최근 글 목록
- February 17, Wednesday Quiz
- 샬라샬라
- 2010
- 2월 17일 모임 공지
- 샬라샬라
- 2010
- 앞으로 텍스트를...(1)
- 샬라샬라
- 2010
- February 10, Wednesday Quiz
- 샬라샬라
- 2010
- We're gonna get together t...
- 샬라샬라
- 2010
I'm sorry to post the documents so late.
4 day's term is too short to prepare the next meeting
(We've just met last Saturday!!!)
Anyway.... we're gonna meet this evening and talk about this.
1. Word Quiz (2 words start with 'D')
2. Dictation and Quiz (I chose Monday and Tuesday! haha)
3. Easy English Practice.. (please, do memorize your part)
4. News Article (You can see the article right below)
Do you know how it is going on to merge our group with 'Candy's group'?
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