- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
First of all: From yesterday evening until today's morning about 500,000 people took the streets in Seoul to protest against the (policies of the) current S.K. gov't/the LeeMB administration.
☞ 500,000 S. Koreans Stage Anti-US Beef Rallies (Seoul Times)
☞ VoP Report
☞ KCTU Report
☞ NewsCham Report
☞ Tong-il News Report
But the most important question is, if the protest movement isn't on its end: What comes next? Despite the motto of y'day's protest - "People's Victory Day" - there is (until now) definetely NO people's victory in sight! LeeMB will/must continue with his policy, because he "only" represents the ruling (capitalist) system. And also not unimportant: Is there any (real) alternative to LMB and the ruling GNP??
Related stuff:
☞ Candlelight Vigil Faces Calls for End (K. Times)
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