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청계천... #2

But the SDR will be not the final point of redevelopment, or better said deconstruction... not at all. Dongdaemun Stadium, in the present time a refuge for many street vendors who were fighting against their expulsion out off the CGC area... If I am right... But here now the bad surprise... LD is planning to create there the conversion of Dongdaemun Stadium into a park, so the propaganda booklet of the exhibition about CRP in Berlin. But LD imagination how to change the city North of Hangang to a place just for the rich goes much more extensive, if not to say excessive. One of the next giant steps, according to SMG, is the Wangshimni New Town. If we can believe the propaganda brochure of LD the entire present area of Wangshimni will be torn down to get a free space for their crazy, inhuman ideas. Finally I think it will be for the next decade the most destructive plan what SMG had since 40 years. They, I am sure will reconstruct the entire area North of Hangang. We just have to see all this non rich areas between CDC, Eulchi-ro and Toegye-ro, many neighborhoods between Myeong-dong and Namsan area, between Jong-no area and Seongbuk-dong... Finally it will be the most massive attack against the ordinary, poor residents there since ever. If we cant stop them... they never will stop with their policy of displacement of the ordinary, non rich people What we can do... If we are not able to change the present economic and political system, a.k.a. capitalism, today or tomorrow... At least we should RESIST. We need to create a broad propaganda offensive for all the people, who will be effected now and in the near future by this massive attack of the capital. We should struggle at least for the most possible participation of the direct effected residents in the processes of the so called restoration or reconstruction. At least we should recognize that WE have the power, because WE are the majority. IF WE ARE UNITED NO ONE CAN CONTROL, DEFEAT US... There last lines are just unfinished thoughts..., please forgive me... But it will be continued soon... PS.. Just now I found out a more worse bad surprise in this case, but I have to research very carefully... Abbreviations CGC... Cheonggyecheon CM......Construction Mafia CRP... Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project LD...... Lee Myeong-bak Dictatorship SDR....Sewoon District Redevelopment
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