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What is to be Done, The Left ... and the Battle of N.O.

A very interesting article I found today in the CounterPunch Magazine:

What is to be Done? The American Left and the Battle of New Orleans

By STEVEN SHERMAN About ten years ago, Michael Moore complained that while US leftists raced to Nicaragua to pick coffee, they did not come to his hometown of Flint Michigan when it was being destroyed by plant closures. ... Now a new situation with some parallels presents itself. While most of the predominantly white peace movement has been energetically preparing for an anti-war march on September 24, a massive natural' disaster has unfolded in New Orleans and the Gulf Region. The horrible spectacle of tens of thousands of people, mostly poor, mostly African American, left behind to wither and die as they waited and waited for a rescue response has powerfully thrust the issue of racism back onto the American political radar. Once again, a predominantly white movement, mostly focused foreign policy issues, is challenged to respond to a domestic crisis involving people who don't look much like those who come to our meetings and demonstrations. To put it bluntly, are we, like the neoconservatives around George Bush, more comfortable with struggles far from the shores of the US than with overcoming differences locally in order to remake and rebuild the American nation? ... The entire article you can read here: http://www.counterpunch.org/sherman09092005.html. And here http://katrina.mayfirst.org/ you find progressive organizations who are supporting the people in the Gulf region in the USA. P.S.: The black bourgeoisie has the duty to take care of the 33 per cent of the black children who are living in poverty. Today the German left daily Junge Welt wrotes. The bourgeoisie, no matter if it is black, white, yellow or green has only one duty: to make maximum profit!!!
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