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Abuses of human rights for 7 Years/,삼성마피아 7년 아바타 섹스범죄(7/21)




I doubt, a bogus blog to cheat  a foreigner was made by SAMSUNG or LEE’s Administration.

Please investigate it.


Please investigate below photograph, it should be find out the proof evidence. 


끊임없는 조직적 해코지, 조롱, 괴롭힘이 24시간, 365일 반복되고 있습니다. 사람을 말려죽이려 하는 사람들입니다. 누구겠습니까?


They are making a personal attack against me by several tools.Personal attack and name calling only lowers public respect for them. Please stop the personal attack.


I have big complaints about the Lee Myung-bak administration related with marriage fraud for 7 years and the deepening polarization of the economy due to large enterprises & over 10% upper classes-oriented policy.  Besides, it seems like he show off his academic career, even though chief of state. It is incredible~~~~~ I’d like to complain about all the troubles in this country by non-boring and superficial human (비루하고 천박한 인간들)


Maybe they have the kitsch soul.


I guess most of them were originated by lower astral level or Hell; there are so many astral planes from hell to heaven.


They says me “거지 xx 주제에 꼴갑하네~” you don’t understand you are a beggar. Um~~~~ ha ha ha


All of the worst insults ASAP that I can’t stand had been having to me for 7 years continuously. A man behind the scenes may be LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They pretty like to discriminate against certain persons whether rich or poor, whether a branded school background or not etc.


I witness that I had been going through hardships and privations at LEE GUN HEE’s marriage fraud for 7 years.


One of the most the reason why is school background. And so, I’m a poor, I haven’t the branded school backgrounds, I haven’t a sturdy body.



By sticking to figures with regional, religious and school ties to the chief executive, he often ended up selecting people with inadequate moral and ethical credentials, even having to withdraw nominations at times.



Picking at the past excessively and intentionally could confuse our footsteps into the future.


"지나치게 의도적으로 과거의 흠을 들추는 것은 미래로 향한 우리의 걸음을 혼란스럽게 할 수 있다."


LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK’s aimed that nobody seems to take me seriously in this country.


Whether I go out or stay in, they are able to annoy me, because of the house agent & most of the residents who are collaborators.


Their way of doing things is methodical. It is based on these organized and planned movements behind the surveillance activities. Who? LEE MYUNG BAK & LEE GUN HEE.


For example,


They are used to out of water in a water purifier intentionally, whenever I want to drinking water.  I don’t think the coincidental conjunction rather that they did it intentionally


Some resident who’s none of his business pick up a quarrel with me such as cleaning the kitchen etc. There is no reason that some residents who are a hostile attitude pick a fight with me. It is aimed that annoy to me. Who?


It is aimed to do treated me or a pretext to put keep in custody on bullying projects. I had already kept in custody for 5 days last Feb, March 2012 by LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK. At that time there is no reason that I was kept in custody for 5 days.


South Korea has never been person provide protection for me previously at the Commission on Human Rights despite the fact that egregious violations take place in this country. Because that LEE GUN HEE’s marriage project have to do with wrongdoings by LEE’s governments.


If the fight goes on each other, they will be intended to keep in custody to me as a pretext to fighting, because of put me to silence. Who?


Especially, it is going to worse to treat me, when I have write in the internet blog regards SAMSUNG Group or LEE’s Administration.


Someone occupied there when I go to the bath.


Someone operated the washing machine, when I want to use the washing machine.


Do not operating air con, even though steamy heat


They have so many bullying tools for me, even if stay in house. Um~~


I have nothing to do keep up with the Methodical and cozy, until I have an extremely activities at the risk of my life. It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.




They are always depends on using indirect message that open their thoughts to me, such as news media, a written advertisement, nearby around people’s conversations & speak over the mobile phone, because of destruction of evidence.


삼성과 청와대는 지나간 7년 간, 늘 간접 메시지 수법으로 자신들의 의중을 내게 전달해 왔습니다. 목적은 증거인멸입니다. 유사시 법적 증거를 남기지 않겠다는 의도입니다. 


























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