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게시물에서 찾기2012/12/16

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  1. 2012/12/16
    2012 남한 대통령선거(#4)
    no chr.!

2012 남한 대통령선거(#4)

사용자 삽입 이미지


1. Comrade Kim So-yeon, the nominee for "Labor Presidency"(*), has been attacked by riot cops during her yesterday's election campaign rally in downtown Seoul!


사용자 삽입 이미지

Today's Korea Times reported the following:

Kim So-yeon, one of four independent presidential candidates, was allegedly beaten by a police officer during a campaign rally Saturday.

Her aides also claim the officer spat in her face. Police (of course!!) deny the claims.

According to supporters of Kim, a former member of the Korean Metal Workers’ Union, officers assaulted her while she and some 300 supporters were attempting to march toward Cheong Wa Dae after a speech at Gwanghwamun Square in central Seoul.

She planned to hold another rally in front of Cheong Wa Dae.

Police blocked them from approaching the presidential office and the two sides clashed, with scuffles taking place for about two hours.

After the incident, tweets spread that a policeman spat in her face and punched her. Kim’s camp released a photo of her with bruises on the left side of her face...

Seoul National University law professor Cho Kuk said, “Candidate Kim was beaten by police. This is an unprecedented situation! A thorough investigation should be conducted to hold those in charge accountable.”...

Kim is one of two candidates from the labor sector. She pledged to eliminate the practice of recruiting temporary workers Kim said she joined the race because she wanted to show that workers can play a pivotal role in the political arena and they don’t need help from somebody else to have their voice heard in public policy.



Related articles:
경찰, 김소연 유세 조직적 방해...관권선거 논란 (NewsCham, 12.15)
경찰, 김소연 후보 폭행 논란... "불법선거 전락" (OMN, 12.16)

* Here you'll get some more detailed info about comrade Kim So-yeon!



2. No surprise! As many already anticipated... 'presidential candidate' Lee Jeong-hui (aka Lee Jung-hee/United "Progressive" Party) quits race (^^)


사용자 삽입 이미지



Related article:
UPP's Lee drops out of election (K. Herald, 12.16)

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