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6.19 버마 활동날 (updated)

Yesterday Burma Action together with solidarity groups organized the “6.19 International Day of Solidarity a Democratic Burma” (a Korean text about this datum you can read here).



The event started at 5 pm INSIDE – but open air - the new constructed Yongsan Station (a really strange place, but not so bad for to get public attention). More than 100 people, Burmese, Korean and migrant workers from different countries – short after the finishing of the event, activists from MTU arrived – participated. The program – Korean music groups such as Baram (Wind/바람) and Heaven, Earth, Man (天地人) – but also many of the protest singers - who are still in strong solidarity, among other things, with the struggle of migrant workers (Park Joon, Yeon Yeong-seok and Park Hyang-mi) - and Park Seong-hwan were performing a really great show. Interesting it was that no one of all the so-called internationalist groups/organizations, such as DLP or All Together (다함께) shone by absence and just Peoples Solidarity (민중연대, actually, as I know, they’re more “NL”…) and few other smaller Korean groups supported event. Perhaps they (the self-called “internationalists”) don’t like the idea of the Burmese resistance to achieve at first just democracy. But, you can believe or not, for some peoples on this world, they have to suffer daily under bloody dictatorships, even the so-called “parliamentarian democracy” is a better solution (THE ONLY SOLUTION IS THE REVOLUTION… I know…) as the “life” what they have right now.


Just now I got hundreds of pictures (shot by Park Shin-woo/나눔문화. THANX A LOT!!) about y'day's Burma Action Day and here just three of them. Tomorrow you will see a lot more)





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