사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

지난 주말

Last Friday, May 20 – it was not yet weekend – I wanted to go to the solidarity protest for the striking construction workers in Ulsan (irregular workers struggle). But finally we – me and my colleague from MWTV – ended up in the opening ceremony of the 9th Seoul Human Right Film Festival (인권영화제). And it was just great there, especially the music performance. About ten male and female musicians played a impressive sound only on instruments made from recycled stuff, such as huge plastic cans, old car wheels and plastic bottles…

The opening movie – The Yes Man – documented the activities of some guys in the USA (www.gatt.org) who are traveling around the world and tell interested people, such as students, journalists, politicians and industry “leaders” what for the WTO really stands – just the reality. But because these activists are acting like real staff of the WTO, only few people in the audience are realizing that this is not WTO propaganda, just it is very clever anti-WTO propaganda. The documentary will be shown again on Wednesday, 1 pm, in the Art Cinema (낙원 상가, 4층). On Saturday we’d MWTV meeting to prepare the third broadcasting (the 2nd was in the same night on RTV) – one part will be about Anwar Hossein, the arrested president of Migrant Workers’ Trade Union (MTU). After the meeting actually I wanted to go to Joongang University, but, because a visit in a friends house was so long, I was not able to go there. Yesterday MTU staged a protest in Myeong-dong on the territory of the cathedral to protest against the arrest of Anwar.

 (pic by "arbeiter"/독일어:노동자)

About 250 activists joined. Beside many Koreans, mainly students, but also some KCTU activists, between 60 and 70 migrants from Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines participated. Even the weather was terrible – nearly the whole time it was raining – the atmosphere there was just powerful. Here you can read an article in Korean.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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