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게시물에서 찾기2007/12

27개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2007/12/31
    민주노동당.. #1
    no chr.!
  2. 2007/12/30
    東方紅.. (民族舞蹈/영상)
    no chr.!
  3. 2007/12/28
    12.29(土): 이주.. 문화제
    no chr.!
  4. 2007/12/27
    no chr.!
  5. 2007/12/26
    12. 27(木): ..공동행동
    no chr.!
  6. 2007/12/25
    투쟁과 '크리스마스' #2
    no chr.!
  7. 2007/12/24
    투쟁과 '크리스마스' #1
    no chr.!
  8. 2007/12/23
    이랜드.. 투쟁 #14
    no chr.!
  9. 2007/12/21
    no chr.!
  10. 2007/12/20
    2007년 '대선' #5
    no chr.!

민주노동당.. #1

As I wrote already some days before, one of the main losers of the S.K. presidential election was Kwon Young-ghil, DLP's candidate (according to Realmeter allone 14,3% of DLP's sympathizers/members voted for the extreme reactionary candidate Lee Hoi-chang!!).

DLP's leadership after realizing the first election results (12.19)

Well, here some stuff about the latest developments in the DLP, or voices in the S.K. media about DLP's future/respectively what the party should do(^^) "in order to survive":

DLP leaders to resign after election defeat (K. Herald, 12.26)

Democratic Labor Party leaders, including Chairman Moon Sung-hyun, are expected to resign en masse on Saturday, sources said yesterday.

An ad-hoc committee will be launched soon to lead the progressive party in the lead-up to April's parliamentary elections.

Factional fighting has been intensifying in the wake of the party's poor showing in the Dec. 19 presidential election. Its candidate Kwon Young-ghil garnered just 3 percent of the vote, far lower that its projection of 10 percent. He won 3.9 percent in the 2002 election.

The party's major factions discussed the matter on Sunday and tentatively agreed to dissolve its leadership...

Party members are calling for major reforms including a reshuffle of the leadership body while pro-Kwon mainstreamers argued that unity should be given priority over change.

Before y'day the "left"-liberal daily newspaper Hankyoreh published following:

The Democratic Liberal Party is also in a serious state of crisis. It calls Roh an “imitation progressive” and styles itself as the party of “true conservatives,” but voters did not take it on its word. Voters had high expectations for the DLP in the last National Assembly election and supported its entry into the legislative body. Its performance, however, was disappointing. It has consistently opposed neoliberalism, but it did not show that it had the policies and the ability to resolve the immediate suffering faced by the country’s ordinary people. More priority was given to internal factional interests in choosing its presidential candidate than to how competitive the candidate would be in the actual election, and in the course of the campaign it came up with out-of-the-blue ideas random ideas like forming a “Korean Federated Republic” with North Korea and a “Million Masses March.”

Thanks to the partial system of proportional representation, it is always possible that the DLP will have a few seats in the National Assembly. But can a party that is satisfied with this, one in which the leadership is only interested in controlling the party, really be called progressive ? How can a party that has people in it who think there is no problem with human rights and democracy in North Korea, and that North Korean nukes are an “asset to the Korean people,” forge a future reunified Korea?

The full article you can read here:

Related stuff (by the S.K. bourgeois/reactionary press):

Labor Party Leaders to Resign En Masse (K. Times, 12.26)

DLP ‘Hijacked by Pro-N.Korean Hardliners’ (Chosun Ilbo, 12.27)

DLP Has No Future With Pro-N.Korea Faction (editorial in Chosun Ilbo, 12.28)

About the very latest developments in the DLP (but only in Korean):

민노, ‘심상정 체제’ 무산..중앙위 파행 (참세상)

민주노동당 분당 시나리오 현실화되나 (VoP)

일부 평등파 중앙위원들 결국 퇴장 (VoP)

민노당 중앙위 자주·평등파 큰 차이만 확인 (video/참세상TV)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

東方紅.. (民族舞蹈/영상)



Songs and dances by "ethnic minorities" ("東方紅", 1965)



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.29(土): 이주.. 문화제



Update (12.31)

Y'day's VoP reported about the event here:

29일 이주노동자 후원문화제... 피부는 달라도 같은 '노동자'





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


While the Sit-in(struggle) in Seoul's KNCC is continuing, now since 22 days, the solidarity with MTU's struggle against the S.K. govt's policy of repression/crack down is still going on. Following just some impressions of the daily struggle (many more pics you can see here):


Daily "life" (here 12.20), aka the sit-in struggle inside KNCC..

..and outside - daily night rallies (here y'day's candlelight rally)


Today's protest rally in front of Incheon's Immigration Office


Related article:

20일째 농성 중인 이주노동자들의 '슬픈 크리스마스' (VoP, 12.25) 

But also the int'l solidarity is continuing! Such as in Australia, Austria, Canada, China/Hongkong, India/Rajastan, Ireland, Japan, Taiwan, the USA etc.. 

Chunghwa Telecom Workers' Union/TW

Alliance of Progressive Labour/Phillipines

AFL-CIO, Gefont/USA, Nepal

IMC Japan

苦勞網/TW, HK



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12. 27(木): ..공동행동

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

투쟁과 '크리스마스' #2

Produced by comrade Hong Gil-dong../숲속홍길동同志 (2003.12.24)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

투쟁과 '크리스마스' #1

..but (hopefully) the struggle goes on!!!


Comrade Masum(left!!), MTU's former General Secretary (abducted 11.27 and forcibly

 deported 12.13), on 'Christmas Eve' 2003 during our year long sit-in strike

in Seoul/Myeong-dong Cathedral's compound


Christmas and migrant workers (MSSC, 2003.12.26)





"Korean Dream", by comrade Yeon Yeong-seok

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이랜드.. 투쟁 #14

E-Land Workers Hold Protest  (Korea Times, 12.23)

About 150 unionized workers of E-Land held a rally in front of SaRang Community

Church  in southern Seoul Saturday, asking the pastors to let the company's

chairman resume negotiations and withdraw dismissal of leaders of the union.

SaRang Church is where the group's Chairman Park Sung-soo is an elder.

The unionists have been on strike since July 8 to protest the company's dismissal

of non-permanent employees.

Recently, the group sacked an additional 33 leaders of the union and ordered the

suspension of another nine workers. The dismissal was delivered via text

messages on mobile phones last Tuesday through Thursday, a day before the

scheduled negotiations between the management and the union.

The workers rushed to the church and asked the senior reverend to recommend

Park resume the talks and withdraw the dismissal, but were rejected. Their

request to rally inside the religious facility was also turned down.

The union plans to continue the protest till their requests are accepted...


Well, sorry for my thoughts, but I doubt if it makes much sense to appeal - whether it's Christmas time, or not - to one of the most reactionary parts of the S.K. churches..
SaRang(^^ what an euphemism!!) Community Church already tolerated - or supported(??!!) - from the beginning Park Sung-soo's activities (better said: permanent attacks) against the unionized employees of his "shopping empire"!!

For more about y'day's protest:

"우리 일하게 해달라고 말해주세요" (VoP, incl. two videos)

Recent video documentaries about the E-Land Strike by comrade "Hong Gil-dong..":

12월 6일~7일 홈에버 신도림점 구사대 폭력 (12.08)

"홈에버 포항점 오픈 저지투쟁 영상 1"

"홈에버 포항점 오픈 저지투쟁 영상 2"

"홈에버 포항점 오픈 저지투쟁 영상 3" (12.03)









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


12.21(金) 저녁 6시 30분 광화문
촛불문화제를 합니다










* Well, just watch following video..:

[속보] 12월 14일 촛불집회 (..by MWTV)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2007년 '대선' #5

updated version:

A Black Day for the S.K.

Progressive Movement!!

12.19, 6 pm, one of the first TV pictures..  


The "winner" (surprise, surprise!!^^):

Lee Myung-bak..

..THE hard-core fighter against the working class
His promise to all progressive activists:

"The new government is expected to push policies to make the labor market more flexible and harden crackdown on illegal labor strikes. (*) Lee pledges to enhance the rule of law, aiming to curb "unlawfulness and disorder" caused by labor disputes. The measures may result in a waning of the labor movement, experts said.", Korea Herald wrote today.


S.K. Trade unions are split. Lee Yong-deuk, chairman of the reformist Federation of Korean Trade Unions said, "We congratulate President-elect Lee on his election along with all FKTU members. We concluded a cooperation agreement on labor policy and will give full cooperation and support to the president-elect if he faithfully keeps the promise he made in the agreement." Actually this remark isn't surpising after KFTU supported officially Lee's election campaign!

Oops.. DLP's leadership after realizing the first results (late evening 12.19) 


But Woo Moon-sook, a spokeswoman for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), said, "President-elect Lee should volunteer to reveal the truth about the suspicions over the transaction of the land in Dogok-dong, Seoul and the BBK investment scandal. Only when such suspicions are cleared he can win the trust of the people."
WTFH she's talking about? But perhaps it's just the first step in the direction of appeasement??!!

* Likeley the new gov't will see all labor actions as illegal, except strikes for lower wages and longer working time (^^)..

Related articles by Korean and int'l (bourgeois) media:

Chaebol to Enjoy Honeymoon With Lee (Korea Times)

New conservatism rises to power (Korea Herald)

The true message expressed by Korean voters (Hankyoreh)

The hard part starts for Seoul's new man (Asia..)

Promises undermine democracy in Korea (..Times/HK)

Lee Wins Presidency in S. Korea (Washington Post)


The entire and complete final official result of the Presidential Election you can check out here (Yonhap, but only in Korean).



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
  • 소유자
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