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게시물에서 찾기2013/01/04

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  1. 2013/01/04
    1.6(日): 이주노조 신년회...
    no chr.!

1.6(日): 이주노조 신년회...


Invitation (by Migrants' Trade Union/MTU):

Good Bye 2012, Welcome 2013!

Migrant Workers Community and Solidarity Meeting

Last year, many migrant workers came to visit S. Korea and left back to their own countries. There are many tough happenings to them. '성실근로자 재입국제도‘, which

allows only migrant labour who never change their working places to re-enter Korea, means they should endure any problem and unfair treatment. Also, lots of migrant

labours hurted and even were killed under the Korea government's cruel crack down. The most ire thing was the new rule of the labour department because it deprived

migrant labours of their basic right to choose and move their working places. This rule snatched the last hope that we can move to other working places away from migrant

labours who endured violences, abusive words, even sexual harassment. Thus, all of us couldn't bear this situation any more. On August 17th, in front of Boshin-gak, all of

angry migrant labours gathered and clamor for the slogan of 'Korea government guarantee the rights of migrant labour' On September 23th, in front of Seoul Station, about 1,000 workers from the several countries did a powerful march to Myeong-dong Cathedral. November and even December, workers continued to protest against the

government. The power that we could continue to struggle was that the migrant workers came out to solve their problems by themselves.

So, MTU prepared a meeting to evaluate last year's struggle and debate about this year's struggle with migrant workers. Also, we prepared a dinner for celebrating thenew

year and wishing our luck each other. We really really hope you come visit this meeting and talk deeply.


○ Date/Time : Jan 6 (Sun) 3 p.m. ~ 6 p.m. 1월 6일(일) 오후 3시~6시

○ Place : MTU office meeting room (subway line 3/6, Bulgwang station exit 2)


○ Program:

- Report: Migrants workers' struggle in 2012

- Debate: How can we advance from now on?

- Education: New EPS rules

- New year dinner




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    no chr.!

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