사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

청계천... #3, 지도 (u.d.v.)

Eulchr-ro 2-ga, Samgak/Suha-dong

"Sewoon District Redevelopment" project

Seoul forest

The official provisional final point of CRP will be the Seoul forest. This will be located in a huge triangle between Jungrangcheong and Hangang. Seongsu Dong 1ga and Ddukseom cheyug Park is located there. "After being occupied by major city infrastructure and used as a leisure place excluding the intervention of nature during the period of industrialization, Ddukseom Island is required to provide the function as the forest in a city where nature is harmonized with culture...", so the bootleg of SMG. Actually I dont know this area, but I know the neighborhoods, poor areas where small industries and work shops located. There many of my comrades were/are working there – a place for many migrant workers. But according to the computer simulations in the official SMG bootleg... of course this areas are already disappeared. Of course! Just imagine a main center for relaxation for the rich, surrounded by extremely poor, dirty and noisy areas... Finally if you really seriously follow the plans of LD you will find out that they have the "absolute necessary" plan to destroy all the poor areas North of Hangang sooner or later and in this process they will expulse all the poor residents there. Do I have to repeat that WE MUST STOP THIS PROCESS BY ALL MEANS!!?? I think not!!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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