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게시물에서 찾기2013/01/30

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  1. 2013/01/30
    생명평화 강정마을 (#33)
    no chr.!

생명평화 강정마을 (#33)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Solidarity Food Tent to Support the "Gangjeong Angels"

An activist’s mother started to raise funds for activists’ fines with her traveling food stall

Oh Yeong-ae, mother of the young female video maker Kim Gami has recently started a nationwide-traveling street food stall, to raise funds for young activists’ fines.

사용자 삽입 이미지


About 15 activists have recently gotten the court decision of fines, minimum 3 to 4 million won(USD 2760-3680) for each, for their protests to stop the construction trucks in front of gates.


As the trials and fines against activists are rapidly increasing, the issue to solve the matter of fines has become a big issue in the village. A supporting group, 'Friends og Gangjeong', that launched last December is collecting funds for activists’ fines’ as well. But the amount will just increase by more coming trials...


Hearing that those young activists are making the decision for prison labor since they can’t afford fines and seeing her daughter’s suffering from the pain of her friends, Gami’s mother decided to raise funds for them by opening a traveling street food stall (more detailed info about the traveling schedule, menu etc. you'll get here).  [Text by Choi Sung-hee]


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Here you can (MUST!!) see a really beautiful photo essay by Lee Woo-ki...

Related article:
강정 수호천사 돕기 '힐링 포장마차' 출발 (서울의소리, 1.29)


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