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Germany: BUNDESTAGSWAHL and other stuff..

First of all today is the parliamentarian election, Bundestagswahl, in Germany. When I was the 5 weeks in Mokdong Holiday In, a.k.a. Mokdong Immigration, better to say deportation, Detention Center, nearly every day new arrested migrants who arrived there were surprised to see someone like me there. Everyone said that I was coming from a sooo rich country... Last Thursday, because I was moving now officially to my new room in another district in Berlin, I also had to register myself in another Work, THERE IS NO WORK ANYMORE!, Agency. What I saw there was the worst what I had to see since I am in Berlin. In the Agency hundreds of job-seekers were waiting for hours... and no one had any hope to get something. You really could see this in their faces! No hope for nothing anymore! Outside of the Agency activists made advertisement for the election campaign of the LINKSPARTEI, the Left party. But no one was interested in this stuff. The Left party, a part of it is the former PDS, Party of Democratic Socialism, in Berlin is in the government with the Social Democrats, is responsible for the most extreme program of social cutting in the last 40 years. So why someone has to elect such a criminal organization... many people, especially the most effected, ask themselves. And on the way back home I saw an official election poster of the LINKSPARTEI. Wage work, YES! In original: LOHNARBEIT, JA! Beside that there is not enough LOHNARBEIT anymore in the capitalism, the duty of the left, of the workers movement should be the struggle for the abolition of the LOHNARBEIT! In that sense:

Boycott elections! For the COMMUNISM! ...the society, without rulers, exploitation and oppression!

...haha PS: Frank Zappa, a famous American musician, said long time ago about the U.S. elections that you have only the choice to choose between hot and cold shit. Later I will write more about the results of the election here.
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