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February 10, Wednesday Quiz

February 10, Wednesday 2010 Name _______________

지난 2월10일 모임 퀴즈입니다. 





February 8, Monday I'm hoping for



Steven : So, what do you have ____________ for Carrie?

Aiden : I'm going to take her to the place where we first met, Jenny's Cafe, for dinner.

Steven : Then what?

Aiden : Then we'll _________ our first date exactly as it happened one year ago.

Steven : That's pretty good. Did you get her anything?

Aiden : A dozen red roses.

Steven : Wow, ________ love it.

Aiden : Yeah, that what I'm hoping for.



February 9, Tuesday Singles Night



Jess : So do you have any Valentine's plans?

Claire : No, but I'm thinking of ________ _______ with some single friends.

Jess : Where?

Claire : There's a club that is having a singles night where everyone who goes is _______.

Jess : Sounds great.

Claire : Yeah, everyone will be in _______ ________ and single Pretty nice, huh?

Jess : I'm going too!



ANSWER (drag below)


planned  /  repeat  /  She'll  /  going out  /  single  /  red or pink



Word Quiz



1. Some people don't travel _______ ____________ they don't like to be stuck in traffic.

어떤 사람들은 단지 길 막히는 게 싫어서 여행하지 않는다.


2. The party was boring. The place was __________ ______ strangers.

그 파티는 따분했어. 파티장이 모르는 사람들로 가득 차 있었어.


3. I hope I don't __________ the same mistake again.

다시는 같은 실수를 반복하지 않았으면 좋겠어.


4. Are you busy this Friday? We're ___________(~ing) a beer night.

너 이번 금요일에 바쁘니? 우리 맥주의 밤을 하는데.


5. I made a ______________ like a month ago.

저 한달 전 쯤에 예약을 했어요.



ANSWER (drag below)


1. only because  2. filled with  3. repeat  4. having  5. reservation


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크