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가자(팔레스티나)戰 #9









After fierce fighting in the last 24 hours between Palestinian fighters and IDF, especially in the northern part of the Gaza Strip - according to Israeli sources at least 40 Palestinians were killed - it seems that a kind of solution of the current conflict, caused by the kidnapping of G. Shalit(the Israeli soldier) might be happen soon.

Yeah it sounds really good! But, believe it or not, actually nothing will be solved and only a short while later the entire shit will be starting again(more about it I'll write likely later..)!



Here just the latest news:


Ynet, just a short time ago, reported this:


Dichter: We’ll release prisoners if necessary


Internal security minister says ‘Israel will release Palestinian security prisoners in exchange for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit’s freedom. Adds: Release of prisoners in exchange for end to Qassam rocket fire on Israel an attainable goal

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter said Friday that “Israel will release (Palestinian security) prisoners to free kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. We’ve done it in the past to free hostages and in exchange for calm.”..




Just in the morning Guardian wrote this:


Israeli army in for the long haul in Gaza Strip

· Settlements reoccupied in wake of Ashkelon attacks
· Crisis could go on even if kidnapped soldier is freed

Palestinians carry a man wounded in an Israeli air strike
Palestinians carry a man wounded in an Israeli air strike near Khan Yunis in the

Gaza Strip. Photograph: Samuel Aranda/Getty

Israel faces the prospect of a long-term reoccupation of parts of the Gaza Strip after Palestinian rockets for the first time struck a major Israeli city, escalating a crisis that began with the capture of a single soldier.

The Israeli army launched an assault on the Gaza town of Beit Lahiya and reoccupied three former Jewish settlements in response to the attacks on Ashkelon, until now well beyond the range of the rudimentary Palestinian missiles.

Politicians and the army acknowledge that now the tanks and troops are in again it may be politically impossible to withdraw them swiftly even if the captured Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit, is freed...




...and about one hour ago this:

Israeli Hints at Prisoner Swap for Soldier



Before, all the day, the news were just like that:


Qassam fire on Sderot continues


Day of panic in Gaza vicinity communities: In spite of IDF's presence inside Strip, Red Dawn alert system constantly activated. Ten rockets hit southern town area since Friday morning; three residents wounded by shrapnel, rushed to hospital...




Gaza Division commander: Palestinians in shock


Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi tells Ynet, 'Palestinians did not expect such a long series of operations; soldiers in field, he says, are dealing with many weapons smuggled from 'totally breached' Egyptian border. IDF: More than 30 terrorists killed so far...




Beit Lahiya turns into ghost town


Palestinian sources report that almost all residents of Gaza Strip town fled their homes following IDF strike, only gunmen left in alleys. Palestinian Health Minister calls on residents to donate blood...

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3272399,00.html (Yedioth Ahronoth)



Israel kills five more Palestinians (Al Jazeera)


And so on, and so on.. 



Let's see what's coming in the next days..




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/평화 행진, d2

(Of course) until now there is no English report about the - now - 2nd day of the Peace March.



So here just some pictures and a article in Korean by Voice of People (민중의소리):


The 2nd day: Protest in Gwacheon, Govt. complex

Demo in downtown Suwon

Protest rally in front of Gyeongi-do Police HQ, Suwon

2nd Evening Culture Festival..

..at Suwon Stn.


"반평화 5적, 인권ㆍ평화의 이름으로 소환한다"

[평택 평화행진 2일차] 정부청사-경기경찰청-수원역




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北 미사일.. #4









Ha, ha.. of course the DPRK has all rights to.. blabla.. And never they will give up.. blabla..  And of course no-one can stop them... WHAT A SURPRISE^^!!



Here the last news and analysis about the latest developments:


The Guardian(UK)


North Korea defies critics over missiles


North Korea rounded on its critics in dramatic fashion on Thursday, warning the US and Japan that it planned to test-launch more missiles and would resort to "physical actions" against any country that continued to pressure it to abandon its missile programme.

The secretive state acknowledged for the first time that it had launched seven missiles on Wednesday in a move that had drawn immediate condemnation from the US, Japan and Britain and prompted an emergency meeting of the UN security council. The missiles all landed harmlessly in the Sea of Japan...


Please read the full article here:



Two other articles/analysis by the same paper, published 7.06, you can read here:


Kim may have overplayed his hand

Bound together by paranoia





News Analysis: U.S. has few good choices in N. Korea standoff


Discord over reply to Korean missile test



Asia Times(HK/China):


N Korea's ace threatens US-Seoul alliance



Washington Post:


N. Korea Says It Will Continue Missile Tests



Al Jazeera:

North Korea vows more missile tests



DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman on Its Missile Launches (KCNA)



And finally the S. Korean "left-liberal" daily Hankyoreh wrote yesterday about the timing of the missile tests following:

Question of timing for N.K. missile launch


Reasons both international and domestic for holding test-fire now


North Korea fired at least six missiles, the long-range Daepodong-2 and the mid- to short-range Scud and Nodong, consecutively from about 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. on July 5, local time. The weather near the launch side in Musudan-ri, formerly Daepo-dong, Hwadae-gun, North Hamgyeong Province, was not favorable for the test launch. It is common practice not to fire missiles in bad weather, nor at night, but the North proceeded. According to a military expert, the U.S., China, Europe, and Russia have never launched missiles in early morning under bad weather.

The missiles were fired in regular sequence as soon as the United States launched the space shuttle Discovery. The U.S. was celebrating its Independence Day, waiting for news of the space shuttle launch, when they were shocked by the news that North Korea had conducted its launches. This provocative move by the communist regime brought about a crisis on the Korea Peninsula and Northeast Asia. The media worldwide were busy reporting on the North’s missile test-firing and concerned nations’ countermeasures instead of covering the launch of the space shuttle.

An analyst said, "North Korea displayed its missile capabilities by firing missiles on U.S. Independence Day. Such a movement is high-level psychological warfare meant to attract the world’s attention."

The timing of North Korea’s missile launch holds very strong symbolism, not only for inter-Korean relations but within North Korea, as well. The day July 4 is the 34th anniversary of the South-North Joint Statement, and Kim Il-sung died 12 years ago on July 8. The mouthpiece of North Korea’s ruling Workers’ Party, Rodong Sinmun, in an editorial on July 4 stressed that the country’s " ’military-first policy’ will bring prosperity to our fatherland."

When North Korea test-launched a Daepodong-1 missile on Aug. 31, 1998, it had international and domestic intentions in selecting that date, as well. At the time, the Stalinist regime was making attempts to rewin the minds of its citizens under slogans of North Korea as a ’powerful nation’ with a ’military-first policy’ to usher in the so-called Kim Jong-il era after Kim Il-sung had been in power for so long. Kim Jong-il continued his drive to win over the North Korean people by means of the historic inter-Korean summit in 2000 and two North Korea-Japan summits since then, but he may have wanted to reassert himself since George W. Bush took office.

It is highly possible that North Korea was exhibiting its brinkmanship tactics once again. China has stepped up diplomatic efforts by suggesting unofficial six-party talks and President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi declared at a summit in Washington on June 29 that they would not accept North Korea’s missile launches. Under such circumstances, Pyongyang fired at least six missiles, including a long-range one, as if to say, "North Korea will never surrender or retreat."




And last but not least:

Of course..

"The DPRK has a right to build Weapons of Mass Destruction.."(harrharr~)



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

가자(팔레스티나)戰 #8





DAY 7 & 8 (水/木)




A short story


Rami Avraham, who lives nearby (in Ashkelon), told: "I was sitting in my house's balcony and waiting to see if the army was firing at the (Gaza) Strip. Suddenly I heard a loud whistle and saw the rocket flying with fire and a lot of smoke, and then I heard a very loud explosion."




Wednesday in the late evening the military wing of Hamas was launching again two Qassam rockets, hitting the second time in two days the south Israeli coastal town Ashkelon. In the night before IAF was attacking again Palestinian govt buildings in Gaza.


After the latest rocket attack against Ashkelon the situation on the battle field, especially in the northern part of Gaza was/is intensifying hour by hour. During fierce fights between IDF and resistance fighters only in the last hours about 16 Palestinians were killed.



Here the latest news:


10 dead after fighting in Gaza (Guardian)

Palestinians run for cover during armed clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers in Beit Lahiya
Palestinians run for cover during armed clashes between Palestinian militants

and Israeli soldiers in Beit Lahiya. Photograph: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty

Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen fought throughout today in the biggest outbreak of violence since the abduction of an Israeli soldier almost two weeks ago. By this afternoon there were reports of the death of at least 10 Palestinians and an Israeli soldier. It was not clear if the dead Palestinians were fighters, civilians or both.

In the early hours of this morning Israeli forces took over settlements they evacuated 10 months ago in northern Gaza and pushed to the outskirts of Beit Lahiya. There has been little progress in international negotiations on the release of Corporal Gilad Shalit, 19, but Israel increased its offensive against Gazan militants after three Qassams rockets hit central Ashkelon, an area that was previously out of range...


Read the full article here:




Israelis Push Farther Into Gaza Strip (Washington Post)





IDF takes swath of northern Gaza to end rocket fire (Haaretz)

Eleven Palestinians, including one civilian, were killed by the Israel Defense Forces in the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahia on Thursday afternoon, bringing the death toll to 17 since the start of an incursion in northern Gaza aimed at ending Qassam fire.

Palestinian officials said eight people were killed and 20 more wounded when an Israel Air Force aircraft fired a missile and two shells at a group of armed militants in Beit Lahia. Three others were killed and another 35 wounded in further clashes...




16 Palestinians killed in Gaza battles (Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth)


Heavy fire exchanges ensue in northern Gaza Thursday afternoon; sources in the Strip report of at least eight killed by direct hit of IDF artillery shell, another two shot dead by soldiers in Beit Lahiya. Palestinian death toll stands at 16 since operation has been launched Wednesday night. IDF claims attacks were aimed solely at terrorists. Meanwhile, Qassam fire on Israel continues...





..UN calls on Israel to halt Gaza operation



The very latest:


Just a short while ago the first Israeli soldier was killed in northern Gaza.. (BBC World)




Soldier killed in Gaza (Ynet)


Soldier shot in the head by snipers in Atatara area in northern Strip, sustains critical injuries and later dies of wounds in hospital. Popular Resistance Committees claim responsibility for attack. Meanwhile, army reports of heavy fighting in Gaza...



..occupational hazard!!


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

필리핀 - 전쟁(??)

Already in the last weeks the Arroyo regime in Manila was announcing that it want to finish the "conflict"(actually a kind of civil war since over 30 years) with the Communist Party, the NDF and the New People's Army soon by force. Now, even the CPP/NDF is willing to resume talks with the govt, it seems that the regime is ready to launch the final deadly battle against the left opposition in the country.


Al Jazeera reported yesterday following:


Philippines forces merge in crackdown

Arroyo said she wanted to end 'revolutionary taxation'

The president of the Philippines has ordered the police and the military to combine forces to finish off the country's 37-year-old communist insurgency.

In a speech at the national police headquarters on Wednesday, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said she would soon sign an executive order designed to create a police and military "partnership in the battle against the left".


Last month, Arroyo announced a campaign against the communists backed by millions of dollars to buy helicopters and other equipment.


"As we run to ground the armed core of the terrorist left, we will erase the fear they want to instil in our people and we will defeat their objectives through nation-building," Arroyo said.


She also said that the police and the military would end the "revolutionary taxation" levied by communist fighters and protect those who refuse to pay.



"Butcher of democracy"



On Tuesday, Arroyo's spokesman, Ignacio Bunye, dismissed communist calls to resume peace talks, saying they must first agree to a cease-fire.


The communists broke off Norwegian-negotiated talks two years ago to protest against the government's refusal to lobby for their removal from US and European terror lists.


The National Democratic Front, which represented the fighters in the negotiations, has called for the talks to resume and for the end of a government crackdown on left-wing groups.


More than 600 activists and supporters have been killed and more than 170 others have gone missing since 2001, the group said.


"Unless the Arroyo regime wants to continue to be known as the butcher of democracy and political activists, it must issue an order to its military, police and paramilitary forces to cease and desist from these atrocities," the group said in a statement.


The communists say they will not sign a cease-fire before agreeing a political settlement.




The Philippine(bourgeois) Daily Inquirer wrote yesterday this:


Gov’t sticks to war, rejects Reds’ peace bid

NDF works out revival of talks in Norway


MALACAÑANG remains committed to pursuing its all-out war against communist rebels even if exiled leaders of the communist-led National Democratic Front have asked Norway to convince President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo to return to the negotiating table.

In a statement, the NDF said it had sent its top leadership to Oslo on Monday for four days of consultations with the Norwegian foreign ministry...


Please read the full article here:





Bishop Says Arroyo’s All-Out War Promotes Death

A Catholic bishop said that the all-out war declared by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo against the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) is a promotion of death. He also said the declaration of all-out war after the abolition of the death penalty is a “contradiction of policy.”...




To learn more about the history of the "conflict" please check out for example wikipedia:




Just now I'd to learn that the web sites of CPP, NDF.. are disappeared...(what a surprise! It's already WAR!)





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/평화 행진, d1

Actually comrades wanted to report daily in English, but until now..


But here are some first photo impressions(by VoP):


Short after the begin of Peace March. Sejong-no, near Gwanghwamun


1st Evening culture festival..


..at Dang-san subway station



On 민중의 소리/Voice of People I found following article(in Korean) 

about the first day of the Peace March:

"285리를 걸어 285만평의 땅을 되찾자"

1일차 행진 성공리에..촛불집회 마치고 과천으로



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北 미사일.. #3


North Korea test- fires 7th missile (IHT/NYT)


North Korea test-fired at least six missiles over the Sea of Japan on Wednesday morning, including an intercontinental ballistic missile that apparently failed or was aborted 42 seconds after it was launched, White House and Pentagon officials said.

Later Wednesday, North Korea launched a seventh missile amid international outrage that had erupted over the first missile test, the Associated Press reported, citing an official at the South Korea Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The launchings came in defiance of warnings from President Bush and the governments of Japan, South Korea and China. Of the launchings, intelligence officials focused most of their attention on the intercontinental missile, called the Taepodong 2, which American spy satellites have been watching on a remote launching pad for more than a month.
It is designed to be capable of reaching Alaska, and perhaps the West Coast of the United States, but American officials who tracked its launching said it fell into the Sea of Japan before its first stage burned out.
"The Taepodong obviously was a failure - that tells you something about capabilities," Stephen Hadley, President Bush's national security adviser, told reporters in a phone call on Tuesday evening in Washington. But other officials warned that even a failed launching was of some use to the North Koreans, because it will help them diagnose what went wrong with the liquid-fueled rocket.
The missiles have been the source of considerable diplomatic tension in recent weeks, because of North Korea's declarations that it already possesses nuclear weapons. American intelligence agencies have told President Bush they believe that North Korea has the fuel for such weapons.
However, the country is not believed to have developed a warhead small enough to fit atop one of its missiles, and it has never conducted a nuclear test, to the knowledge of American officials.
The other missiles that the North fired Wednesday morning appeared to be a mix of short-range Scud-C missiles and intermediate-range Rodong missiles, of the kind that the North has sold to Iran, Pakistan and other nations. Those missiles also landed in the Sea of Japan.
None of the launchings were announced in advance. But the first came just minutes after the space shuttle Discovery lifted off in Florida - an event the North Koreans could monitor on television. Administration officials said they could only speculate as to whether the missile launching had been timed to coincide with the shuttle launching, or with Independence Day, but outside analysts had little doubt.
"It's very in your face to do it on the Fourth of July," said Ashton Carter, a Harvard professor who, with former defense secretary William Perry, had urged the Bush administration to destroy the Taepodong missile on the launching pad, advice the administration rejected."Hooray if it failed," Carter said.
While the test itself was a sign of North Korea's defiance of the United States, for the administration, the outcome was as favorable as officials could have hoped for: the North's capacity was called into question, and the North's enigmatic leader, Kim Jong Il, has now put himself at odds with the two countries that have provided him aid, China and South Korea. "Our hope is that the Chinese are going to be furious," said one senior American official, who declined to be identified.
Another official noted that only days ago, the Chinese indicated that they were trying to put together an "informal" meeting of the long-dormant six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program. The North has boycotted the talks since September, citing American efforts to close down the banks it uses overseas.
But North Korea had apparently not responded to the Chinese invitation, and American officials said last week that the Chinese would not have made that gesture if they believed that they were about to be embarrassed by the country that they once considered a close ally.
The launching also makes it difficult for the South Koreans to continue their policy of providing aid and investment to the North, a program that has caused deep rifts with Washington. Administration officials said that Christopher Hill, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia and the main negotiator with North Korea, would leave for Asia on Wednesday, and that they expected him to use the launchings to try to bring South Korea and China into the fold on imposing some kind of sanctions.
At the same time, the launching is likely to strengthen the hand of hard-liners in the Bush administration who have long argued that the six-party talks were bound to fail. They now have what one American diplomat called "a clear runway" to press for a gradually escalating series of sanctions, which some officials clearly hope will bring down Kim's government.
But it is far from clear that China - which provides the North with its oil and much of its food - would go along with any move for sanctions. As one central figure in American policymaking told visiting Asian officials late last month, "the Chinese are very worried about collapse," and likely would try to prevent that form happening.
The firing ended weeks of speculation about the intentions of Pyongyang, which had rolled out the Taepodong 2, its new long-range missile, in full view of American spy satellites, and came despite severe warnings from the United States and countries in this region that a test would entail further isolation and sanctions. The first missile was fired around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday, according to the Japanese government.
American officials said they believe the Taepodong 2 was the third missile fired, with the U.S. Northern Command saying that it was launched at 5 a.m. on Wednesday.
American and Japanese officials immediately condemned the launchings Wednesday morning. But American officials had never considered it a serious threat to the United States, especially because there was no evidence the missile was equipped with a warhead. Bush's spokesman, Tony Snow, only went so far as to call the launching "provocative behavior."
The Japanese government said it would take "severe actions" against the North, possibly including economic sanctions. Those could include shutting down the ferry service to North Korea and attempting to stem the flow of the transfer of cash to the North from Koreans in Japan, though officials acknowledge that would be difficult.
At the United Nations, John Bolton, the United States ambassador, was "urgently consulting" with other members of the Security Council to try to schedule a meeting of the panel, according to his spokesman, Richard Grenell. Later in the evening, it was announced that the Council would meet to take up the matter at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the request of Japan. Hadley acknowledged that "what we really don't have a fix on is, you know, what's the intention of all this, what is the purpose of all this? " He noted it was a violation of North Korea's previous pledges to hold to a moratorium on missile tests.
He said one possibility was that the North was attempting to seize the spotlight from Iran, whose efforts to develop its nuclear program - which is years behind North Korea's nuclear abilities - had grabbed all the headlines. But he noted that "it's hard to get a sense on what they think is to be achieved by this."
It was also unclear why it fired short- and mid-range missiles, which it has tested successfully in the past and of which it is said to own several hundred.
"One theory is that they knew that there was a probability that things with the Taepodong 2 wouldn't work, so it was good to fire off a few missiles that would actually work," said a senior Bush administration official, who asked that his name not be used because he was not authorized to speak about this issue.
In 1998, the last time the North tested a missile outside its territory, Pyongyang fired the Taepodong 1, which flew over Japan before falling into the sea. That test set off a negative reaction in the region, especially in Japan, which responded by strengthening its military capabilities and its alliance with the United States.
Wednesday morning's tests are likely to increase calls inside Japan to strengthen its missile defense efforts with the United States, and could increase support for hawkish candidates in the race to succeed Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who is scheduled to retire in September.
Shinzo Abe, Japan's chief cabinet secretary, who is the leading candidate to succeed Mr. Koizumi and who has gained popularity in recent years by being tough on North Korea and China, said the tests were "a serious problem from the standpoint of our national security, peace and stability of the international community and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction."
The tests are sure to anger China - which expended considerable diplomatic prestige in pressing the North not to go ahead with the launching and to rejoin the six-nation talks - and raise doubts anew about the real extent of Beijing's influence on Pyongyang. The Chinese foreign ministry said it had no comment to make yet on the launching.
In South Korea, whose government publicly urged the North not to test-fire but privately played down the risk, opponents of the government's engagement policy toward the North might gain support in presidential elections next year.
Intelligence from American satellite photographs indicated in mid-June that the North was proceeding with the test-firing of the Taepodong 2 at a launching pad on North Korea's remote east coast. Satellite photographs showed that the North Koreans had taken steps to put fuel into the missile, but the missile sat there until Wednesday morning, leading to speculation that the North was simply staging the event in order to gain attention from the United States.
American officials had suggested that they might use missile defense to shoot down the Taepodong 2 in midair. Bad weather in this region was said to have delayed the launching, because poor visibility would prevent the North from tracking its missile.

But the North contradicted expert opinion by launching its long-range missile in predawn darkness today



North Korea Test-Fires Seventh Missile (Washington Post)


Anger at N Korea missile tests (Al Jazeera)

Australia predicts more launches 



N Korea's missiles met by Japanese sanctions (Asia Times

Just hours after North Korea's provocative series of missile launches, Japan has reacted by banning the docking of the Mangyongbyon-92, a ferry that shuttles between Wonson in North Korea and Niigata, and which is the main direct link between the two countries...





Here the latest news by IHT/NYT:


UN Security Council meets to discuss North Korean missiles

China caught off guard, but strong rebuke is unlikely



CNN reported a short while ago(ha, now its already 7.05, 11 P.M. CET..) following:

U.S.: World firm against NK threat






Later perhaps more about the issue..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

오늘(水) 평화행진


아침 10시





















평화가 무엇이냐..

by 돕헤드同志

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

가자(팔레스티나)戰 #7







Here just the latest news:




Palestinians end talks on Israeli hostage

A building at the Islamic University, Gaza City, after an Israeli missile strike
Palestinian students stand around the rubble of a building destroyed following an

Israeli missile strike on the Islamic University in Gaza City.

Photograph: Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty

Palestinians holding an Israeli soldier said this morning that they had ended negotiations on his fate after Israel ignored an ultimatum to begin releasing prisoners.

The Hamas-led militants holding Corporal Gilad Shalit had said that if Israel had not begun releasing some of the 1,500 prisoners by 6am today it would "bear the consequences". A spokesman for the Army of Islam, one of Cpl Shalit's abductors, said they had "decided to freeze all contacts and close the files of this soldier" but added: "We will not kill the soldier, if he is still alive."..





Deadline set by Palestinan militants passes



Al Jazeera:

Discussion 'closed' on soldier's fate



Ynet/Yedioth Ahronoth:

Haniyeh: Don't kill Israeli soldier




IDF troops move into Palestinian side of Erez border crossing


Bomb-laden car found in Jenin; Asheri murder suspects nabbed



..once again Ynet:


Qassam rocket lands in heart of Ashkelon


New reality for southern city's residents: Houses in range of rockets. Loud explosion heard in heart of city, damage caused to high school; no injuries reported...






Hamas military wing claims responsibility; rocket causes damage

but no casualties
Qassam rocket hits school in center of Ashkelon (Haaretz)
A Qassam rocket landed at the center of the southern coastal city of Ashkelon for the first time on Tuesday evening, hitting the ORT Ronson High School building, causing light damage to the structure but no injuries.

Hamas - via its military wing, the Iz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades - later claimed credit for the rocket attack, the deepest ever a Qassam has reached into Israeli territory.

"This is a major escalation in the war of terror that the Hamas organization is responsible for," Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said in a speech..





Murderers: Asheri shot to death


Youth's murderers, who surrendered to IDF forces, tell questioners about kidnap, murder. Central Command chief: Palestinian security forces were asked to hand over murderers, but nothing was done. PRC: our sword will reach Ramallah's chief of police...




Palestine Information Center(a news"agency" close to Hamas) wrote about the arrests in Ramallah/El Bireh(see also the article before by Ynet) following story: 


IOF storm El-Bireh police station, kidnap three citizens


IOF troops at an early hour Tuesday stormed the main police station in El-Bireh city and arrested three citizens working in the Palestinian national security force, witnesses in the city reported.

They said that around 50 IOF soldiers encircled the building in Balo' suburb north of the city and called on all those inside via loudspeakers to surrender or else they will be killed.

The soldiers fired at the building live bullets and sound bombs then broke into it and arrested the three, no information are available on those citizens so far.

The IOF troops prevented journalists and correspondents from approaching the scene and detained them hundreds of meters away from the police headquarters.

Local sources noted that the IOF troops last night burst into the Balo suburb and used trained dogs in combing the suburb under heavy gunfire other than the presence of reconnaissance planes overhead.

IOF disguised soldiers used civilian cars to roam the streets of the suburb at the pretext of looking for citizens who took part in abducting and killing the Israeli conscript Eliyahu Asheri early last week.





Well, here the very, very latest news for today:


Olmert: Hamas will be first to get hurt (Ynet)


In first response to rocket fired at Ashkelon, prime minister says 'this serious act and this criminal attempt to hurt Israel's citizens will have far-reaching consequences.' Cabinet to convene Wednesday for emergency meeting. Sources in Jerusalem: Harsh response expected...




Aeh~ I think he(Olmert) just wanted to say: "NOW we really wanna FUCK Hamas!", or something like that..


BTW.. only few hours before IAF missiles were "landing" in the University of Gaza.. 


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


KCNA, a.k.a. NK's state agency to publish politacal jokes, reported yesterday following stuff:


Rodong Sinmun on Anti-U.S. Struggle of South Koreans

The nation-wide movement for independent national reunification requires to put an end to the U.S. policy of making south Korea into its military base and drive the U.S. imperialist aggressors out of south Korea, which is a vital issue related to the destiny of the nation and an urgent demand of the times that brooks no further delay. Rodong Sinmun Sunday says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    The U.S. military presence in south Korea is a brigandish act of violating the demand and desire of all the Korean people for national independence and sovereignty and a vicious crime of turning south Korea into a springboard and an advanced base for a war of aggression and blocking the reunification and independent and unified progress of the nation.
    The anti-U.S. struggle in south Korea is rapidly developing into a mass struggle.
    The south Korean people's awareness of anti-U.S. independence growing after the adoption of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration gives impetus to an extensive anti-U.S. struggle. Most of south Koreans regard the U.S. as the biggest obstacle standing in the way of reunification and assert that the U.S., not the north, should be designated as the principal enemy.
    The anti-U.S. struggle is now becoming a common slogan transcending class and strata, affiliation and position, progress and conservatism.
    The anti-U.S. struggle of south Koreans has recently intensified and developed in broad and diverse forms in combination with the movement for reunification.
    The movement for national reunification in Korea is inseparably linked with the anti-U.S. struggle. It is impossible to achieve national reunification without the anti-U.S. struggle. It is none other than the U.S, who has divided Korea into two and kept its troops stationed in south Korea, standing in the way of Korea's reunification for more than 60 years.
    The south Korean people are intensifying their struggle, converting different forms of the movement for national reunification into the anti-U.S. struggle this year, too.
    What draws attention in their anti-U.S. struggle is that international support and solidarity with it are increasing day by day.
    The anti-U.S. struggle is the requirement of the times and the unanimous desire of all the fellow countrymen. Voices demanding the withdrawal of the U.S. troops from south Korea are growing in the U.S., too.
    The U.S. should stop its anachronistic policy of domination over south Korea, its moves to make it a military base and take a bold decision to withdraw its aggression troops from south Korea.






..of course there's ONLY ONE SOLUTION!!






"USFK Bastards Out Now!"




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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