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생일 선물..^^


The first present for my today's ..blabla - in advance: last night/this morning the 100,000th person was checking the stuff here on my blog. THANX TO ALL OF YOU!!


Among the possibility for me to return "home"(->南朝鮮!!/aeh~ I know the working class has no "home", i.e. father-/motherland^^) immediately(!!), an adequate alternative blabla present would be the (communist^^, or whatever)revolution as soon as possible, or at least: tear down[blow up, burn down..(*)] today the US embassy(^^)!! THANX IN ADVANCE!.




7월 12일 보도자료

7월 12일(水)

10:00 한미FTA저지 결의대회(신라호텔 앞)

14:00 부문대회

16:00 2차 범국민대회(광화문)







자본주의 박살내자!
















진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/평화 행진(fin)

Finally here you'll find a very personally report about the last two days (7.08/09) of the Peace March in English:


Notes from the Peace March from the Blue House to Pyeongtaek


Attacks against protesters, 7.08 (source: 민중의소리/Voice of People)


And the "left"-liberal daily Hankyoreh published yesterday following article in English:


Protesters beaten by supporters of U.S. base relocation

Skirmish in Pyeongtaek follows candlelight vigil by those against base move


Members of the Pan South Korea Solution Committee Against U.S. Base Extension in Pyeongtaek (KCPT), holding a peaceful march in one of the disputed former residential areas where a U.S. base is to expand were beaten by local business owners supporting the base relocation.

About 400 protestors, marching to the disputed Pyeongtaek district of Daechuri on July 8 after a candlelight vigil, were met by about 100 local merchants wielding metal rods.

A member of the KCPT, identified by his surname, Mr. Gwak, was among those attacked. Gwak said, "They cursed me and pulled me out of the car and beat me." He is currently receiving treatment at a nearby hospital.


In addition to the rods, the merchants used sticks to beat the protestors and threw stones and eggs at them. About 30 protesters were injured.

Police called to the scene, however, told the marchers to "return home" instead of subduing the merchants. No arrests were made on the scene.

About 80 of the protestors went to the Pyeongtaek police station to raise a complaint about the lack of arrests following the incident, and 45 were themselves arrested on charges of interference with the execution of official duties.

Regarding this incident, a group of local merchants said, "Due to two years of rallies and demonstrations, commercial areas around the U.S. military base have been greatly damaged and merchants hurt by the KCPT."

Fearing further protests, the police have since blocked entry into the Daechuri district.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

反한미FTA #1

The S. Korean ruling class, i.e., its instrument/tool of power, the govt., already since weeks is warning the anti-FTA protest movement to respect f.. "LAW&ORDER". Otherwise they would crackdown... (Yonhap, Chosun Ilbo..)


Yesterday during a press conference in Seoul - near Shilla Hotel(the place where the US delegation found accomodation) - the first time large units of the riot cops were attacking a small group of peacefull protesters and arrested several activists.


Please check out following article (in Korean) by VoP(민중의소리):

한미FTA 협상 첫날 충돌...경찰, 차량 견인 아찔한 상황도 


The report is including a video(한미FTA 협상 첫날 시민사회-경찰 충돌).


For more about the latest developments:

http://www.nofta.or.kr  (Korean Alliance against KorUS FTA)




you can watch a Chamsesang video about the rally in front of Shilla Hotel(riot cops attacks against the activists). 



Meanwhile the govt seems to prepare for a kind of civil war for tomorrow's(7.12) main protest demonstrations in Seoul.


Today's edition of Korea Times is writing following:


Protests to Intensify Over FTA

As Korea resumed its talks with the United States over a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) yesterday, anti-globalization activists also made their presence felt, organizing scattered demonstrations in Seoul calling for the government to withdraw from the negotiations.

Aside from some minor scuffles between protestors and riot police most of Monday's rallies ended peacefully, with heavy rain brought by Typhoon Ewiniar preventing large crowds from gathering.


However, law enforcement authorities fear it could be a totally different situation tomorrow with farmers and labor activists scheduling massive rallies in downtown Seoul that are expected to attract tens of thousands.


Dozens of members of the ``Korean Alliance Against Korea-U.S. FTA,'' which represents 282 farmers' organizations, labor unions and civic activist groups, organized a morning rally in front of the Shilla Hotel, downtown Seoul, the venue for the second round of FTA talks. Several were chanting ``Wendy Cutler go home,'' targeting the assistant U.S. trade representative leading the negotiations for her country.


The rally was also joined by leaders of Korea's two flagship labor groups _ the Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) _ and a six-man delegation from the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), the largest confederation of unions in the U.S.

The labor groups held a joint news conference, claiming a free trade agreement between Korea and the U.S. will hurt employment and threaten the livelihoods of workers in both countries.


Tension rose when riot police engaged in a shoving match with some protestors, including a group of recently-fired Korea Train Express (KTX) female employees who had attempted to hold a separate news conference in front of the Shilla Hotel's main gate. No serious injuries were reported.


More than 3,200 riot police were deployed to the Shilla Hotel and its neighboring areas.

Government officials are now bracing for the possibility of protests intensifying over the week, with anti-globalization activists upping the level of their actions.


Major disruptions are anticipated Wednesday when farmers, labor unionists and civic activists gather for massive rallies in Kwanghwamun and at Seoul City Hall, which organizers hope will lure over 100,000 protestors.


National Police Agency Commissioner-General Lee Taek-soon told reporters Monday he plans to deploy around 25,000 riot police _ about 80 percent of the total capacity of mobile police units in Korea _ to guard Wedneday's demonstration scenes. Police will also restrict traffic in downtown areas, which is expected to increase the congestion on the roads.


``The scale of mobilization would be the largest since the early 1990s, when street protests were violent. We expect to use all of our mobile police personnel, except for the officers guarding airports and harbors, and those deployed in Pusan for the inter-Korean ministerial talks,'' Lee said in a news briefing Monday.







In my opinion the govt is not preparing for a carnival, for funny days! So to prevent ROK-US FTA... just let's learn, for example, from the French Anti-CPE struggle, or the Nepalese struggle for democracy during spring(April/May)...

The ruling class will only listen to us when we are loud enough, at any time, on any place! Only if they find no possibility to ingnore our demands, only then, perhaps - if we have enough power - they react how WE want..

"Chief trade negotiator Kim Jong-hoon said 'If our people don't accept the free trade deal with the U.S., the National Assembly won't ratify the accord.' ", Yonhap yesterday wrote. So let them feel very clear that the S. Korean people don't want this kind of FTA!! 


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

7.11 건설노동자 大투쟁

("The Internationale", by Levelers Ching Dong, 日本)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/평화 행진, d5

Sunday, 7.09 was the last day of Peace March. Since 5 days activists were marching from Seoul to Pyeongteak to protest against the relocation of USFK bases - as well against the planned ROK-US FTA...




On Voice of People(VoP) yesterday the first English "report" about it was published:


"People are Marching for the Peace"


The latest about the end of Peace March you can read here(in Korean):


[평화행진 5일차] 팽성상인회, 평화순례단에 각목테러 (VoP)



Here: http://blog.jinbo.net/tkdcjsdk/?pid=55 you can see more impressive pics..



For more informations please check out:









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北 미사일.. #5



Interview, news, analysis, background infos from the last two days


("left-liberal" S. Korean daily) Hankyoreh:


[Interview] North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations
’Missile tests are unrelated to the six-party talks’ 
Han Song-ryol, North Korea’s deputy ambassador to the United Nations, said Thursday in New York that the United States has to unfreeze North Korean funds it has blocked in a Macao bank for his country to return to the six-party talks.

In an interview with The Hankyoreh, Ambassador Han said North Korea would be able to stop "defensive" missile launch tests if there were first a restoration of confidence between Pyongyang and Washington, and that releasing North Korean money currently frozen in a bank located in Macao would be a sign of that confidence. He said also that the invitation to visit extended to Christopher Hill, top U.S. negotiator at the six-party talks and assistant secretary of state, remains open.

Ambassador Han’s comments can be seen as more to-the-point than the more flexible tone of the statement made on June 1 by the North Korean foreign ministry statement, in which it first invited Hill to visit Pyongyang. While his comments may not mean an entirely different approach for North Korea, they are notable in that they express a continued desire for dialogue with the U.S. even after launching a series of missiles.

The following is a partial text of the interview.


Hankyoreh: Are the test launchings related to the six-party talks?

Han: No.

Hankyoreh: What, then, are North Korea’s conditions for returning to the talks?

Han: The United States at least needs to lift its freeze of funds in [Banco Delta Asia of] Macao. That is a minimum condition. The freeze needs to be lifted so as to remove an obstacle that has been formed.

Hankyoreh: Would it be enough to have bilateral dialogue with North Korea within the framework of the six-party talks?

Han: Releasing the money in Macao would make bilateral contact meaningful.

Hankyoreh: Why is ending the action against the bank in Macao so important?

Han: It is not just about the money. It is a question of whether the United States has the will to coexist with us, whether it has a desire to resolve issues through negotiation, or whether it is going to unilaterally force us to give up our nuclear programs. The joint statement issued in Beijing on September 19 of last year contains two things. One is that we discard our nuclear weapons programs. The other is that the U.S. is to discard its antagonist policy towards [North] Korea and move towards normalizing relations. However, as soon as that joint statement was announced, the U.S. went about enacting financial sanctions. It thinks it can make us come out with our hands up if pressured, but that is a mistake.

Hankyoreh: What will your response be if the United Nations Security Council adopts a resolution on the North Korean regime?

Han: There would be stronger physical measures taken.

Hankyoreh: Would that include a nuclear test?

Han: I am going to avoid comment on that. Everyone can understand that as he so desires.

Hankyoreh: These days there are calls in the U.S. for "five-party talks" that exclude the North. Any comments?

Han: Our position is that it should go ahead and try if it thinks it can achieve non-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula while excluding us.

Hankyoreh: Is the invitation extended to Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill still valid?

Han: It is still valid. It would be advantageous in accurately understanding the U.S. position and advantageous in accurately conveying our position. Having Hill visit is better than if he does not.

Hankyoreh: Why fire missiles at a time like this?

Han: We need to consistently strengthen our national defense capabilities if we are going to be prepared for the ever-increasing American military threat. Part of that involves test firing missiles. If the U.S. no longer seeks the collapse or change of our government, we would have no need to go about such intense training. 




Yonhap, S. Korean semi-official news agency:


NK willing to return to dialogue if U.S. lifts punitive measures..


Han Song-ryol, deputy chief of North Korea's mission to the United Nations, told Yonhap News over the phone that any sanctions against his country would be considered an act of war...




U.S. satisfied with Seoul's response to N.K. missile launches


U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said North Korea's missile launches have brought the two allies closer together, indicating that the two sides have no major differences on how to cope with the missile issue...




Guardian (GB):


North Korea Knows How to Get Attention

North Korea is well practiced in getting some of what it wants through provocation. Bullying through a bullhorn has worked time and again for a small nation with an outsized military force and an even bigger capacity for bluster and threat.

It's called coercive diplomacy. North Korean-style, it has involved antagonizing everyone on and over the horizon, foes and allies alike, and then pulling back. Sometimes just in the nick of time...




N.Korean Envoy: Pressure Could Trigger War

North Korea's ambassador to Australia warned Sunday that international attempts to halt his nation's missile tests could lead to war.

In a letter to The Sunday Herald Sun newspaper in the southern city of Melbourne, Ambassador Chon Jae Hong defended last week's missile launches as ``routine military exercises'' aimed at increasing the nation's ``capacity for self-defense.''...






N. Korea rejects protests

U.S. backs diplomacy-first approach to North Korea



The Observer (GB):


Kim Jong-il: Wine, women and bombs

He has an expensive taste in cognac, an obsession with films and seeks comfort in the company of his Pleasure Brigade, but as he demonstrated last week, North Korea's dictator still lives for the politics of brinkmanship...




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/평화 행진, d4



팽성상인회, 평화행진단에 '각목테러'

[평화행진 4일차] 150여명 각목 휘둘러도 경찰 수수방관 (VoP)


평택 미군기지 확장 저지와 한미 FTA 협상 반대를 위한 285리 평화행진 "평화야, 걷자!" (Solidarity for Peace and..)




source: 민중의소리(VoP)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

가자(팔레스티나)戰 #10




DAY 10



Already yesterday(local time) the Palestinian govt./Hamas was calling for armed resistance against the Israeli invasion in Gaza:

Hamas calls Gaza to arms (Al Jazeera)


Today, only few hours later the same institution, incl. Haniyeh, was calling for "calm, cease-fire" and so on..


And the Israeli answer - of course - is this:


Israel rejects Haniyeh's ceasefire proposal (Yedioth Ahronoth)


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office rejects Palestinian PM's call for truce between Israel, Palestinian factions. Jerusalem officials say they would not agree to any ceasefire until Hamas frees kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit...



Also yesterday it was reported following: "Dichter: We’ll release prisoners if necessary". And only few hours later the German magazine Der Spiegel reported that the Israeli Minister of Interior Bar-On rejected any release of Palestinian prisoners.


Meanwhile IDF is staying in several parts of Gaza City and fierce clashes are taking place since hours.. 


IDF advances to within 500 meters of Gaza City (Haaretz)
The Israel Defense Forces expanded its operation in Gaza on Saturday morning, with tanks advancing to within 500 meters of Gaza City. Some 15 tanks entered the Strip through the Karni border crossing in what the army said was a search for tunnels used by militants.

The armor corps and troops from the Givati infantry brigade reached the outskirts of Sajaiyeh and engaged in fierce fighting with local militants...




Here you can read a strange report by NYT(IHT) from inside the battle zone in Gaza:

For children, nothing but fear




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Since weeks all across the country the activists are preparing for coming Wed., 7.12(!!!^^), the Central Struggle Day Against ROK-US FTA.

Just some minutes ago I found this (funny) propaganda poster.





It looks more like a bloody, raw steak^^

And believe it or not, the upper half of the steak is complete incedible...



For more infos about the Anti-FTA struggle check out this:



And from tomorrow or so I'll write more about the issue..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/평화 행진, d3

English report? Just forget it..^^ (mi-anh hae-yo. oh no.. I'm not frustrated, not at all..)


The 3rd day of Peace March: from Suwon to Osan..


[행진 3일차] 오산역 촛불..."빈집 철거 그냥 두지 말자"



source: 민중의소리






토요일에 대추리에 들어가기 위해 알아야 할 사항들을 알려드립니다.
토요일에 대추리에 들어가려면 가능한 일찍 들어가세요.
평화행진 팀이 들어가기 전에 들어가야 들어갈 수 있을 것 같습니다.
경찰은 분명히 행진 팀을 막을 것으로 보입니다.
일요일 오전에 가도 들어가지 못할 확률이 매우매우 높습니다.
금요일 밤이 제일 좋고, 아니면 토요일 점심 이전에 가야 들어갈 수 있을 것 같습니다.    

물론 평화행진 팀과 함께 원정3거리에서 길을 막는 경찰에 항의하며 길에서 날밤을 새면서 함께 투쟁의 결의를 다시면서 진한 동지애를 느끼고, 마침내 경찰의 저지선을 뚫고 다같이 마을 사람들의 열광적인 지지와 환호를 받으며 대추리로 들어가고 싶은 사람은 평화행진 팀에 반드시 결합하세요.

8일 토요일 저녁 7시에 평택역에서 열릴 촛불집회에 꼭 오시면 됩니다.    

꼭 오세요!! 반드시 여기에 오셔야 합니다!!!!!!
친구들 데리고 모두모두 오세요!

토요일에 대추리에 들어가기 위해 알아야 할 것들 (토요일 저녁 7시 평택역 촛불집회에 꼭 오삼!!!!) 

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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