사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

사이드씨로부터의 소식입니다

방글라데시에 잘 도착했다고 합니다. 도착해서는 몸이 좀 아팠다고 하네요. 한국에서도 제대로 못자고 바쁘게 돌아다녀서 걱정이 되긴 했었습니다. 방글라데시로 급하게 돌아간 이유가 직장 때문이었는데요, 문제가 잘 해결되었다고 합니다. 사이드씨가 있던 ETV가 정부에 의해 문을 닫았었는데 12월 초에 갑자기 재개국을 하게 되었고, 그래서 사장이 빨리 돌아와서 회사에 합류하지 않으면 해고할 수도 있다는 위협을 했었거든요.


회사일 때문에 정신없이 바빠서 브렉쓰루 멤버들과는 밤에 따로 만나서 이야기를 했다고 하네요. 브렉쓰루 멤버들 모두가 한국사람들의 굳건한 연대를 진심으로 고마워하고 있답니다. 오늘(금요일)저녁에 멤버들의 회합이 있다고 하니 다시 자세한 소식이 올 것 같습니다.


메일을 보시면 아시겠지만 'weaver'-아마도 전통적 방식으로 베짜는 사람들-에 대한 영화를 기획 중이라고 합니다. 브렉쓰루의 다음 작업이 될 듯 한데 이게 현재 직장인 ETV와의 관계 속에서 만들어지는 작품인지는 잘 모르겠네요. 지금 슬렁슬렁 메일을 봐서요.(-.-)


모든 분들께 감사와 연대의 마음을 전하는 메일이라고 생각하면 될 듯합니다.^^

(제가 나가봐야 해서 대충 마무리. 죄송-.-)




         I reached Dhaka sound& safely, but i was so tired and sick for the long travel, i could not sleep in the Bangkok airport, my hand luge was very heavy,  i reached dhaka airport at 12.30 and i went to home 4.00 o'clock, i was so tired and restless, that`s why i take rest for todays,  after 1 day i went office. i have good news that my ETV administration could not take any action on me, they congratulate , if i  come late it makes a big problem for me.

    I am rearly sorry i could not see and say to goodbye u people, i was very busy upto airport, i could not manage time to call u, i think that i can call u from the airport but my luggage was so heavy , i put off some luggage in south korea, i feel very sorry and i miss u ,

i really miss all of u and those days ,  we r spend .

 my group members are very happy for ur help and solidarity. they want give u a heartful thanks , they r now fell that they r not alone , they have a solidarity friends in southkorea,

they also thanks for the camera and computer

   i can met two members of our group, i m going to set for the group meeting between 2 or 3 days, i am very restless and sick, miss u so mush.




       i hope that u r fine, i am very  sick  and tired, miss u , tomorrow i have 4 hours meeting with my ETV chairmen , he wants that now i join program department, he just introduce etv's programme chief, he was work with in a london tv channel many years, now he work with etv , my chairmen proposed to work with him, but i have to rejoin first , i take only 15 days leave , and i comeback after 2 months, but i manage everything, i spend until 10.00pm at office, today i start my regular office with week body  

               but i contact my group members individually , after my office i went shahabag , i met Akram one of our groupmember ,it was 12.00pm thats he come with my home talk about every thing , he was very happy for your strong support , i talk him mid of the night i feel very sleepy and week thats why i cannot talk to much every thing ,

We call a group meeting in friday .




             i hope u r fine , now i m OK but i have great hassled in my office , 19 December i talk to my chairmen , he want after 4 hours meeting he want that i would join programme section , for this he introduces me, 20 December i went office in the morning and meeting with programme chief , but there is i faced a great problem with broadcasting section ,

our broadcasting chief riping couldn't want that i join the programme section, i wish that i work with broadcasting team , i was so confused , 20, 21 December i went office at 9 o clock and come back 12.30 pm at night , programme department and broadcasting department and chairmen we just going to meeting and negotiated the problem our chairmen said to the broadcasting department that i have experience in documentary making and i got the award for after a long discussion Ripon vai agree that i can join programme section, its good for me and breakthrough , its a good news now i am Programme Producer , and i m also chief the current affairs section , my group member akram, julhaj, eva, smrity , they come off and meet me individually ,

                    today  we have group meeting at 11.00 pm clock in art institute Dhaka, we discussed every thing , about our work , we desired that we can start work with ''WEAVERS'' ITS our culture custom, but now a days weavers a abolished  by the industrial system,  we just start our research work ,

                  Etv preparing for online that's why my off time is 10.30 pm , the office told that its 10.30 but i left office 12 pm , so i can't go to cyber cafe because our cyber cafe closed 10.00pm, sorry i cann'ot e-mail regular,  but i try my best level, Saturday 23 December i join Programme section.

  i have meeting i have to go now ,





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