사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

Finally the last weekend wasn’t really lost…

Yesterday first we, the video activists ”Hong Gil-dong from the Forest” and me, joined for a while the founding meeting of the Seoul section of the Migrant Workers’ Trade Union (MTU). At about 3 pm we went to Ansan to join the 8th Migrant Workers Culture Festival (for the next Migrant Workers TV I’ve to make a short report about it). One and a half hour later we arrived there. Like usual in the last months the festival was held in a small park near the Ansan Station. Many migrant workers were in the audience, but like the last time they were just staying or sitting on the edge of the park or just on the street in front of the park. The majority of the audience were migrant workers from China (for the next festival we will prepare propaganda material in Chinese language). For a while I distributed leaflets and many people were very interested in the stuff. After we finished the festival and took all the stuff in the car, we, the most of the Korean organizers ,participants and me, went to a near restaurant, where for 5.000 Won one person can eat as much as you want/can. After that we had a final getting together in front of the office of Construction Workers Trade Union in Ansan. We evaluated the festival and everyone had to sing a song – so finally we’d a lot of fun.


And now the new work week is beginning: today we've to make a interview in a hospital, tomorrow a special friend has birthday (actually her birthday has nothing to do with work, it's just fun) and after tomorrow  in Suwon activists who are defending their homes/basis of existence (철거민) will have their protest in front of Gyeonggi-do police headquarter because of the last attacks against the struggling activists in Osan... and of course we'll join and report about it.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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