to bombard Hezbollah HQ in Beirut 
The Israel Defense Forces is planning to bomb Hezbollah headquarters in a densely populated area of south Beirut on Friday, a senior General Staff official told Haaretz.

The IDF said it has dropped leaflets warning civilians of the impending attack and that many of them have left the Shi'ite Dahiya quarter of south Beirut, where thousands of people live in multi-story residential buildings.

"We will atack more significant targets than we have attacked until now," the officer said. "If we had chosen to bomb earlier, it would have ended with hundreds of civilians killed, and we took ethical considerations into account. On the other hand, we will not adopt a naive approach, and the model of terrorists hiding behind civilians will not be accepted."...




Beirut Intl. Airport, hit by IAF Friday morning



Israel presses assault on Lebanon  (Reuters/AP/IHT)



Israel bombs Beirut airport again (Al Jazeera)



Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth, IL:


New strikes in Lebanon


The Israeli air force on Friday fired missiles at two bridges on the Beirut-Damascus highway, including one which is situated over the Zahrani river.


A Hizbullah base in the southern town of Khiam was also hit by missiles.


The navy bombarded launch pads used by Hizbullah to fire Katyusha rockets into northern Israel, the army said.

Witnesses in Beirut said the Israeli Air Force again attacked the city's international airport, according to Hizbullah's television station al-Manar...




Safed: Man seriously injured in Katyusha attack


Katyusha rocket hits house in Safed, wounding 12 people. One person in serious condition after sustaining head injuries; some 14 rockets hit town Friday afternoon. Simultaneously rockets fired at Nahariya, land in heart of town; two lightly injured in strike
Hagai Einav


Hizbullah continues to strike north: Katyusha barrages landed Friday afternoon in Safed, Nahariya, Hatzor, Kiryat Shmona, Karmiel, Matat, Sasa, Pki'in and Beit Jan. One of the rockets directly hit a house in Safed, injuring 12 people. One person sustained a very severe head injury.


"Shabbath in Nahariya"


Rockets fired from southern Lebanon have also landed on Shomra, Metula, Zarit, and Even Menachem. Magen David Adom paramedics said over 50 civilians have been treated so far, including two in Yesod Hamaale where two katyusha rockets exploded...




Asia Times, HK/China:


It's war by any other name 




Israelis Continues Bombardment of Beirut


I"D"F on "work" in Lebanon and the results..




PS.(8 PM, CET):


Just 30 min. ago following was reported by Ynet:


IDF destroys Nasrallah’s Beirut headquarters


Air Force bombards 11-storey building in Beirut’s Bir-Hassan area, a Shiite stronghold in where Nasrallah’s headquarters is located; Hizbullah spokesman says Hizbullah chief not hurt in the attack. IDF: Attack’s objective was not to assassinate Nasrallah
Roee Nahmias


The Israeli Air Force continued bombarding targets deep in Lebanese territory Friday evening. At around 8 p.m. a cloud of smoke was seen rising from an 11-storey building in the Bir-Hassan area, a Shiite stronghold in Beirut where Hizbullah Chief Hassan Nasrallah’s headquarters is located.


However, Nasrallah himself was apparently not in the building at the time of the attack.


A Hizbullah spokesman confirmed that Nasrallah was not hurt in the attack, nor was his family or entourage.

Nasrallah’s residence is located inside the complex that was attacked by the IAF, and IDF sources said two buildings were destroyed in the attack.

The objective, army sources clarified, was not to assassinate Nasrallah.







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M.E.전쟁 #1





Since yesterday's Hizbullah attack against Israel, where the Lebanese combat unit was killing IDF soldiers and capturing two other, it seems that the entire region is leading to a new Middle East(M.E.) War.

Already since yesterday late morning IAF is bombing targets in Lebanon, incl. Beirut, such as streets, bridges, the Beirut Intl. Airport.. Meanwhile Hizbullah attacks Isreal with Katyusha missiles.

Already today at least 50 civilians in Lebanon were killed by IDF/IAF and a lot of Katyusha missiles were fired into Isreali towns, such as Nahariya, and villages, killing two and injured dozens more.

And likely soon the situation will escalating after Hizbullah has warned just a short time ago, that they have the capacty to hit for example the port of Haifa with middle-range missiles.

Meanwhile the Israeli attacks against targets in Gaza are continuing (since before y'day IDF is staying in the middle of the area, splitting the Strip into two parts/north and south).


Here the latest news by intl. and M.E. news agencies/news papers..:


At first a statement by the Palestine Information Center(actually its very, very close to Hamas..), 7.12:


Hamas hails Hizbullah's qualitative operation in southern Lebanon

Jubilant reactions were still echoing across Palestine and the Arab world over the qualitative armed operation carried out by the Lebanese Hizbullah fighters against the IOF troops in the occupied Lebanese Sheba Farms.

The Hizbullah operation killed 7 Israeli soldiers, wounded 21 others, and more importantly captured two IOF servicemen.

Hamas Movement welcomed the operation and praised Hizbullah over it, adding that the "brave" operation confirmed the integrity of the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance program.

The operation comes only three weeks after a similar qualitative armed operation carried by three armed wings of the Palestinian resistance factions led by the Qassam Brigades of Hamas at the Israeli Kerem Shalom crossing point, in which two IOF soldiers were killed and four others were wounded with a fifth one taken as POW.

An overwhelming joy was prevailing over Palestinian citizens, especially families and relatives of the detained Palestinian citizens in Israeli jails as they expressed hopes that reunion with their beloved ones was fast approaching.

The Islamic Jihad, for its part, affirmed that the operation boosted morale of the steadfast Palestinian people and prisoners in Israeli jails.

"We salute our brethren in Hizbullah for the good job done as the armed operation in the Sheba Farms displayed the sincere position of Hizbullah towards the Palestinian people and its heroic resistance", a statement issued by the Movement said.

The Qassam Brigades added to the prevailing atmosphere of enthusiasm as they rocked the Ashkilon city inside the 1948-occupied lands with a third Qassam missile in few hours. The Brigades earlier fired two missiles at the occupied city, hitting the power plant in it.

IOF troops, war planes, and Apache choppers knocked down Palestinian infrastructure in the densely populated Gaza Strip, including power plants, water networks, roads and bridges, thus placing the Strip on the verge of human catastrophe.

The Brigades further launched one of their Al-Yassin projectiles at an Israeli tank stationed in the main Salahuddin street that connects southern and northern parts of the Strip, in Abu Holi area.

In the Hebrew state, Hebrew sources quoted Israeli security sources as affirming that Palestinian fighters in northern West Bank just needed an expert engineer who could fire the already manufactured missiles.

The Hebrew Maariv newspaper quoted the sources as further affirming the repeated attempts to launch such missiles from the West Bank will ultimately succeed and push Israel to the corner.

The missiles are already there waiting for an engineer to manage firing them, and then we have to brace ourselves for string of missiles from the West Bank into the heart of Israel", said the paper as quoting those security sources.




Al Jazeera wrote today:

Israeli strikes kill 27 in Lebanon





The Guardian, GB:

Lebanon under Israeli siege






The Israeli "left"-liberal daily Haaretz:


Peretz: We won't let Hezbollah return to border
Woman killed when rocket hits house in Nahariya; Beirut airport hit as Israel imposes sea and air blockade


At least 11 people were wounded Thursday afternoon when a fresh barrage of Katyusha rockets fired from Lebanon struck the northern town of Safed.

Of the wounded, one person was seriously hurt, another sustained moderate wounds, two people were lightly hurt and seven were treated for shock.

The strike comes hours after a Katyusha rocket hit a house in the northern border town of Nahariya, killing an Israeli woman and wounding 29 others, including a number of children...

Please read the full text here:




Yedioth Ahronoth/Ynet:


Lebanon: 47 killed in IDF strikes


Israel strikes Beirut airport, blockades Lebanese ports on Thursday, intensifying reprisals that have killed 47 civilians since Lebanese Hizbullah fighters seized two Israeli soldiers and killed eight a day earlier Reuters

Israel struck Beirut airport and blockaded Lebanese ports on Thursday, intensifying reprisals that have killed 47 civilians since Lebanese Hizbullah fighters seized two Israeli soldiers and killed eight a day earlier.


Hizbullah retaliated for Israeli "massacres" by firing 60 rockets at Nahariya in northern Israel. A civilian was killed and 27 were wounded, including children, Israeli medics said...




Israeli Airforce and...

..artillery in action

And its today's results..

..in different parts of Lebanon



Safed: 2 seriously injured in rocket attack


Air Force strikes inside Lebanon, but barrages in north continue: In Safed, 12 residents wounded after being hit by Katyusha rocket; in communities north of Acre residents called to take shelter. Hizbullah: If Beirut is bombed, Haifa will be targeted

After a woman was killed in the northern city of Nahariya Thursday morning from a direct hit of a Katyusha rocket, the rockets arrived at Safed in the afternoon, claiming a heavy price.


Rocket barrages hit the northern communities throughout the day, and residents were called to enter shelters and security rooms. In the afternoon, a heavy barrage hit the city of Safed. One of the residents suffered a head injury and his condition was defined as critical. Another two residents were lightly injured by shrapnel.



Hizbullah attacks...

...against towns and villages in north Israel


Hizbullah's Katyusha attacks against Isreal targets in the last 24 hours



Meanwhile Fatah/Al-Aqsa Brigades want to open a new missile front(Ynet/WND):


Al-Aqsa leader: West Bank rocket war is on


Terror leader announces start of missile barrage nearing Israel's main population centers 

While Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip have been contending with almost daily missile attacks, Palestinian rockets will now be launched regularly on other side of the country aimed at Jewish communities a few miles from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Abu Oudai, a chief rocket coordinator for the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades in the West Bank told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive interview.

Abu Oudai claimed major Israeli cities and the country's international airport would eventually become Palestinian rocket targets.


He said his group has the ability to produce rockets in the northern West Bank - a claim denied by the Israeli army. He hinted at possible help in developing rockets from Iran, Syria and the Lebanese Hizbullah militia.


"Our goal is to cover all Israeli regions and to bring them inside the distance of our rockets," said Abu Oudai, speaking from Nablus.


"Every Israeli site or city is inside our capabilities and if some sites are not yet they will be very soon. The Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem every site and city will be targeted. We are speaking about a new era in the conflict between us and the enemy."


Whole new front


The rocket master's statements follow a series of claims by the al-Aqsa Brigades of firing rockets the past few days from the northern West Bank towns of Tul Karm and Jenin targeting Jewish communities nearby. Brigades leaders called WorldNetDaily to take credit for the rocket launchings, which they said fell short of their intended goals, landing instead in Palestinian areas. They promised more missile firings.


Security officials say any West Bank missile attack would open a whole new front of rocket targets against Jewish communities in the territories and against neighboring cities, including Jerusalem.


The Israeli Defense Forces has not yet officially confirmed this week's claimed West Bank rocket attacks. Palestinian and Jordanian officials said the attacks indeed took place.


Al-Aqsa has the past few months previously claimed they fired rockets from the northern West Bank. The IDF denied the claims only to later release select information stating some rockets had been fired from northern Samaria.


'Blessed operation begins'

Security analysts maintain publicity about terror groups' current missile capabilities in the territories could generate criticism of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's plan to withdraw from most of the West Bank.


Abu Oudai said the missile firings from Tul Karm and Jenin were "only the very beginning of our blessed operation of launching rockets from the West Bank against Israeli cities. In the next days and from now on the falling of rockets in the enemy territory (in and near the West Bank) will not be strange and rare."


The al-Aqsa leader described his West Bank rocket infrastructure:


"With the help of Allah we succeeded to transfer rockets and technology that will bring in the very next days the number of rockets in the West Bank to hundreds. As for the kinds of rockets, they are very similar to the rockets in Gaza but here in the West Bank we are making huge efforts to improve them, especially their accuracy and distance."


He said his group has stockpiles in the West Bank of primitive versions of the Qassam rocket.


But Abu Oudai rejected the Israeli statements, claiming his group "absolutely" has the ability to manufacture Qassams and other kinds of rockets in the northern West Bank.

"The Israeli army said a few years ago that Gaza rockets are nothing and that they don't present any threat to the security of Israel and its citizens," said Abu Oudai. "Now we all know what is the truth and what is the real situation. Every day our rockets in Gaza become more accurate and do more killing and this is exactly what will happen in the West Bank.


It is their own business that they deny and minimize. But in the coming days the proofs on the ground will be very clear to the average Israeli in the street and not only to the Israeli political and military leadership."


Abu Oudai, though, admitted to problems with his group's West Bank rocket infrastructure.

"We have the capabilities of producing the rockets in the West Bank and we are also smuggling from Gaza, but I will be honest and sincere with you that our weakest point is the lack of experience in the West Bank. But we are working very hard to solve this problem."


Asking for help from Iran, Syria, Hizbullah


Asked if the al-Aqsa Brigades received any outside help to its rocket development program, Abu Oudai explained, "It is our right to receive any help from anybody and our doors is open to every support, from Syria, Iran, Hizbullah or anyone who wants to help and to support the Palestinian people."

Prior to Israel's withdrawal from Gaza last August, then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon threatened an "unprecedented response" to any rocket firing carried out by terror groups after Israel vacated the territory.


For the past ten months, until Israel sent ground troops into Gaza last month, the Israeli army mostly responded to the regular rocket attacks with aerial and artillery fire, failing to stop or even slow the rate of rocket attacks.


Abu Oudai said he does not fear Israeli retaliation for his group's planned rocket launchings from the West Bank.


"I heard many time the expression of unprecedented response. The only unprecedented thing is the frequency of the Israeli 'empty threats.' We are not afraid and we have nothing to fear," said Abu Oudai.





And last but not least here first reactions by readers of Yedioth Ahronoth(7.12):


Israeli reader:


Proof that...   
...giving into kidnappers only results in more kidnappings. Hizbullah invented this method. It's time they paid the price for their folly.


Let's admit it. Even Hamas admits that if we do everything they want we will only earn a hudna of 20 years. We have no peace partner amongst these barbarians. The time to change the rules has come.


We need to recognize that the lives of these captured soldiers have ended. They surely will be, if they haven't already been, murdered by their captors, who will seek to auction off their bodies.


We need to protect ourselves. First, all the borders need to be closed. No Palestinians at all may come into Israel. All who are here already will be put in prison and may not return home, not to be released until our soldiers are released. None. Full closure, until all the Israeli captives are returned.


If that doesn't work after one week, and it won't, start building gallows for the Palestinian terrorist/murderers in our jails. Start with the women murderers that they want freed so badly. Then, go through the ones who've been in prison for more than 20 years, whom they also want freed. in exchange for Cpl Shalit.


Then go through the entire Hamas leadership.


Then go through the remainder of the murderers starting with the youngest who are the age of our soldiers, and ending with the oldest.


For every day that passes that our soldiers remain in captivity, another prisoner will be hung. On a day that they publicize a murder, or on a day when another terrorist atrocity occurs against our people, we will hang the equivalent number of injured and dead in that atrocity.


Publicize the list in advance, together with the details of their crime, the scheduled date of their hanging, and the number of people they killed, and how. List the number of people who survived the actions of these murderers, if any, and how their actions impacted them. Supply the whole bloody biography.


Then, tape it to their feet as they hang from the rope. Engrave it into the tombstone under which they will be buried, with their feet pointing away from Mecca.


Make the other prisoners dig their graves. Provide the prisoners who committed murder with cyanide capsules so that they may take their own lives if they wish, and save us the trouble.


Then let's see if Fadi and his ilk smiles. Then lets see how many more kidnappings occur.


We could go on a few years like this. I doubt it would take long before the Palestinians get the message not to do this anymore. 



Arab reader:


Israeli Swines   
Hizbullah has plenty of long range missiles and rockets and other state of the art arms (which they acquired????????) that will bring complete destruction to illegtimate state of Israel.

This time not Arabs but all Muslims are behind them.

Try to test them by provoking them and they will give you the right answer instantly. Now they will use other options too at their disposal in war with you dirty nation. The land of Palestine will be cleansed soon by Hisbullah!! 
asif ,     Kuwait     (07.12.06)



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北 미사일.. #5



Interview, news, analysis, background infos from the last two days


("left-liberal" S. Korean daily) Hankyoreh:


[Interview] North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations
’Missile tests are unrelated to the six-party talks’ 
Han Song-ryol, North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, said Thursday in New York that the United States has to unfreeze North Korean funds it has blocked in a Macao bank for his country to return to the six-party talks.

In an interview with The Hankyoreh, Ambassador Han said North Korea would be able to stop "defensive" missile launch tests if there were first a restoration of confidence between Pyongyang and Washington, and that releasing North Korean money currently frozen in a bank located in Macao would be a sign of that confidence. He said also that the invitation to visit extended to Christopher Hill, top U.S. negotiator at the six-party talks and assistant secretary of state, remains open.

Ambassador Han’s comments can be seen as more to-the-point than the more flexible tone of the statement made on June 1 by the North Korean foreign ministry statement, in which it first invited Hill to visit Pyongyang. While his comments may not mean an entirely different approach for North Korea, they are notable in that they express a continued desire for dialogue with the U.S. even after launching a series of missiles.

The following is a partial text of the interview.


Hankyoreh: Are the test launchings related to the six-party talks?

Han: No.

Hankyoreh: What, then, are North Korea’s conditions for returning to the talks?

Han: The United States at least needs to lift its freeze of funds in [Banco Delta Asia of] Macao. That is a minimum condition. The freeze needs to be lifted so as to remove an obstacle that has been formed.

Hankyoreh: Would it be enough to have bilateral dialogue with North Korea within the framework of the six-party talks?

Han: Releasing the money in Macao would make bilateral contact meaningful.

Hankyoreh: Why is ending the action against the bank in Macao so important?

Han: It is not just about the money. It is a question of whether the United States has the will to coexist with us, whether it has a desire to resolve issues through negotiation, or whether it is going to unilaterally force us to give up our nuclear programs. The joint statement issued in Beijing on September 19 of last year contains two things. One is that we discard our nuclear weapons programs. The other is that the U.S. is to discard its antagonist policy towards [North] Korea and move towards normalizing relations. However, as soon as that joint statement was announced, the U.S. went about enacting financial sanctions. It thinks it can make us come out with our hands up if pressured, but that is a mistake.

Hankyoreh: What will your response be if the United Nations Security Council adopts a resolution on the North Korean regime?

Han: There would be stronger physical measures taken.

Hankyoreh: Would that include a nuclear test?

Han: I am going to avoid comment on that. Everyone can understand that as he so desires.

Hankyoreh: These days there are calls in the U.S. for "five-party talks" that exclude the North. Any comments?

Han: Our position is that it should go ahead and try if it thinks it can achieve non-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula while excluding us.

Hankyoreh: Is the invitation extended to Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill still valid?

Han: It is still valid. It would be advantageous in accurately understanding the U.S. position and advantageous in accurately conveying our position. Having Hill visit is better than if he does not.

Hankyoreh: Why fire missiles at a time like this?

Han: We need to consistently strengthen our national defense capabilities if we are going to be prepared for the ever-increasing American military threat. Part of that involves test firing missiles. If the U.S. no longer seeks the collapse or change of our government, we would have no need to go about such intense training. 




Yonhap, S. Korean semi-official news agency:


NK willing to return to dialogue if U.S. lifts punitive measures..


Han Song-ryol, deputy chief of North Korea's mission to the United Nations, told Yonhap News over the phone that any sanctions against his country would be considered an act of war...




U.S. satisfied with Seoul's response to N.K. missile launches


U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said North Korea's missile launches have brought the two allies closer together, indicating that the two sides have no major differences on how to cope with the missile issue...




Guardian (GB):


North Korea Knows How to Get Attention

North Korea is well practiced in getting some of what it wants through provocation. Bullying through a bullhorn has worked time and again for a small nation with an outsized military force and an even bigger capacity for bluster and threat.

It's called coercive diplomacy. North Korean-style, it has involved antagonizing everyone on and over the horizon, foes and allies alike, and then pulling back. Sometimes just in the nick of time...




N.Korean Envoy: Pressure Could Trigger War

North Korea's ambassador to Australia warned Sunday that international attempts to halt his nation's missile tests could lead to war.

In a letter to The Sunday Herald Sun newspaper in the southern city of Melbourne, Ambassador Chon Jae Hong defended last week's missile launches as ``routine military exercises'' aimed at increasing the nation's ``capacity for self-defense.''...






N. Korea rejects protests

U.S. backs diplomacy-first approach to North Korea



The Observer (GB):


Kim Jong-il: Wine, women and bombs

He has an expensive taste in cognac, an obsession with films and seeks comfort in the company of his Pleasure Brigade, but as he demonstrated last week, North Korea's dictator still lives for the politics of brinkmanship...




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가자(팔레스티나)戰 #10




DAY 10



Already yesterday(local time) the Palestinian govt./Hamas was calling for armed resistance against the Israeli invasion in Gaza:

Hamas calls Gaza to arms (Al Jazeera)


Today, only few hours later the same institution, incl. Haniyeh, was calling for "calm, cease-fire" and so on..


And the Israeli answer - of course - is this:


Israel rejects Haniyeh's ceasefire proposal (Yedioth Ahronoth)


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office rejects Palestinian PM's call for truce between Israel, Palestinian factions. Jerusalem officials say they would not agree to any ceasefire until Hamas frees kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit...



Also yesterday it was reported following: "Dichter: We’ll release prisoners if necessary". And only few hours later the German magazine Der Spiegel reported that the Israeli Minister of Interior Bar-On rejected any release of Palestinian prisoners.


Meanwhile IDF is staying in several parts of Gaza City and fierce clashes are taking place since hours.. 


IDF advances to within 500 meters of Gaza City (Haaretz)
The Israel Defense Forces expanded its operation in Gaza on Saturday morning, with tanks advancing to within 500 meters of Gaza City. Some 15 tanks entered the Strip through the Karni border crossing in what the army said was a search for tunnels used by militants.

The armor corps and troops from the Givati infantry brigade reached the outskirts of Sajaiyeh and engaged in fierce fighting with local militants...




Here you can read a strange report by NYT(IHT) from inside the battle zone in Gaza:

For children, nothing but fear




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가자(팔레스티나)戰 #9









After fierce fighting in the last 24 hours between Palestinian fighters and IDF, especially in the northern part of the Gaza Strip - according to Israeli sources at least 40 Palestinians were killed - it seems that a kind of solution of the current conflict, caused by the kidnapping of G. Shalit(the Israeli soldier) might be happen soon.

Yeah it sounds really good! But, believe it or not, actually nothing will be solved and only a short while later the entire shit will be starting again(more about it I'll write likely later..)!



Here just the latest news:


Ynet, just a short time ago, reported this:


Dichter: We’ll release prisoners if necessary


Internal security minister says ‘Israel will release Palestinian security prisoners in exchange for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit’s freedom. Adds: Release of prisoners in exchange for end to Qassam rocket fire on Israel an attainable goal

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter said Friday that “Israel will release (Palestinian security) prisoners to free kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. We’ve done it in the past to free hostages and in exchange for calm.”..




Just in the morning Guardian wrote this:


Israeli army in for the long haul in Gaza Strip

· Settlements reoccupied in wake of Ashkelon attacks
· Crisis could go on even if kidnapped soldier is freed

Palestinians carry a man wounded in an Israeli air strike
Palestinians carry a man wounded in an Israeli air strike near Khan Yunis in the

Gaza Strip. Photograph: Samuel Aranda/Getty

Israel faces the prospect of a long-term reoccupation of parts of the Gaza Strip after Palestinian rockets for the first time struck a major Israeli city, escalating a crisis that began with the capture of a single soldier.

The Israeli army launched an assault on the Gaza town of Beit Lahiya and reoccupied three former Jewish settlements in response to the attacks on Ashkelon, until now well beyond the range of the rudimentary Palestinian missiles.

Politicians and the army acknowledge that now the tanks and troops are in again it may be politically impossible to withdraw them swiftly even if the captured Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit, is freed...




...and about one hour ago this:

Israeli Hints at Prisoner Swap for Soldier



Before, all the day, the news were just like that:


Qassam fire on Sderot continues


Day of panic in Gaza vicinity communities: In spite of IDF's presence inside Strip, Red Dawn alert system constantly activated. Ten rockets hit southern town area since Friday morning; three residents wounded by shrapnel, rushed to hospital...




Gaza Division commander: Palestinians in shock


Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi tells Ynet, 'Palestinians did not expect such a long series of operations; soldiers in field, he says, are dealing with many weapons smuggled from 'totally breached' Egyptian border. IDF: More than 30 terrorists killed so far...




Beit Lahiya turns into ghost town


Palestinian sources report that almost all residents of Gaza Strip town fled their homes following IDF strike, only gunmen left in alleys. Palestinian Health Minister calls on residents to donate blood...

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3272399,00.html (Yedioth Ahronoth)



Israel kills five more Palestinians (Al Jazeera)


And so on, and so on.. 



Let's see what's coming in the next days..




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北 미사일.. #4









Ha, ha.. of course the DPRK has all rights to.. blabla.. And never they will give up.. blabla..  And of course no-one can stop them... WHAT A SURPRISE^^!!



Here the last news and analysis about the latest developments:


The Guardian(UK)


North Korea defies critics over missiles


North Korea rounded on its critics in dramatic fashion on Thursday, warning the US and Japan that it planned to test-launch more missiles and would resort to "physical actions" against any country that continued to pressure it to abandon its missile programme.

The secretive state acknowledged for the first time that it had launched seven missiles on Wednesday in a move that had drawn immediate condemnation from the US, Japan and Britain and prompted an emergency meeting of the UN security council. The missiles all landed harmlessly in the Sea of Japan...


Please read the full article here:



Two other articles/analysis by the same paper, published 7.06, you can read here:


Kim may have overplayed his hand

Bound together by paranoia





News Analysis: U.S. has few good choices in N. Korea standoff


Discord over reply to Korean missile test



Asia Times(HK/China):


N Korea's ace threatens US-Seoul alliance



Washington Post:


N. Korea Says It Will Continue Missile Tests



Al Jazeera:

North Korea vows more missile tests



DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Its Missile Launches (KCNA)



And finally the S. Korean "left-liberal" daily Hankyoreh wrote yesterday about the timing of the missile tests following:

Question of timing for N.K. missile launch


Reasons both international and domestic for holding test-fire now


North Korea fired at least six missiles, the long-range Daepodong-2 and the mid- to short-range Scud and Nodong, consecutively from about 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. on July 5, local time. The weather near the launch side in Musudan-ri, formerly Daepo-dong, Hwadae-gun, North Hamgyeong Province, was not favorable for the test launch. It is common practice not to fire missiles in bad weather, nor at night, but the North proceeded. According to a military expert, the U.S., China, Europe, and Russia have never launched missiles in early morning under bad weather.

The missiles were fired in regular sequence as soon as the United States launched the space shuttle Discovery. The U.S. was celebrating its Independence Day, waiting for news of the space shuttle launch, when they were shocked by the news that North Korea had conducted its launches. This provocative move by the communist regime brought about a crisis on the Korea Peninsula and Northeast Asia. The media worldwide were busy reporting on the North’s missile test-firing and concerned nations’ countermeasures instead of covering the launch of the space shuttle.

An analyst said, "North Korea displayed its missile capabilities by firing missiles on U.S. Independence Day. Such a movement is high-level psychological warfare meant to attract the world’s attention."

The timing of North Korea’s missile launch holds very strong symbolism, not only for inter-Korean relations but within North Korea, as well. The day July 4 is the 34th anniversary of the South-North Joint Statement, and Kim Il-sung died 12 years ago on July 8. The mouthpiece of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party, Rodong Sinmun, in an editorial on July 4 stressed that the country’s " ’military-first policy’ will bring prosperity to our fatherland."

When North Korea test-launched a Daepodong-1 missile on Aug. 31, 1998, it had international and domestic intentions in selecting that date, as well. At the time, the Stalinist regime was making attempts to rewin the minds of its citizens under slogans of North Korea as a ’powerful nation’ with a ’military-first policy’ to usher in the so-called Kim Jong-il era after Kim Il-sung had been in power for so long. Kim Jong-il continued his drive to win over the North Korean people by means of the historic inter-Korean summit in 2000 and two North Korea-Japan summits since then, but he may have wanted to reassert himself since George W. Bush took office.

It is highly possible that North Korea was exhibiting its brinkmanship tactics once again. China has stepped up diplomatic efforts by suggesting unofficial six-party talks and President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi declared at a summit in Washington on June 29 that they would not accept North Korea’s missile launches. Under such circumstances, Pyongyang fired at least six missiles, including a long-range one, as if to say, "North Korea will never surrender or retreat."




And last but not least:

Of course..

"The DPRK has a right to build Weapons of Mass Destruction.."(harrharr~)



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가자(팔레스티나)戰 #8





DAY 7 & 8 (水/木)




A short story


Rami Avraham, who lives nearby (in Ashkelon), told: "I was sitting in my house's balcony and waiting to see if the army was firing at the (Gaza) Strip. Suddenly I heard a loud whistle and saw the rocket flying with fire and a lot of smoke, and then I heard a very loud explosion."




Wednesday in the late evening the military wing of Hamas was launching again two Qassam rockets, hitting the second time in two days the south Israeli coastal town Ashkelon. In the night before IAF was attacking again Palestinian govt buildings in Gaza.


After the latest rocket attack against Ashkelon the situation on the battle field, especially in the northern part of Gaza was/is intensifying hour by hour. During fierce fights between IDF and resistance fighters only in the last hours about 16 Palestinians were killed.



Here the latest news:


10 dead after fighting in Gaza (Guardian)

Palestinians run for cover during armed clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers in Beit Lahiya
Palestinians run for cover during armed clashes between Palestinian militants

and Israeli soldiers in Beit Lahiya. Photograph: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty

Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen fought throughout today in the biggest outbreak of violence since the abduction of an Israeli soldier almost two weeks ago. By this afternoon there were reports of the death of at least 10 Palestinians and an Israeli soldier. It was not clear if the dead Palestinians were fighters, civilians or both.

In the early hours of this morning Israeli forces took over settlements they evacuated 10 months ago in northern Gaza and pushed to the outskirts of Beit Lahiya. There has been little progress in international negotiations on the release of Corporal Gilad Shalit, 19, but Israel increased its offensive against Gazan militants after three Qassams rockets hit central Ashkelon, an area that was previously out of range...


Read the full article here:




Israelis Push Farther Into Gaza Strip (Washington Post)





IDF takes swath of northern Gaza to end rocket fire (Haaretz)

Eleven Palestinians, including one civilian, were killed by the Israel Defense Forces in the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahia on Thursday afternoon, bringing the death toll to 17 since the start of an incursion in northern Gaza aimed at ending Qassam fire.

Palestinian officials said eight people were killed and 20 more wounded when an Israel Air Force aircraft fired a missile and two shells at a group of armed militants in Beit Lahia. Three others were killed and another 35 wounded in further clashes...




16 Palestinians killed in Gaza battles (Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth)


Heavy fire exchanges ensue in northern Gaza Thursday afternoon; sources in the Strip report of at least eight killed by direct hit of IDF artillery shell, another two shot dead by soldiers in Beit Lahiya. Palestinian death toll stands at 16 since operation has been launched Wednesday night. IDF claims attacks were aimed solely at terrorists. Meanwhile, Qassam fire on Israel continues...





..UN calls on Israel to halt Gaza operation



The very latest:


Just a short while ago the first Israeli soldier was killed in northern Gaza.. (BBC World)




Soldier killed in Gaza (Ynet)


Soldier shot in the head by snipers in Atatara area in northern Strip, sustains critical injuries and later dies of wounds in hospital. Popular Resistance Committees claim responsibility for attack. Meanwhile, army reports of heavy fighting in Gaza...



..occupational hazard!!


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