사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

오늘: 平和 난장!!

About 3 hours ago I got a TM: Thanks 4 nice documentary. But actually for me it isnt nice anymore. Before yday I really was a little proud of my work, because I thought, that I created something good. But yday, after the colleague who sent me the TM was working on it - I just was asking him, how to write the title the sense of the editing was complete smashed. Im sure it was not his intention, but finally the result was the same Next time, hopefully, when he wants to change something in my stuff hell ask me before

So next Monday Ill start to reconstruct (it has the advantage that I can practice for better editing) my docu and if Im able Ill upload the stuff here.


Today is 평화 난장, and hopefully it is not raining! More than 20 groups/organizations - including MTU, All Together - are invited by the organizers of the event Just lets see who is following the invitation


The small picture on the left: actually it is an animation, a friend created long time ago. But when I found it in the internet I just was able to copy it as a picture. Maybe sooner or later I again can find the animation





Finally here one picture from before ydays MTU rally in 明洞:

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
  • 소유자
    no chr.!

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