- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
Well, to make it short: last Sunday (12.09) THE MAIN MTU RALLY/DEMO took place in downtown Seoul.
Approx. 500 KCTU/civil right/student/left political activists (*) - among them about 100 migrant workers - protested against the current massive wave of repression by the S.K. gov't against MTU and demanded the immediate release of MTU's leadership, imprisoned since Nov. 27 in Cheongju Detention Center.
* (민주노동당, 다함께/AT, 민주노총 서울본부, 경기본부, 전비연, 참여연대, 이랜드뉴코아노조, 코스콤노조, 서울일반노조, 전해투, 전철연, 나눔문화, 사회당, 사회진보연대, 학생행진..)
Following just some pics of the event, made by, VoP, AT, NewsCham:
For more about it, please read (^^sorry, but it's all in Korean):
☞ "우리 이주노동자들은 범죄자가 아닙니다" (VoP, 12.09)
☞ "이주노조 지도부 석방" (한겨레, 12.09)
☞ 세계이주민의 날 “거꾸로 가는 한국정부”비난 (참세상, 12.10)
☞ [12월 9일] 단속추방 중단.. 이주노조 탄압.. 대회 (AT, 12.10)
☞ Arrest of MTU leaders due to their activities (AHRC, 12.06)
☞ Solidarity with MTU (Teachers of English.. in Korea, 12.07)
And last but not least.. some activists created a new web site to support MTU's struggle: ☞ FreeMigrants!!
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