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The Cheonggyecheon Project, pt. 1



Since Sept. 22 Seoul Metropolitan Government, SMG, together with the Administration of City Development of the Berlin City Government organized an exhibition about the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project, CRP. On many photographs and maps you can see how giant destructive this project finally will become, if you know about the background, the effects for the ordinary people, who are working and living there. If you really watch the pictures and the other materials on the exhibition than you just come to the conclusion that the stream project, the CRP, itself is just an extreme measure reconstruct the entire area between Eulchi-ro, Cheonggyecheon, CGC, Jong-no and the Dongdaemun and Dongdaemun Stadium. But if I was interpreting the material well the final point of this giant reconstruction, aeh... better said destruction project will be far away from there. But lets start from the point of beginning. The first step of CRP was to tear down the Cheonggyecheon Expressway in 2003. During this process in Nov. 2003 finally the Lee Myeong-bak dictatorship, LD, a.k.a. SMG, ordered the expulsion of the street vendors in and around Cheongyecheon 8ga. I joined and wrote an article about the 10 hours battle between them and ggangpae, large riot cop units on the end of Nov. 2003, but I think it was just on www.base21.org and somehow it disappeared. If I understood well they, the struggling street vendors, or some of them, got later places in the Dongdaemun Stadium. The bad surprise about it will come later... The next step, during the reconstruction of the bed of Cheonggyecheon was that LD and the Construction Mafia, CM, ordered the expulsion of the entire population of Eulchi-ro 2ga, Samgag, Suha Dong, because of the plan to tear down all the buildings and construct a giant new sky scraper there.


Until now the plan failed because of the strong resistance of the residents there. I joined and reported several times.



After the GRAND OPENING of new CGC on Oct. 1, WE SHOULD USE THIS DATE TO SHOW OUR PROTEST, the next step will be, if I understood the material right, the start of the Sewoon District Redevelopment, SDR. This plan includes the tearing down of the entire area between Eulchri-ro 3ga, Jong-no 3ga, when you go to Dongdaemun on the right side of Jong-no, Jong-no 4ga and Eulchi-ro 4ga. According to LD the entire area will turn into an internationally large scale business space. The importance of this project you can see, when you read the names of the architects who were asked to build there. Machedo+Silvetti, Kohlhaas, P. Eisenmann... And this is a really huge area with thousands of residents, small workshops, stores... It means that the basis of existence of thousands of families will be extreme endangered. Perhaps, I am just reckoning, the entire area is already sold to the CM and the people who are living and working there, just rented their places, like in Samgag, Suha Dong. And sooner or later they will be just kicked out... I think you can see the plan behind CRP... just a giant resettlement against the will of thousands of poor residents. ALL THE POOR OUT OF THE CITY. THE CITY JUST FOR THE RICH. And SDR will be for sure not the final point of redevelopment, destruction... You just have to follow CGC with open eyes and you will see, understand the entire plan behind CRP... All the small, poor houses will disappear in the near future. And with the houses all the people who used to live and work there. IF WE CANT STOP IT. Once again this areas are the basis of existence for thousands of families. It will be continued soon. Abbreviations CGC.. Cheonggyecheon CM..... Construction Mafia CRP.. Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project LD..... Lee Myeong-bak Dictatorship SDR.. Sewoon District Redevelopment

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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