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게시물에서 찾기international news

437개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/05/23
    harrharr.. JIHAD ISLAMIYA...
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/05/22
    네팔뉴스 #29..
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/05/21
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/05/20
    네팔뉴스 #28..
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/05/20
    오늘의 이란..(2)
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/05/19
    네팔뉴스 #27..
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/05/18
    네팔뉴스 #26..
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/05/17
    네팔뉴스 #25..
    no chr.!
  9. 2006/05/16
    네팔뉴스 #24..
    no chr.!
  10. 2006/05/10
    이스라엘.. 인종 차별 주의..
    no chr.!

2006 독일월드컵 #6


(uhuu.. is there any non-ugly side in G..??)




"Mr. President: 'Give Flag Freedom.. The Right to Carry Our (the German) Flag!'

Berlin Police is Demanding in BZ" [BZ, 6.14 (BZ is the main, yellow press, newspaper

in Berlin)]



국가주의(애국심) 박살내자!!


harrharr, it goes much better..

German "anti-german communists"(with Israeli flags) were protesting with

German patriots(nationalists) against the participation of representatives

of the Islamic "Republic" Iran during the World Cup

(Nuernberg, 6.11, I wrote about it already here:





In only a short while the game between Poland and Germany is beginning..

Already since the beginning of the WC Germans(even "ordinary" people) are running around with t-shirts "1939 we defeated Poland  in 36 days - 2006 in 90 minutes".


(Sept. 1, 1939, with the attack against Poland, the Germans began the WWII with the final result, in 1945, of at least 50 million slaughtered people in Europe.. 6 million Jewish.. millions of people from the Soviet Union, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece, France, Belgium...)

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反평화 Pal.<->Israel #3

Just few minutes ago intl. news agencies reported another deadly attack by the Israely military against "resistance fighters" but, once again, also against civilians in Gaza.


source: Isreali tv


Here the latest by Ynet


Gaza: IAF missiles hits car, 9 killed


At least nine Palestinians killed, among them two children, and 20 others were wounded as IDF chopper fires at least two missiles at vehicle carrying Islamic Jihad members. IDF: Passengers were on their way to fire Qassams at Israel..


Palestinian sources said that in the initial incident a chopper fired a missile at a vehicle, killing three Islamic Jihad members. According the sources, another missile was fired as people were approaching the scene to assist the casualties, injuring many more Palestinians, among them children. (Wow, really a nice idea to fire missiles when people try to help!!)


Now, 15:35 local time, the text is different - updated. Like that:

Gaza: IAF missiles hit car, 11 killed


At least 11 Palestinians killed, among them two children, many others wounded as IDF chopper fires at least two missiles at vehicle carrying Islamic Jihad members. IDF: Passengers were on their way to fire Qassams at Israel..


..Palestinian sources said that shortly after 12 p.m. a chopper fired a missile at a vehicle, killing three Islamic Jihad members. According the sources, another missile was fired as people were approaching the scene to assist the casualties, injuring and killing more Palestinians, among them children...


read the full text here:


(Now there you can also watch a short video docu..)

You should read the "talkbacks", because it shows a lot about the way of "thinking" there..



Ynet also reported that paramedic and ambulance drivers among the death..


Al Jazeera:

Israeli missile strike kills bystanders 




9 Palestinians die in IAF strike on

Islamic Jihad rocket crew


Nine Palestinians, including two schoolchildren, were killed Tuesday when Israel Air Force aircraft fired two missiles in Gaza City at the vehicle of an Islamic Jihad crew heading to fire rockets at Israel.

The rockets found in the vehicle were Katyusha rockets, which have a longer range than the homemade Qassam rockets usually fired from Gaza.

Several civilians were also among the dead, along with at least two Islamic Jihad activists.



AP reported following:


Hospital: 9 Dead in Israeli Air Strike

A failed Israeli airstrike Tuesday against a car carrying militants along a main road in Gaza City killed nine Palestinians, including two schoolchildren, Palestinian hospital officials said.

The Israeli military said the militants were on a mission to launch rockets at southern Israel. Palestinian witnesses said two missiles were fired, but they missed the car. The second missile came two minutes after the first, when a crowd had begun to gather around the scene of the attack, witnesses said.

Israel-Palestinian violence has escalated since an explosion on a Gaza beach Friday killed eight civilians. Palestinians have blamed the deaths on an Israeli artillery round. Israeli military officials said Tuesday the military's investigation shows the deaths likely were caused by a mine planted by militants from the Palestinians' ruling Hamas party.

Seven of those killed Tuesday in Gaza City were civilians, hospital officials said, and Islamic Jihad said the other two belonged to the ranks of its militant group.

Seventeen Palestinians were injured in the strike, three of them seriously. Gaza's Shifa hospital was overwhelmed by the large number of casualties, and some were being treated on the bloodied floor.

At the hospital's morgue, where the bodies were brought, angry women shouted, ``Death to Israel, Death to the occupation!''

An explosion was heard minutes after the Gaza City strike in the nearby town of Jebaliya. Palestinians said Israel had carried out another airstrike, but the Israeli army said it did not operate there, and no casualties were immediately reported.



Gazans supporting the relative of Palestinian

killed in an IAF missile strike in Gaza City on

Monday, in which seven civilians were killed.


Palestinian doctors treating a youth wounded

in an IAF missile strike in Gaza City today.


After the attack..

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They, the Palestinian organisations of so-called "resistance" - such as FATAH, HAMAS, PFLP, DFLP.. - are demanding(..screaming, yelling, fighting) for "national unity"..


And the final result, once again, is this:


Fatah Gunmen Attack Palestinian Parliament (Guardian) 

Hundreds Palestinian security forces loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas went on a violent rampage against the Hamas-led government Monday night, riddling the parliament and Cabinet buildings with bullets to protest an attack against their comrades in the Gaza Strip by Hamas gunmen.

The security men shot out the windows of the parliament before storming the two-building Cabinet complex, where they smashed furniture, destroyed computers and scattered documents. No casualties were reported. But the mob set fire to one of the Cabinet buildings, causing heavy damage as flames quickly spread.

``Every time they touch one of ours in Gaza, we will get ten of theirs in the West Bank,'' said one member of the Preventive Security force, which is loyal to Abbas' Fatah movement. Dozens of gunmen from the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a pro-Fatah militia, joined the security men.

The rampage followed an attack in Gaza early Monday by Hamas gunmen on a Preventive Security installation. The attack set off daylong clashes that left two people dead and 14 wounded.

Abbas has been locked in a bitter power struggle with Hamas since the Islamic group beat Fatah in legislative elections. Hamas now controls the parliament and Cabinet.

The power struggle has revolved around control of security forces. With most forces loyal to Abbas, Hamas has deployed its own private militia in the Gaza Strip, raising tensions between the sides.

Abbas was in Gaza at the time of the rampage, where he has been holding negotiations with Hamas in hopes of ending the political deadlock.




Abbas issues high-alert warning after deadly clashes kill 2 militants (Haaretz)

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas warned all Palestinian security personnel to go on high alert Monday night, after two Palestinians were killed and another 15 wounded in deadly clashes between rival militant groups in the Gaza Strip town of Rafah.

The shootout began earlier Monday when Hamas gunmen, attending the funeral of a colleague killed in clashes with the rival Fatah party, opened fire on the offices of the Fatah-dominated security force. Officers fired back, hitting the Hamas gunman, who died on his way to the hospital.

Sympathizers of Fatah and Islamic Jihad marched to the security agency headquarters to demand an end to the standoff, and Hamas gunmen fired rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank rockets on them in response, killing a Fatah militant, witnesses said.


Fatah gunmen set fire to Cabinet buildings in Ramallah

(Jerusalem Post)

Hundreds Palestinian security forces loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas went on a violent rampage against the Hamas-led government Monday night, riddling the parliament and Cabinet buildings with bullets to protest an attack against their comrades in the Gaza Strip by Hamas gunmen.

The security men shot out the windows of the parliament before storming the two-building Cabinet complex, where they smashed furniture, destroyed computers and scattered documents. No casualties were reported. But the mob set fire to one of the Cabinet buildings, causing heavy damage as flames quickly spread.

"Every time they touch one of ours in Gaza, we will get ten of theirs in the West Bank," said one member of the Preventive Security force, which is loyal to Abbas' Fatah movement. Dozens of gunmen from the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a pro-Fatah militia, joined the security men.

At least two people were killed earlier on Monday when a fierce gun battle erupted in Rafah and Khan Yunis between Hamas militiamen and members of the Preventative Security Service.

Meanwhile, the power struggle between Hamas and Fatah moved to the chamber of the Palestinian Legislative Council, which held a stormy session on Monday to discuss Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas's decision to hold a referendum over a document drafted by some Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

The Hamas-led Palestinian parliament eventually put off the vote on the referendum plan until June 20. Hamas leaders said the move was aimed at giving ongoing negotiations with Abbas a chance to succeed.

Questioning Abbas's right to call a referendum, Hamas called for the PLC to hold an emergency meeting to determine whether the move was in accordance with the law. The PA's Basic Law does not make any mention of a referendum - a fact
that is being used by Hamas to justify its opposition to Abbas's initiative. Fatah, on the other hand, argues that the referendum is legal since there is nothing in the Basic Law that prohibits it.

Many of the Fatah legislators questioned the PLC's right to debate the referendum and called for canceling the session. "This is a black day for Palestinian democracy," said Fatah's Saeb Erekat. "All the Palestinian factions have
the right to resort to resort to various political methods to reject or support the referendum," he added. "But that has to be done within the frame of the law."

Erekat insisted that Abbas had the power to call a
referendum and that the PLC did not have the right to vote against it. "Anyone who opposes this move is entitled to challenge it in court," he said. "We are here to discuss a political issue, not a legal matter."

Erekat begged the speaker of the PLC, Aziz Dweik, to call off the session to avoid internal strife. He reminded Dweik that "75% of the Caliphs [Prophet Muhammed's successors] were killed at the hands of Muslims. Therefore, we must pay
allegiance to one Caliph to prevent dissension."

Fatah legislator Issa Karaki, also invoked Islamic history to justify the referendum. "The Koran and the sharia [Islamic religious law] mention the referendum and shura [consultation of the people in the management of religious and worldly affairs]," he said. "President Abbas's decision to hold a referendum is legal and is aimed at strengthening the status of the people."

Another Fatah legislator, Ibrahim al Masdar, said he saw no reason why the Hamas government should be afraid of a referendum. "The referendum won't affect the work of the government," he said. "In the absence of alternatives, the president has the right to call a referendum on the prisoners' document."




PLC employees surveying the damage Tuesday of a

rampage by Fatah supporters in Ramallah



AFP was reporting just few minutes ago following:


Palestinian parliament, cabinet offices torched


Palestinian factional rivalry erupted into unprecedented violence as followers of president Mahmud Abbas set fire to the parliament and West Bank cabinet offices while supporters of the Hamas government tried to storm a security compound in Gaza.

Militants loyal to Abbas's Fatah faction set fire to the ground floor of the parliament building in Ramallah where the flames quickly leapt through the rest of the complex.

Gunmen from the same Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also torched the cabinet building in Ramallah after hundreds of security officers, staffed largely by Fatah followers, forced their way into the premises and opened fire.

Black smoke spewed into the night sky out of the fourth floor of the five-storey cabinet building as fire engines rushed to the scene but were prevented by militants from trying to extinguish the flames.

Protesting against deadly violence between Fatah faithful and loyalists of the ruling Hamas movement, which today controls government after beating Abbas's party at a January election, Fatah gunmen and security officers smashed windows, destroyed computers and tore up files.

In a bid to contain the situation, Abbas issued an edict placing the Palestinian security forces on a maximum state of alert.

Outside the burning cabinet offices, a masked Al-Aqsa leader who refused to give his name called the protests a "normal response to Hamas aggressions against        Palestinian Authority institutions and security service premises".

"We demand president Abbas sacks the government and appoints an emergency cabinet. We blame Hamas for this rift which risks provoking civil war," he told reporters.

In another sign of the anarchy blighting the Palestinian territories, two people were killed and at least 17 wounded in Rafah, in southern Gaza, where Hamas gunmen tried to storm the preventive security service headquarters.

Hundreds of security reinforcements were dispatched to Rafah after Hamas militants managed to smash their way through a wall surrounding the headquarters by firing rocket-propelled grenades.

Shortly afterwards, a Hamas official was briefly kidnapped and then released in the neighbouring city of Khan Yunis by gunmen.

The clashes at the compound took place shortly after a Hamas supporter was killed in fighting that flared after a funeral for another Hamas follower who died from wounds suffered during a previous bout of infighting 10 days ago.

An AFP correspondent at the scene said the three-storey building in central Rafah was riddled with bullets and many of the windows had been shot to pieces.

Cars parked within the compound had also been shot up by the Hamas followers, their windscreens shattered and tyres slashed.

Yussef Siam, head of preventive security in Rafah, said around 20 of his men were in the compound when more than 100 Hamas followers launched their attack.

In the gunbattle that ensued, a 34-year-old deaf civilian, Suleiman Zanoun, was killed after being caught up in the crossfire.

Although the Hamas gunmen were not wearing the uniform of a recently formed paramilitary force, Siam said they were members of the unit.

"This is a force that acts beyond the realms of the law. If they start targeting the government institutions, this will be the end of the Palestinian Authority," he told AFP amid a mass of broken glass, rubble and bloodstains.

Witnesses said the clashes only broke up after hundreds of civilians massed at the scene and started chanting "Unity, Unity" as a sign of their disgust at the bloodshed.

The Hamas paramilitary force was deployed on the streets of Gaza last month despite having been explicitly vetoed by Abbas, who is responsible for security under the terms of the Palestinian basic law.

Although the force is meant to have been withdrawn from view in a bid to ease tensions between the two sides, Abbas's announcement over the weekend of a referendum on coexistence with        Israel has reignited the situation.



Fatah gunmen torch Haniyeh's Ramallah office (Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth)


Fatah activists storm government, parliament buildings in Ramallah and set fire to office of Prime Minister and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh 

Fatah activists on Monday set ablaze the Ramallah office of Prime Minister and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, witnesses said.


Earlier a Hamas activist and a civilian were killed in exchanges of fire between rival Hamas and Fatah gunmen in the Gaza Strip. PA Clashes 
Hamas gunmen open fire at convoy of Fatah’s Preventive Security force chief as he attends funeral of fellow officer. Abu Shbak rushed from scene unharmed, but two others injured 

Gunmen opened fire at a building complex housing the Palestinian Legislative Council and government offices in protest at a series of attacks on Fatah officials in Gaza, which have been largely blamed on Hamas.


Under a travel ban imposed by Israel prime minister Haniyeh has no access to his West Bank office and is permanently located in Gaza.


Hamas on Monday blamed Fatah gunmen for the killing of one of its members during the funeral of a gunman killed in clashes on Sunday.


Fatah refuted Hamas claims that a sniper positioned on the roof of the headquarters had opened fire at Hamed Abu Jazer, a Hamas activist.


During Monday's clashes Hamas gunmen fired rockets at the Preventive Security Forces building in Rafah, near the border with Egypt.


Gunmen ignored orders by the Interior Minister to evacuate the streets of Rafah and clashes lasted few hours. A Palestinian civilian was killed in night clashes between the rival factions.


Palestinian security officials said Hamas gunmen tried to set on fire the Rafah headquarters of the Preventive Security Forces.


The latest escalations come a day after the failure of talks between President Mahmoud Abbas and premier Haniyeh in Gaza on Sunday.


Hamas refuses to accept a plan for peace with Israel which Abbas threatened to put up for a referendum.


Rantisi's brother kidnapped


In a sign of further escalation, Fatah gunmen in Khan Younis kidnapped Dr. Salah Rantisi, the brother of Hamas leader Aziz Rantisi, killed in an Israeli air strike.


The kidnapping was to avenge the kidnapping of a senior Fatah official by Hamas gunmen.




And the Israeli govt., I"D"F, Shin Beth... are sitting, (perhaps) relaxing and watching the next developments...^^ (of course it is not funny, but what we can do..?)





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네팔뉴스 #37..

One of the most important developments on the way to democratization of the Nepalese society was decided by the pariament/govt. last week:


Nepal ends king's veto powers (Al Jazeera, 6.11)


Nepal's parliament has voted to remove King Gyanendra’s right to reject laws.


Saturday's decision to end the king's right of veto is the latest measure to reduce his authority after he was forced to end his absolute rule.

"This regulation has eliminated any and all authority the king had in parliament. From now on the parliament is independent to draft new laws and enforce them," said Subash Nemwang, the speaker for Nepal's parliament.

Members of parliament welcomed the decision.

"The concept of king in parliament has been abolished through law," said Ram Baran Yadav, a legislator of the Nepali Congress, the country's largest party.

"We are now free to criticize the king and the royal family members in Parliament," said Laxmi Shakya, an MP from the Communist Party of Nepal.

As well as losing his legislative veto, the king no longer has control of the 90,000 strong Nepal Army and cannot choose an heir to the throne.

King Gyanendra was forced to reinstate parliament in April after weeks of protests, organised by the political parties and Maoist rebels, against his absolute rule.

The political parties and Maoists have since observed a ceasefire and the government has met the Maoists' demand for elections to an assembly that will redraft Nepal's constitution.

The rebels want the government to move faster, including dissolving parliament and forming a new interim government that includes them.






About another positive development the Nepalese daily eKantipur reported y'day:


Govt to release over 350 Maoists

In a bid to make environment conducive for the ongoing talks with the Maoist rebels, the government on Monday assured the Maoists of releasing their comrades detained at various prisons and detention centres across the country.

"The government has assured us that it will release more than 350 Maoists detained at various prisons," Maoist Spokesman Krishna Bahadur Mahara, who also heads the rebel talks team said.

Earlier today, the meeting of the Council of Ministers decided to withdraw the cases filed under the Ordinance on controlling Terrorist and Destructive Acts and on not to move forward further investigation.

"Today's meeting has decided to withdraw cases under the TADO and all charges put on the rebels," State Minister for Information and Communications, Dilendra Prasad Badu told journalists after a cabinet meeting held at PM's residence at Baluwatar this morning.

The controversial ordinance, introduced by the erstwhile royal regime allowed the government to detain persons accused of terrorism for a year without any trial.

The government move follows a meeting between Home Minister and chief government negotiator Krishna Prasad Sitaula and Maoist chairman Prachanda in a village in Kaski district Sunday afternoon.

Mahara, who is also the coordinator of the rebel talks team said that Minister Sitaula and the Maoist chairman held informal talks for nearly two hours in which they discussed the recent political developments and the ways to move towards the constituent assembly elections.

"Our Chairman Prachanda is positive about the ongoing peace process between us and the government," said Mahara, adding, "He (Prachanda) hopes that the high-level peace talks (supposed to be held between Prachanda and PM Girija Prasad Koirala) would be held soon."

Mahara also said that unlike in the past, they are ready to show maximum flexibility during the talks. "We expect that the government, too, will remain flexible to sort out serious problems by ignoring petty differences."

He also said that the next round of peace talks would be held within a few days. "I am hopeful that talks will be held within 3-4 days not exceeding a week."

Meanwhile, the government also decided to form a Recommendation Task Force in connection with constituting a High-Level Media Commission.

The task force formed under the convenorship of MP Radheshyam Adhikari has chiefs of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), The Nepal Press Union (NPU), The Press Chautari Nepal, Sancharika Samuha and Save  the Independent Radio Campaign, Central Struggle Committee as well as Chief of the Department of Information as members.






Here you can see a interview with the chairperson of the CPN-M:

KTV interview with Maoist Chairman Prachanda (Video)


Maoist cadres released from Nakkhu Jail in Lalitpur on

Tuesday chant slogans outside the prison. The

government has pledged to release all the Maoists

from across the country dropping various charges

against them.


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反평화 Pal.<->Israel #2

Hamas' armed wing vowed on last Friday(6.9) to renew attacks against Israel.. 

"The Israeli massacres represent a direct opening battle and that means the earthquake in the Zionist cities will resume and the herds of occupiers have no choice but to prepare the coffins or the departing luggage," a Hamas official said. "Soon Sderot will be a ghost town", he added.


The last developments reported today by Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth:


Qassam barrage hits Sderot


Once again, town residents wake up to sound of Red Dawn alert system as four rockets land in open areas, following six rockets launched overnight; no injuries reported. Hospital officials: Man critically injured by Qassam on Sunday out of danger


Palestinians continue to bombard Sderot: Two Qassam rockets were launched at the southern town Monday morning at around 7 a.m., landing in open areas. Half an hour later, Sderot's Red Dawn alert system was activated once again after two additional rockets were fired at the town...


Read the full article here:



Peretz to IDF: Prepare to attack Qassam sources


Defense minister meets with IDF top brass for emergency security consultation on incessant Qassam attacks, turns down proposal to intensify action against Hamas, instead Peretz orders army to make all necessary preparations to hit ‘all elements involved in Qassam fire.’ IDF: Suicide bombings in Israel possible..



Sderot declares hunger strike


Residents of Qassam-battered town gather opposite home of Defense Minister Amir Peretz to demand security; since Sunday morning 26 rockets hit Sderot area, one of which critically wounded elderly man. Peretz's wife to protesters: I understand your frustration; I too am a victim of this reality..


The so-called 'left liberal' Israeli daily Haaretz wrote today morning following:

'Haniyeh may be targeted if Hamas resumes terror'

Senior Kadima lawmaker Tzachi Hanegbi, declaring Monday that "confrontation between Israel and Hamas is inevitable," warned that if the ruling Palestinian party returns to terrorism, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders may be targeted for assassination...





Israeli attack follows Hamas rocket firings



Al Jazeera reported yesterday:

Israeli air strike kills two Hamas men 




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2006 독일월드컵 #6

First impressions.. about this f.. ugly event


Now since three days the streets of Germany are full with SCHWARZ-ROT-GOLD, black, red, gold - the "national" colors of Germany. Especially the mainstream press such as BILD, DIE WELT, BZ... are complete happy about the new "patriotic movement" in Germany.




You should imagine that in West Germany and especially in West Berlin until the "unification" of Germany in 1990 to carry around or even to show the German flag was just a "previleg" for the nationalist, right wing, fascist scene. Except in front of some public official buildings(by the govt, etc..) nowhere you were able to see this shit.


[In East Germany, the former German Democratic(^^) Republic, it was different: especially on official public, nationally holidays, such as Mayday or the Republic's birthday(Oct. 7) it was a kind of duty for everyone to hang the national flag - the same color(black, red, gold) like today, just added in the middle with hammer, circle and ears of grain - in front of the window. At least until I was living there(1984). (Ha, once - I think it was in 1983 - we created our own flag, just red with golden hammer an sickle in the middle and we were putting it on our balcony.. and just few hours later the cops were coming and arrested us...). So to show the national flag in the east was not uncommon..]


But nowadays.. everywhere you are forced to see this shit: one care - two flags, two windows - four flags...




In about two hours local time(CET) the team of Mexico will meet the team of Iran in Nuernberg.

Right now, since 3 p.m. in the same city a demonstration is taking place to protest the presence of the Iranian Vice President Mohammed Aliabadi, who wants to support the Iranian team. The organizers and supporters of the demonstration are people from the (extreme) right - such as the Interior Minister of Bavaria Beckstein, who would like to deport nearly all "foreigners", especially asylum seekers - to the chief of the party Die Gruenen(the greens) C. Roth and so-called "anti-german communists"(who are strongly supporting the state of Israel)...


Well, here you can read their call and list of supporters for the demo:


No hospitality for agitators and warmongers!
Solidarity with Israel – against Ahmadinejad and his German neo-Nazi friends

Despite international protests the Iranian football team was permitted to participate in the World Cup 2006, because the international football association FIFA supposedly wished to keep out politics. At the latest, by the time it was announced that the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmud Ahmadinedjad, might come to Germany to watch the matches of his team, the statements of the FIFA became empty phrases.

Sport was never free of politics. World championships and Olympic Games always served also as a political stage, not least in 1936 in Nazi-Germany. However, instead of showing Ahmadinedjad the red card, German Minister of Interior, Wolfgang Schäuble, announced: “We should be good hosts”. Contrary to this announcement, the signatories of this appeal demand a clear sending-off:

· No hospitality and no entrance ticket for an agitator, who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust, wants to wipe Israel from the map, calls for the extermination of Jews, finances terror, works on building up nuclear threat und threatens and mocks the whole civilized Western world.

· No hospitality for a man who – together with the regime of mullahs – is responsible for human rights violations, violence, oppression, and for the poverty of the population in Iran.

· We express our solidarity with Iranians, who suffer because of the regime or who have had to escape into exile.

· We demand a refusal of entry for Ahmadinedjad and criminal proceedings against him because of incitement of the people and denial of National Socialist crimes.

· We demand that solidarity rallies planned by neo-Nazis for Ahmadinedjad and his regime, will be stopped.

Germany should support the democratic opposition in Iran and in other countries of the Middle East and should work towards a change in these countries. Germany should be less concerned about being a good host for somebody who openly calls for the murder of Jews. Instead Germany should take care that Ahmadinedjad will not get a platform here, but will be sanctioned internationally and will get to know his limitations.

Already at the beginning of this year, these points were demanded by the late president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Paul Spiegel, of blessed memory, when he called for demonstrations against the anti-Israeli incitement campaign of the Iranian president. We want to follow this call under the motto “NIE WIEDER! NEVER AGAIN!” We want to set a clear example and we want to show on a huge scale that this preacher of hate is not only not welcome, but that he and his accomplices must be stopped.

There will be protests against the Iranian regime on June, 11th at 3 p.m. at the Jacobsplatz (downtown) in Nuremberg..

This call for protest is supported, among others, by the following individuals and organizations:
Prof. Dr. h.c. Arno Lustiger, Ralph Giordano, Dr. Michel Friedman, Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh (Iran-Experte - MEMRI), Efraim Zuroff (Simon Wiesenthal Center, Jerusalem), Henryk M. Broder, Prof. Dr. Micha Brumlik, Cem Özdemir (MdEP), Dr. Hans-Peter Raddatz (Orientalist), RA Albert Meyer, Nasrin Amirsedghi (Publizistin), Bärbel Bohley (Malerin u. Bürgerrechtlerin), Prof. Dr. Michael Wolffsohn, Dr. Daniel Pipes (Middle East Forum), Lutz Sikorski (Fraktionsvorsitzender der Grünen, Frankfurt), Jutta Ebeling (Stadträtin, Frankfurt), Pfn. Annemarie Werner (Vaterunserkirche), Tobias Jaecker (Journalist), Dr. Gudrun Eussner (Journalistin), Morten Friese (Journalist), Seyran Ates (Rechtsanwältin), Hannes Stein (Journalist), Dr. Matthias Küntzel (Publizist), Stadtrat Lothar Klein (ehem. MdEP, Vorsitzender Sächsische Israelfreunde e. V.), Frankfurter Arbeitsgemeinschaft der DIG, Harald Eckert (Israel Heute - Christen an der Seite Israels e.V.), Dr. Jürgen Bühler (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem), Anetta Kahane (Amadeu Antonio Stiftung), Ghodsi Hejazi, Klaus Faber (Staatssekretär a.D., RA,), Dr. Ruth Contreras (Scholars for Peace in the Middle East), Sacha Stawski, Daniel Hofmann, Gitta Mohrdieck - Honestly Concerned e. V., Rene Pollak - Vors. Zionistische Organisation Frankfurt, Martin Borowsky (Synodaler der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen, Vorsitzender DIG, AG Erfurt), Johannes Barth (Vorsitzender DIG Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rhein-Neckar), Prof. Dr. Andrei S. Markovits (University of Michigan), Dr. Hermann Kuhn (Vorsitzender Deutsch-Israelische Gesellschaft AG Bremen), Katharina Seewald (DGB Regionsvorsitzende Kassel), Dr. Klaus Thörner (Publizist), Prof. Dr. Heinz Gess (Fachhochschule Bielefeld), Jörg Fischer (Journalist u. Autor), Nea Weißberg-Bob (Autorin, Verlegerin), Chana Steinwurz (Standpunkte-Pädagogin), Dr. Martin Kloke (Politikwissenschaftler), Wolfgang M. Nossen (Jüdische Landesgemeinde, Erfurt), Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken (Wadi e. V.), Alternatives Jugendzentrum e. V. (Dessau), Jörg Rensmann (Redaktion typoskript), Steffen Andersch (Projekt gegenPart, Netzwerkstelle gegen Rechtsextremismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Antisemitismus, Dessau), Bernd Fechler (Jugendbegegnungsstätte Anne Frank), Margitta Neuwald-Golling (VP European Council of WIZO Federations), Iva Svarcová (Filmregisseurin u. Produzentin), Ruth Sophia Nitz-Berthold (Rechtsanwältin), Jüdische Gemeinde Hamburg, Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit e.V. (Essen), ILI - I Like Israel e.V., Israelitische Kultusgemeinde München u. Oberbayern, IKG Nürnberg, B’nai B’rith München, DIG München, AmEchad n.r.V., Jüdischer Turn- u. Sportverein Makkabi, Zionistische Organisation in Deutschland (Z.O.D.), Frankfurt Loge B’nai B’rith, Wizo Deutschland e. V., Evangelische Marienschwestenschaft, Israelfreunde Hannover, Jüdischer Jugend- u. Studentenverband Hessen, Förderverein Ehemalige Synagoge in Hemsbach e.V., Freundeskreis Weinheim - Ramat Gan e. V., haGalil e. V., Prozionistische Linke Frankfurt, Redaktion Bahamas, Keren Hayesod Deutschland Vereinigte Israel Aktion e. V., DIG Aachen e. V., German Media Watch, Adass Israel Nürnberg, DIG AG Franken, Bündnis gegen Antisemitismus Leipzig, and approx. 4.000 other Jewish and non-Jewish organizations and petition-signatories (which can be viewed at
http://www.honestly-concerned.org ).


A report about the rally you can read here(Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth):


World Cup: Jews demonstrate against Iran regime


Some 1500 Jews, supporters demonstrate in Nuremberg against Iranian regime ahead of country’s World Cup soccer match against Mexico. Bavarian Internal Minister: ‘Ahmadinejad a criminal’..







Last but not least it was reported since today morning that for example Berlin-Friedrichshain, usually a city district, where more people are hanging around who are against fascism and rarcism, is more and more "visited" by aggressive acting people, who are possibly very close the the extreme right wing(fascist/racist) scene.


On 6.10 the magazine Der Spiegel published following experience by a German football fan who was later attacked by east germans(racists, fascists or what ever..). The text is just in German. If I will have some time.. I'll try to make a summary about it.






All together: it's just f.. GERMAN INSANITY!!

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네팔뉴스 #36..

Yesterday eKantipur wrote following:


Maoists will be included in govt soon: Ministers

The second round of peace talks between the government and the Maoist rebels will take up major political agendas including the formation of an interim government containing the Maoists, two senior ministers said Saturday.

Speaking at a programme in the capital, Minister for Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation, Pradip Gyawali, who is part of the three member government talks team, today said, "The next round of peace talks would focus on Maoists' arms management, truce monitoring and formation of an interim government that includes the Maoists."

The minister, however, did not give a timeframe for the second round of talks. Minister Gyawali also revealed that the cabinet is holding discussions on how to bring the rebels into the government.

He also admitted that the government couldn’t move ahead accommodating the Maoists at the moment due to "some work" that needed to be accomplished first.

"As serious homework is underway, the second round of the government-Maoist talks is delayed," said the minister.

He also informed that the government was working on the release of some 300 Maoist prisoners to make the talks environment conducive.

Speaking on the same occasion, Hem Raj Gyawali, chairman of Kantipur Publications opined that the government should sincerely work to make the talks a success.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, K.P. Sharma Oli today said that the government is preparing to bring the Maoists into the government soon.

Oli made the remarks while talking to journalists upon his arrival in Bhairahawa to participate in a programme organized by his party—CPN-UML.

Saying that the next round of government-Maoist peace talks would be held soon, DPM Oli claimed that the delay in talks was not due to the government.



As I wrote before, there are no informations by non-bourgeois sources.. neither from the CPN-M, nor GEFONT or other(even intl) progressive organisations...




And it is really "funny" that - for example - the CPP(Communist Party of the Philippines, one of the strongest communist organisations in Asia, or better all over the world) and its "legal" organisations since the beginning of struggle for a full democracy in Nepal(starting last April) reported nothing - yeah, complete nothing - about this movement.


The last "statement", by CPP was published last Feb.:



Congratulatory Greetings
of the Communist Party of the Philippines
to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)

Central Committee

13 February 2006...



And later everything what they - CPP, NDF and Makibaka(CPP/CDF women org.) - were publishing about intl. "affairs" was this:



16 February 2006


16 February 2006


16 February 2006





And believe it: CPP and their legal groups were for long time close sister(brother..) organisations for CPN-M



It seems that after 70 years of[partly bloody "mistakes"(^^)] we, the int. so-called progressive movement for a better world(a world without expolitation and oppression..), learned nothing new..






uhuu... these are just my(perhaps stupid) ideas..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反평화 Pal.<->Israel

Perhaps - if there will be one or two more "mistakes", so-called "incidents", such as Qassam, or more worse Katyusha attacks leading to the killing of Israeli citizens, or the next suicide attack inside Isreal with many victims - everything will be over...


...but the Palestinian "resistance" is already preparing this case..


Hamas calls off truce with Israel (Ynet/Reuters, 6.9)


Group's military wing declares cancellation of 16-month-old ceasefire with Israel

After a ceasefire that lasted 16 months, Hamas's armed wing vowed on Friday to renew attacks against Israel hours after IDF artillery shells killed seven civilians.


"The Israeli massacres represent a direct opening battle and that means the earthquake in the Zionist cities will resume and the herds of occupiers have no choice but to prepare the coffins or the departing luggage," the group said in a statement.


For the first time since the August withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the IDF targeted a Hamas cell involved in firing Qassam rockets into Israel on Friday afternoon.


Mohammad Abu Sahila, a Hamas military commander, and his assistant, Ahmad Siam, were injured when a missile fired by an Israeli helicopter hit their car in Gaza's Jabaliya refugee camp.


Hamas' political leadership has not immediately comment on the statement.


'No Jews will be left in Palestine'


Earlier Friday, a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees vowed on Friday to avenge the killing of the group's leader, killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza on Thursday and promised "there will be no Jews left in Palestine."


"The Palestinian resistance will plant death everywhere the Jews go. We will bring death to the streets of Tel Aviv and all the cities of the Zionist enemy until Islam prevails," Mohammad Abu Al, nicknamed Abu Abir, told Ynet.


The spokesman admitted the assassination dealt a blow to the group as Samhadana masterminded most attacks carried out over the last decade.





Hamas: We fired Qassams toward Israel


At least 16 Qassams fired early Saturday toward Sderot, other western Negev areas; member of Hamas' armed wing says, ‘next time rockets will be longer in range; they will hit places deeper inside Zionist entity’


“Next time, the rockets will be longer in range and they will hit places deeper inside the Zionist entity"...







The latest escalation of the "conflict" between the Israeli side and the "resistance" fighters in Gaza, which is under full control of the PA and the new(Hamas) govt., started with the IAF attack  against a training center where Jamal Abu Samhadana, the general inspector of the Palestinian Interior and National Security Ministry, was killed last week.

Samhadana's aim was clear: 'Jews our only enemy', he told the Sunday Times(GB). In my opinion he was just a f.. reactionary.. [in German I would say 'Faschistenschwein'.. (mi-anh hae-yo..)].

More you can read here:




More about the latest developments there you can read here:


Hamas fires rockets at Israel   (IHT/NYT)


Hamas ends truce, fires rockets   (Al Jazeera)



Abbas blasts 'Gaza massacre' (Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth)      


Palestinian president condemns Israel for killing of seven Ralia family members in Beit Lahiya Saturday; sets July 26 as date for referendum in PA; Hamas rejects vote. Meanwhile, thousands attend funerals in Gaza. Masses call for revenge, Jihad against Israel..








Finally this is a very sad development... and only the "ordinary" people, especially in the Palestinian territories(mainly in Gaza), who are not directly involved, will suffer more and more... and nobody cares about them..




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

팔레스티나/이스라엘 전쟁..

While the "entire world" is watching/following the 2006 World Cup, the "conflict" between Palestine and Israel is inreasing - perhaps without no(really) intl attention..


THE ESCALATION OF THE CONFLICT IS INCREASING SINCE THE LAST TWO DAYS.. (Well, why not calling this f.. shit, as what it is - or at least will be soon??!! WAR)


After the I"D"F( http://www1.idf.il/DOVER/site/homepage.asp?clr=1&sl=EN&id=-8888 ) was attacking before yesterday a training camp in Gaza, where several Palestinian militants were killed, the situation in the region is getting.. Yo, what you think???


OK, here a kind of chronology:


The Guardian(GB) wrote yesterday morning:


Hamas official killed in Israeli air strike



Palestinian militants today promised to avenge the death of the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority's security chief in an Israeli air strike yesterday.

Jamal Abu Samhadana was one of four people killed in the strike on a training camp in the Gaza Strip town of Rafah, which happened shortly before midnight. Ten people were injured.

The 43-year-old was the founder of the Popular Resistance Committees, which has been responsible for regular rocket attacks on Israel.

Hours after his death, two rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip, hitting a building in the southern Israeli town of Sderot...





The Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth wrote just few hours later this:


3 Qassams hit south following IAF killing


..Two Qassam rockets were fired from the northern Gaza Strip toward the southern town of Sderot.



One rocket landed in an apartment building's yard, while the other two fell in an open areas. There were no reports of injuries.






..Later around noon in Gaza:


Rafah: 30,000 attend Samhadana's funeral


Thousands of Palestinians arrive in Gaza to take part in funeral, special prayer in honor of Popular Resistance Committees chief assassinated by IDF Thursday; Islamic Jihad official confirms: Samhadana killed while planning terror attack..





PM 4:12(Ynet reported)..


12 killed by IDF artillery fire


Palestinian sources report 12 Palestinians, including children, killed by artillery shells fired by navy off Gaza coast; Earlier, IAF fires missile at car carrying Qassam cell, killing 3 PRC members



Twelve Palestinian civilians were killed and dozens were injured when artillery shells fired by the Israel Defense Forces exploded on a beach north of the Gaza Strip on Friday, eyewitnesses said.

According to initial reports, the shells were fired by the navy. But an initial military investigation into the incident revealed that the shells were fired from land canons.


Israel frequently shells launch pads in the Gaza Strip used by gunmen to fire Qassam rockets at Israel.

Among the victims are two women, one of whom lost both her children, a year-old toddler and his three-year-old sister. Dozens others were injured in the attack, which occurred on busy Gaza beach near Beit Lahiya.


Israel Defense Forces Chief of General Staff Lit.-Gen. Dan Halutz ordered a halt to all artillery fire until the circumstances of the deadly incident become clear.


Abbas condemns 'Israeli massacre'


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the incident as an Israeli "bloody massacre".


"No doubt what's going on in Gaza is a bloody massacre against our people, our civilians, without

discrimination," he said. "I call upon the international community, Security Council, the Quartet, to put an end to this Israeli killing policy."


IAF steps up air strikes

Shortly after, medical sources said three Islamic Jihad activists were injured by a missile that hit their car in Beit Lahiya in an apparent Israeli air strike. The army said the men had planned to launch rockets at Israel.


Earlier, two Palestinians were killed in an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip. A missile fired by an Israeli helicopter slammed into a car traveling in Beit Lahiya, killing senior amas commander Mohammad Abu Sahila and his companion, Ahmad Siam.


Earlier Friday, three Palestinians were killed in an air strike that targeted a car carrying three members of the Popular Resistance Committees who launched a Qassam rocket at Israel.

The Israel Defense Forces said it attacked the Qassam cell after its members fired a rocket into Israel, lightly wounding one man. A second airstrike then hit the car carrying the cell members as they tried to speed away, killing the three men, the army said.


Palestinian officials, however, said the airstrikes had targeted separate groups several miles apart from one another.


There were no reports of injuries or damage caused by the Palestinian rocket.


The killed Palestinians were identified as Basel Zaanin, his brother Ahmad and Khaled Zaanin, a relative.


On Thursday night, the Israel Defense Forces killed Jamal Abu Samhadana, the man in charge of one of the strongest terror organizations in Gaza, who was appointed as the general supervisor of the Interior Ministry, the ministry responsible for the security organizations.


An aircraft fired four missiles on one of the organization's training camps. At least four people were killed in a strike planned by the Southern Command and the Israel Air Force, which considered Samhadana to be one of the most wanted Palestinians. He had escaped at least four assassination attempts and has been wanted since the first intifada.

Some 30,000 Palestinians arrived in the Gaza town of Rafah Friday afternoon to attend the funeral of Popular Resistance Committees chief Jamal Abu Samhadana.


At the end of the funeral, a special prayer was expected to be held at the local soccer field. Dozens of gunmen deployed across the city ahead of the funeral.


A Popular Resistance Committees spokesman said during the funeral that the organization has elected a new secretary-general. He added that the organization would not publish the replacement's name "for security reasons."




More about the issue you can read here:




Hamas official killed by Israeli airstrike


Al Jazeera:


Israeli artillery kills Palestinians





Palestinians killed on Gaza beach


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2006 독일월드컵 #5














Just few hours before the beginning of the f.. 2006 WC the German magazine Der Spiegel, beside different "foreigner"/refugee/asylum seeker organisations, published a TRAVEL WARNING especialy for East Germany, incl. East Berlin: "The entire East Germany is dangerous for non-white people (Spiegel is writing "dunkelhaeutig")"


Here(for example): 

http://www.prevent-racist-attack.org/ (Prevent Racist Attacks)

you can learn how you, as an African, Asian..., can survive in(especially) East Germany without to be hunted, tortured or killed by racists or/and fascists.



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