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Ubuntu Studio 9.04 & M-Audio Fast Track Pro problems

I recently got an M-Audio Fast Track Pro sound card and I'm trying to use it to record audio through Jack in Audacity, but I can't run Jack in realtime using the Fast Track Pro and get Audacity to recognize the sound card through Jack. Here are screenshots of the problems I'm dealing with.

In my Sound Preferences, the Fast Track Pro is not recognized under "devices," only the ALSA mixer and OSS mixer are recognized.

In the "sound capture" preferences, M-Audio FastTrack Pro USB Audio #1 (ALSA) is recognized, but not the regular M-Audio FastTrack Pro USB Audio (ALSA). I don't know what the #1 means, or if it is a problem or not.

This is how I have the Jack server set up. The interface "hw:1" is "FastTrack Pro" and the input device "hw:1,1" is "USB Audio #1".

This is what happens when I try to start the Jack server.

When I open Jack in the terminal ($ sudo qjackctl), then I can run Jack in realtime since i have the permissions by opening it in the terminal. However, in the screenshots below, you will see that Jack is not recognized as a playback or a recording device in Audacity when i try to set it up for use.

When I stop the Jack server, then I can select the ALSA FastTrack to record.

However, when I do record, it will only record on the left channel (not both channels) in Audacity. Also, the sound quality is horrible. Sound scratchy and crappy.


I'm trying to set up my own home recording studio with Ubuntu Studio and various hardware (when i get it). I'm trying to take the first step by using a high quality external sound card (audio interface) for recording and producing. However, I can't get it set up and it's driving me nuts. I'm not much of an expert when it comes to coding and use of software in Ubuntu. But I'm determined to do it.


If anyone can offer some advice on how to get the M-Audio Fast Track Pro to work in Ubuntu Studio using Jack and Audacity for recording, that would help me so much. Thanks.

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