- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Well, after almost 50 days of demonstrations (candlelight vigils) slowly the S.K. ruling class and its media is becoming really angry(^^) about the ongoing protests against the policy of the current gov't (i.e. the LMB administration):
☞ Has the Gov't Given Up on Law and Order? (Chosun..)
☞ Lawlessness in Downtown Seoul (..Ilbo)
☞ Central Seoul Becomes 'Lawless District' (Korea Times)
(Oops.. "Lawless District"?? Yeah, why not??!! Who cares about the "law and order" created by the ruling class??)
And while the NPA is increasing its efforts to smash the protest movement (likely in the coming days/during the weekend)..
☞ Seoul police plan crackdowns on demonstrators (JoongAng Ilbo)
.."All 14 members of the National Police Agency’s human rights committee have decided to resign en masse to express regret for the crackdown on the candlelight rallies conducted by the riot police." (Hankyoreh, 6.27)
BTW.. very instructive are the comments (about the ongoing protests in Seoul) mainly posted likely by "foreigners":
☞ LMB Orders Crackdown on Violent Demonstrations
Anyway, at least from tomorrow afternoon until Sunday morning:
(李)정부 박살내자!
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