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민노당 테러리스트(^^)

Well, it seems that Chosun Ilbo wants to prove that it is the most idiotic - even its one of the most widely read (bourgeois) - newspapers in S.K.! Already on 11.16 it published this f****** b.. sh..:

DLP Spy Suspect 'Drew Up Terror Hit List'


DLP-fighter, ready to strike Cheongwadae,..


..guided by KPA undercover special unit.



And only one day later it continued to publish such a rubbish:

DLP Member Planned 100 Terror Attacks.. 
A Democratic Labor Party member and failed North Korean spy planned terror attacks against 100 leading conservative and other figures in 1998, prosecutors say. They said Park Jong-ki told investigators he planned to attack former president Chun Doo-hwan, Samsung Group chairman Lee Kun-hee, Chosun Ilbo president Bang Sang-hoon and former North Korean Workers’ Party official Hwang Jang-yup, who defected to the South the previous year. Park allegedly already staked out the homes of three of them, including Bang. An investigator quoted Park as saying he had on several occasions tried to purchase a gun but decided it would be too difficult to carry out a series of single attacks and scrapped his plans. He is still being grilled about any other action he may have taken to realize his plans.

Investigators want to know if Park was involved in an attack on Chosun Ilbo honorary chairman Bang Woo-young in Uijeongbu in September this year. Uijeongbu police have been given Park’s cell phone number and personal information by prosecutors and are investigating what he was doing on the day of the attack, when unknown assailants lobbed a slogan-wrapped brick through the rear window of Bang’s car.

According to investigators, Park never settled in a permanent job and as a result grew dissatisfied with the capitalist system. Park dropped out of high school in South Gyeongsang Province and briefly took to farming before leaving for the capital. After failing the college entrance exam and civil service exam, he worked as a driver and started reading books on the labor movement and Communist theory, prosecutors said.

In March 2003, Park went to North Korea by crossing the Tumen River from China’s Jilin Province, but the North handed Park over to Chinese police, who released him after he paid US$3,000 in fines. Park allegedly gave the North information about the location of U.S. military bases in the South, the deployment of tanks and the number of forces stationed along the Military Demarcation Line.

Park was arrested on Oct. 24 on charges of passing information on South Korean military facilities, roads and the mood in civic and social organizations to Pyongyang. He is also charged with posting pro-North Korean propaganda on the Internet. Investigators believe the North expelled Park since it concluded that he was no use as a source of intelligence, but they kept an eye on him in case he had returned to South Korea at Pyongyang’s orders. Prosecutors plan to indict Park for violating the National Security Law.






Haha, it's, perhaps, just a matter of time that they (Chosun Ilbo, GNP, etc.) will demand the prohibition/ban of DLP because of planned "terror activities"..


But actually its not the first time that Chosun Ilbo (and other SK bourgeois media) are/were trying to connect progressive organisations with so-called "terrorism". Just remember the campaign against ETU-MB/MSSC about two years ago: "Mad, or what?!".


BTW.. I'm not a fan of the social-democratic DLP, but I think that all parts of the civil society (and DLP is a part of it) should be defended against the attacks of such stupid (reactionary) idiots, like Chosun Ilbo and its collaborators..

Aeh, but on the other side... don't take this (Chosun Ilbo, etc..) to serious^^









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