사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기


Yesterday night a group of gangsters, organized in the Headquarters Of Intelligence Detachment (HID) attacked the office and activists of the New Progressive Party (NPP) in Seoul. (*)

This action is (very likely) the result of the - since weeks - ongoing massive discriminating propaganda (**) by the bourgeois reactionary S.K. press, such as Chosun ilbo, JoongAng Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo (aka "ChoJoongDong"/조중동 - THE main voices of the S.K. ruling class!!) against the current anti-gov't movement.

With this kind of propaganda the bourgeois press (i.e. the ruling class) is creating a climate of witch-hunt in the S.K. society! And possibly it's just a matter of time when one incited person and/or a gang of reactionaries (and there are still quite a lot of them in S.K./Some of them you can call without a doubt FASCIST!!) taking really "direct action", incl. murder...

* Today's Hankyoreh published following about the "incident":

Members of the New Progressive Party try to fix the party’s broken signboard at their headquarters on July 1. The signboard was broken by members of an association of former members of the Headquarters Of Intelligence Detachment, the seat of South Korea’s secret counterintelligence operation. On the evening, members of the association made a assault at the headquarters of NPP, and resulted in property damage, some persons of injuries and five arrests, .

According to an NPP official, five members of the association arrived at the NPP’s headquarters shouting, “Come out Jin Joong-gwon! We will kill all communists!” Jin, a journalist and activist who is known for his criticism of both conservatives and liberals alike, has been active in broadcasting reports from the site of the candlelight protests since they began on May 2.

During assault of the association members, one woman of NPP was injured and a man of NPP hospitalized. Jin was also injured..


Related report/article:

보수단체, 진보신당에 난입하여 당직자 폭행등 난동 (진보신당)

Pro-Government Activists Attack Left-Wing Party (Korea Times)

** Here you can "enjoy" some "beautiful" examples of the bourgeois propaganda by "ChoJoongDong" against the current anti-gov't movement:

Anti-U.S. activists lead protests (JoongAng Ilbo, 6.28)

Anarchy in the republic (JoongAng Ilbo, 6.30)

Legitimate Protesters or Hooligans? (Chosun Ilbo, 6.24)

The Real Identity of the Mad Cow Fearmongers (Chosun Ilbo, 6.13)

Related stuff:

Anti-US Groups Linked to Beef Protests (ROK Drop/GI Korea, 6.16)

Anti-US Groups Show Their True Colors (ROK Drop, 6.18)



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