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  1. 2010/08/11
    Duriban petition for electricity

Duriban petition for electricity

Duriban is a restaurant that sold bossam and kalguksu in Seoul, Mapo-Gu, DongGyo-Dong district. On December 24, 2009, forced eviction was carried out in the surrounding area, but the Duriban restaurant has continued a sit-in struggle for more than 220 days now. The Regional Development Plan (지구단위계획) has carried out “development” by forcefully evicting tenants without providing any compensation for the losses. Duriban has continued the sit-in struggle with the hope of sustaining the restaurant without being run over by the redevelopment plan.


During the sit-in, the GS construction corporation and their phantom company, NamJeon DNC (남전디앤씨) illegally turned off the electricity in a frantic attempt to evict the tenants, and KEPCO (한국전력공사, Korean Electric Power Corporation) electricity company hasn’t done anything about it. KEPCO has a supply contract (전기공급약관) that guarantees electricity will not be cut without the consent of the tenants. However, this public electricity company has done nothing to restore the electricity, thereby violating their own contract. After NamJeon DNC illegally cut the electricity on Dec 26, 2009, a nearby company provided electricity to Duriban for humanitarian reasons. This company continued receiving threats from NamJeon DNC and stopped supplying electricity to Duriban beginning on July 21. Since then, the struggle has carried on without electricity. Duriban is now using candles and solar power, but the danger of fire, extreme heat (without air conditioning or fans) and no possibility to cook food has been threatening the survival of Duriban.


The Mapo District municipality (마포구청) established the Regional Development Plan, thereby creating the need for struggle at Duriban, so they have ignored the emergency of illegal electricity cuts at Duriban. The Mapo municipality is simply pretending that it’s not their problem or responsibility, even though it is. But after the Duriban committee (두리반 대책위원회) held a sit-in in front of the Mapo municipality for two weeks straight, the Mapo administration officially promised to negotiate between both sides and restore electricity to the building. However, this promise boiled down the superficial rhetoric after the Mapo administration clarified that they would only supply an electricity generator with no fuel...this was only clarified after the Mapo office sit-in ended. The Duriban committee ended the sit-in because of the Mapo administration’s promise, but now only a sense of betrayal remains.


Electricity provides us with the means of life. Especially during a scorching summer heatwave, cutting electricity is a threat to life. The Duriban struggle represents the tenants’ fight for life in Korean society, in this redevelop-acratic republic. The Duriban struggle needs to be resolved. Please add your voice to the struggle and help us get these three demands met:


      1. The Mapo administration needs to follow through with their promise and supply Duriban with electricity!


      2. KEPCO can’t illegally cut electricity and needs to supply Duriban with electric power right now!

      3. The greedy GS construction corporation needs to guarantee the Duriban comrades their right to survival!

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