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6.19 버마 활동날 #3 and more...

Yeah, first of all – the rainy season not started yet!!

Actually y’day I wanted to catch in the evening a friend after her Marxists “lecture” in one of Seoul’s universities, to give her now finally the additional, but belated birthday present. But it came totally different, because I was called to a meeting with MTU.

The result, beside we all were a little drunken: today I made 9 hours, including two short breaks, 1인 시위 in Myeong-dong (to demand the release of Anwar Hossain, the chairman of MTU (more about it you can read here) It started in the morning at 10 am and I finished at 7 pm. In the beginning five comrades took care that no one will “kidnap” me. Even it was hard to stay mote than eight hours there, but because of the windy weather today it was a kind of o.k. In the beginning it was like a kind of meditation and a good opportunity to dream on the bright day. But later I made the mistake to demand music. And because they had just one tape there I had to listen over hours one of the most boring LPs from J. Lennon. Can you imagine, listen 10 times to “Imagine” or stuff like that, without any break? Before today I couldn’t, but since today I know: it’s torture. Anyway, thanks to the weather it was not so strange, but in opposition to the days I only was joining by visiting, where the rallies resembled more happenings today it was more boring, except the last two or three hours, after two university students begun to join and mobilized in a very funny way the citizens to sign our protest petitions.


The next protest events by MTU:


Tomorrow (木), 7 pm in Myeong-dong

our weekly night rally

After tomorrow (金), 2 pm protest rally in front of

Mokdong’s Central Immigration Office


The “slide show”: Y’day the file was to big to upload. Today my colleague reduced it. Now we were able to upload, but the "quality" now is really shit.

Actually it is my fault. When I got the pictures they had a size from 1.5 MB each and I just forgot to process them to a smaller size. Tomorrow I’ll try it again (finally I’ve to know the process in the sleep).

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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