사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

지난주말 (사진報告)

Before y’day, Saturday, May 14, in Daehakno’s 마로니에공원 WRI did a information afternoon against military service – a kind of event against militarism. But unfortunately only few people joined the event (maybe the majority of the activists went on this day to Gwangju…).


While the event was going on, around 40 people reminded the killed sex workers (prostitutes, I really don’t know what’s pc about that here…) 49 days ago in Seoul Seongbuk-gu (하월곡동). They (the sex workers) were locked in the house by “their” pimps, a fire broke out, they were not able to escape and many of them were killed. So a traditional ceremony was held for the victims of the (in reality) crime was held. Here you can read an article about the ceremony.


In the same time a anti-USA/nationalist(!!!) exhibition took place in the same area. In the early afternoon near Gwanghwamun about 300 kids demonstrated against the rules of hair-cutting in S. Korean schools. “Funny” - even daily 200.000 people are visiting the activist’s web site - only few (Korea Times wrote about just 70 protestors) joined the protest. But at least 1.200 riot cops were there in readiness to crackdown the protest (here you can read a Korean article about it). And of course beside all this I was trying to spread out the information about Anwar’s arrest here and “all over the world” (like  S. Africa, Peru and Istanbul. And just now I finished with all this stuff…

The anti-militarist event...



...also in solidarity with migrant workers...


The ceremony...

...for the killed sex workers...






The final point of...

...the anti-militarist event


Meanwhile at the...

...same time...

...and the same place...

...an anti-USA...

...exhibition took place

no comment (nationalist...




...b...sh... (미안해요)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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