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미안해요... (updated)

Yesterday actually I wanted to join a “Marxist Forum" 진정한 민주주의란 무엇인가? , organized by a friend (?) and her comrades in one of Seoul’s universities (하하, just two years ago she told me that she don’t need lectures about politics… and now she gives lectures…). But because I was working nearly 12 hours – pre editing one of our next contributions for MWTV – I was not able to go there. I’m sooo sorry…

Before y’day MTU started in Myeong-dong the “One Person Rally” campaign – the presently chairman of MTU, Shakil, was the beginner. Actually it is a many person rally (when I, together mainly with Myeong-ho from ETU, made about 60 days 일인시위 in front of the National Assembly nearly exactly one year ago, it was not allowed to stay with two or more people there – just one was allowed)… Just times are changing…


Today in the evening, 7 pm, we’ll (MTU) have the next rally in Myeong-dong and everyone is warmest welcome!


Excursion (lecture…):

What is real democracy?

Democracy (Ancient Greek: peoples power. But the cops are peoples too, the capitalists and even Mr. Bush and Rumsfeld also…) is a form of state, but the state is the instrument of power of the ruling class. In the present time the ruling class is the capitalist class. The bourgeois democracy is mainly protecting the rights of the bourgeois class. In the socialist society (after the REVOLUTION!!) the proletarian democracy will protect mainly the rights of the working class. But as you can see, both kind of democracy are not “real” democracies. “Real” democracy you’ll have just in the communist (or how ever you wanna call it), classless society. But, because in the classless society there will be no nation, no state (no police, no army, no party – ruling/opposing…) and of course no classes anymore – just freedom for everyone of the collective – there, in fact, will be also no democracy anymore… Everything is clear???


Right now Mahbub told me, that today is no rally in Myeong-dong!!


So I'll just edit my stuff until the evening/night.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    no chr.!

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