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농성 투쟁. 승리.. (updated)

12.22, MTU's English official statement:




Yesterday, December 21st, after an intense round of negotations with the
Chief of the Korean National Human Rights Commission, the Migrants' Trade
Union of Korea officially ended their 17 day occupation of the Korean
National Human Rights Office. They started their occupation demanding the
release of their union president, Anwar Hossain, and agreed to leave only
after securing the following from the KNRHC:

First, the KNHRC has promised officially to back the MTU as a legtimate
and legal trade union in Korea. To this end, they will lobby the Korean
government to register the MTU as an official trade union, thus
guaranteeing to the MTU the three most basic labor rights: the right form
union, the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike. Since
its inception, the Korean government has deemed the MTU an illegal
organization because its member are living in Korea without a working

Second, the KNHRC as agreed to make a commission on Migrants' Rights- an
official branch of the human rights office devoted soley to migrants'
issues. In this commission, migrant workers will have representation and
direct input into the KNHRC's statements and policies on migrant workers
throught the MTU.

Though they did not secure the release of Anwar, they achieved a great
victory for their union. The MTU thanks everyone for the support they
have given over the last 17 days. Your letters and solidarity statements
helped make this victory possible. Please continue to send letters to the
Minister of Justice and demand the release of our union president, Anwar

Let's fight together!





More you can read here in Korean




Migrant Workers Broadcasting:




And here the text of MTU's official statement:


이주노조의 요구사항

1. 이주노조에서는 아노와르의 석방을 위하여 최선을 다할 것이므로 이에 관심과 지원요청
   = 재판기간 동안 재진정 및 G1비자 신청 등 예

2. 아노아르 보호해제진정사건에 대한 국가인권위의 결정 관련하여 해명 및 사과

3. 이주노동자들의 노조활동 관련 표적단속에 따른 인권침해적 사례의 재발방지를 위해 향후 올바른 결정으로 노력해줄 것
  - 현재 이주노조 위원장 직무대행인 샤킬의 경우 산재를 당하여 치료 중으로 G1비자 연장신청을 하였으나 출입국관리사무소에서는 이주노조 활동을 이유로 연장신청에 대해 아무런 결정을 내리지 않고 있는 상태임.

4. 이주노동자들에 대한 단속과정에서 인권침해가 지속적으로 발생하고 있는 현실을 감안하여 “이주노동자 특별위원회”를 구성하여 줄 것을 요청함.

5. 인권위에서 이주노동자들에 대한 법제도 개선 및 정책 개발시 이주노조의 의견을 직접 수렴해줄 것을 요청함.
   - 예를 들면 인권위에서 이주노동자 관련 세미나 토론회 개최시 이주노조에게도 의견개진기회를 부여하는 등

2005년 12월 20일 






Just few minutes after I published this I had a short discussion with a friend... And we came to the result, that this must not mean a victory. It just might mean that NHRC wanna have their calmness, especially during the coming "holiday season". Perhaps NHRC's aim was just to calm down MTU...


And just some minutes later I got following message from a Korean: "It's stupid. They left the NHRC offices for a bunch of empty promises. Nothing will come of that shit. Wasn't the first and most important objective to get Anwar out of jail? Migrant worker deep in the 3D biz" Perhaps she/he is right...! But it would be much more useful if we could create an open discussion about it!!??


on 12.23 a migrant worker activist wrote this:

I dont thimk that its MTU victory.
It was nothing.
Just sitting there no news coverage, what we get?
Did MTU organize new MW?
What they do?
Just they follow KCTU?
Is it everything?
What we should do?
MW (migrant workers) they need leading their strugglle, but they follow KCTU & KDLP.
I like & Love MTU but i think that they should change their struggle policy.
Its not the time for going street, its the real time for visit & organize our friends.



Actually I'm still wondering why MTU made until now no official statement in other news boards, except in their own home page...

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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