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게시물에서 찾기anti-war struggle

295개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2007/04/22
    이라크/해리 황태자
    no chr.!
  2. 2007/04/18
    독일 군 (BW)..(1)
    no chr.!
  3. 2007/03/29
    대추리 투쟁..
    no chr.!
  4. 2007/03/28
    no chr.!
  5. 2007/03/18
    3.17 平和 집회..
    no chr.!
  6. 2007/03/16
    3.17 反戰대회..
    no chr.!
  7. 2007/03/14
    317 反戰대회(홍보영상)
    no chr.!
  8. 2007/03/07
    no chr.!
  9. 2007/03/06
    no chr.!
  10. 2007/02/18
    no chr.!

한반도 '평화' #1

Last week the conservative daily newspaper JoongAng Ilbo reported that..
Seoul Has Plans to Attack N. Korean Nuclear Sites (*)

"The South Korean military is prepared to launch a pre-emptive attack on North Korea’s nuclear installations if they become a military threat, Gen. Kim Tae-young, the newly designated chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in a hearing yesterday.

It was the first time the military has confirmed contingency plans for a pre-emptive attack on Pyongyang’s nuclear facilities and comes as Seoul’s new conservative government is being closely watched for signs of how it will approach North Korea."

Now Yonhap yesterday reported that..
North Korea's military said Saturday that South Korea should retract its top military official's remark about an attack on the communist nation and apologize for it, threatening to suspend all inter-Korean dialogues and contacts.

On Wednesday, Gen. Kim Tae-young, the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the South would strike the North's nuclear sites if the communist country attacks the South with nuclear weapons.

"These outbursts are the gravest challenge ever in the history of the inter-Korean relations and a reckless provocation little short of a war declaration against us," the North's military said in a notice sent to the South's chief delegate to inter-Korean general-level military talks, according to the (North) Korean Central News Agency.

"We will counter any slightest move of the South side for 'preemptive attack' with more rapid and more powerful preemptive attack of its own mode," it said.

The communist state's military went on to say that if the South does not retract the call for a "preemptive attack" and apologize, it will lead to the suspension of all inter-Korean dialogues and contacts...

And Korea Herald wrote yesterday that..
..The ministry plans to decide by Tuesday whether to make an official reply to the North's demand.

"We don't know how to react to the North's claim now because we haven't decided yet whether to send a reply to the North. If we reply, it would contain our position that the North's claim is not true. We may express regret over the North's falsified argument," a ministry official said...

And the same newpaper reported today: Despite burgeoning tension on the Korean peninsula from North Korea's escalating threats, South Korea's President Lee Myung-bak and his ministers appear calm, if not nonchalant.

On Sunday when North Korea's military warned of a preemptive strike in retaliation of South Korea's alleged provocations, Lee stopped over at Cheong Wa Dae's press room after playing a few games of tennis, and mainly discussed his plans for overseas visits.

Unification Minister Kim Ha-joong reportedly went to church (well, that's really important!!!) before coming into office later in the afternoon to have consultations over the latest development. Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan, in the meantime, was busy tending to his foreign guests, playing a round of golf with visiting former Florida governor Jeb Bush, brother of U.S. President George W. Bush... (oops~ I think there in no further comment neccessary!!^^)

The low-key moves by Lee and his team appeared to be clearly in line with the South Korean government's new policy goal to drastically change the dialogue pattern with North Korea...

At the same time, yesterday (Sunday), the rulers in NK were not playing a round of golf, were not praying in the church! Instead they published a new (not really^^) "promise", according to KCNA: "They (likely they mean the LeeMB gang) should bear in mind that once the more powerful preemptive strike of our own mode be launched, it will not merely plunge everything into flames but reduce it to ashes" (harrharr~ like usual: empty blabla.. - hopefully!!)

Related articles:
North Steps Up Criticism of South (K. Times, 3.30)

N. Korea 'will turn South to ash' (al-Jazeera, 3.31)

Continuing Threat from NK... What Is Next? (DailyNK, 3.31)

* But, as it is well known, NK's nuklear sites (except Yongbyeon) are located deep in the (north-eastern) mountains.. And to strike against this sites/targets in NK the S. Korean military must have very "advanced", "sophisticated" weapons - powerful bombs very near to small nuclear bombs..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

바그다드 '평화'

"People have reached a point that they will sell their refrigerator to buy a rocket launcher to kill Americans."

Under siege in Baghdad's Mahdi army stronghold

(The Observer/UK, 3.30)

The violence that began in Basra and spread to the capital continues as fears of a new civil war grow

The gunfire built to a steady rhythm. American soldiers in a Stryker armoured vehicle fired from one end of the block. At the other end, two groups of Shia militiamen pounded back with machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. US helicopters circled above in the blue afternoon sky.

As a barrage erupted outside his parents' house, Abu Mustafa al-Thahabi, adviser to the Mahdi army of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, rushed through the gate to take shelter. He had just spoken with a fighter by mobile phone. 'I told him not to use that weapon. It's not effective,' he said, talking of the rocket-propelled grenade. 'I told him to use the IED, the Iranian one,' he added, referring to an improvised explosive device. 'This is more effective.'

After nearly a year of relative calm, US troops and Shia militia engaged in pitched battles last week, underscoring how quickly order can give way to chaos in Iraq. On this block in Sadr City, the cleric's sprawling stronghold, armed men and boys came out from nearly every house to fight. From Thursday afternoon to Friday morning, this correspondent spent 19 hours here, at times trapped by intense crossfire inside the house of Thahabi's parents. Fighters engaged US forces for seven hours. They lost a comrade. They launched rockets into the Green Zone. Around the same time, rockets killed a US government employee, the second American killed there last week.

Between battles, fighters spoke about politics and war. There was no sign of grief or fear. Death was a short cut to some divine place. As the two sides exchanged fire, Thahabi's mother, Um Falah, clutched a Koran and began to pray to Imam Ali, Shia Islam's most revered saint. Her eldest son, Abu Hassan, is a Mahdi army commander.

Earlier that morning, Sadr City had been eerily quiet. Cars moved slowly. Residents ferried food and water, preparing for the worst. Rubbish littered the charred streets. On one road, two green Stryker vehicles were parked.

Outside Um Falah's house, Mahdi fighters gathered, standing against the walls, peering down the street. Clashes were unfolding on an adjacent road. One group joined the fighting, but the others remained in place. Their job was to protect their end of the block. Um Falah continued her chores: 'I have got used to war, to all the battles in our lives.' It was not the first time her son had gone to fight US troops and in her heart, she said, she knew it would not be the last. 'I have sent my son on the right path,' she said.

In their living room, her husband and Abu Mustafa sat on red carpets set with colourful pillows. The room was prepared for battle, with plastic windowpanes and drawn curtains. On the wall hung tapestries depicting Imam Ali and other saints.

Thahabi, slim and gaunt-faced, said the Mahdi were not fighting only the Americans but also their Shia rivals - the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and the ruling Dawa party. Thahabi believes the government launched an offensive in Basra last Monday to weaken the Sadrist forces ahead of provincial elections scheduled for this year. He thought Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who leads the Dawa party, was taking advantage of a ceasefire imposed by Sadr last August.

Iraq's government said it began the offensive to wipe out Basra's Shia militias and criminal gangs. 'They know the Sadrists will win the elections,' Thahabi said. 'So they are using the Americans against the Mahdi army. People have reached a point that they will sell their refrigerator to buy a rocket launcher to kill Americans.'

At around 2pm, three solemn-faced fighters entered the room, fresh from battle. 'Akeel, son of Riad, just got killed,' said Abu Zainab al-Kabi. The room fell silent. Kabi, 34, said Akeel had been planting a roadside bomb when he was shot several times by a US soldier. Akeel was 22 and had followed his father and uncle into the Mahdi army when he was 17. The fighters took his body to the hospital mortuary. If they could break away from the battle, they planned to carry it on Friday to the southern holy city of Najaf, where the Mahdi has built a cemetery for their dead, their martyrs.

'We are proud that he died,' said Abu Moussa al-Sadr, 31. 'Whenever one of us dies, it raises our morale.'

'It intensifies our fighting. If we defeat them, we win,' Kabi said. 'If we die, we win.'

Signs of sorrow for Akeel soon vanished; they wanted to eat lunch. Over a spartan meal of bread, tomato paste and vegetables, they said they had woken before dawn to make sure all their fighters were in position. They ordered their men to check all the IEDs they had set and shared intelligence with commanders in other sections of Sadr City. Suddenly, they heard mortar rounds being launched outside with a boom like the sound of a wrecking ball.

'This is to the Green Zone,' said Kabi. 'These are gifts to Maliki's government.' He and Abu Moussa al-Sadr both work for Iraq's Ministry of Interior, which runs the police and is viewed as infiltrated by the Mahdi army. They said many police officers had defected and were now fighting with the Mahdi army.

The fighters also said they received neither support nor training from Iran, as American military commanders allege. Their Iranian weapons, they said, were bought from smugglers. They said they had been fighting only Americans and had not engaged with any Iraqi forces and insisted they were still obeying Sadr's cease-fire and would stop fighting if he gave the order. 'We are allowed to defend ourselves,' said fighter Abu Nargis.

Around 3pm, it was time to leave. 'We're going to the hospital to see Akeel's body,' Abu Moussa al-Sadr said. 'Then we are going back to fight.' An hour later, another group were fighting US troops. Militiamen jumped into the street, then quickly vanished. The quick movements were a tactic. Outside his parents' house, Thahabi explained that fighters would direct a barrage of bullets at the Stryker to distract the soldiers while another group tried to slip a bomb under the vehicle.

A father of four who studied psychology in college, Thahabi looked more like a professor than a militia adviser. He clutched three mobile phones, each using a different network. When the Americans drive by, they jam the signals of the main network provider to neutralise the use of phones as detonators.

The fighters' larger strategy, Thahabi said, was to draw pressure away from the Mahdi army in Basra. Many Iraqi soldiers fighting in Basra had families in Sadr City. 'They will be worried for their families. They will fear what will happen to them. It's about reducing morale.'

Thahabi received a phone call. 'The whole block has been surrounded by the Americans,' he said.

Targeting the Green Zone, at 5.25pm, the Mahdi army fired at least 10 rockets from near the house. Within 20 minutes, four more were launched. The rocket launches were followed by heavy gunfire at the Stryker.

'We have to keep the Americans nervous, on their edge,' Thahabi said. 'We can't make it easy for them.'

Someone told him that there was a sniper on a nearby roof. After a silent pause, fighters sprayed a burst of gunfire at a roof; bullets tore into the wall. Then silence again. A few minutes later, gunfire was returned in the direction of the fighters. The Americans were still around.

'They are facing heavy resistance," said Abu Nargis. He carried his baby daughter. 'They will raid the area tonight.' By 7pm, the Stryker had left.

At 9.05pm, Abu Nargis received a phone call. He said he had been told that a police commander with 500 men would stop working with the government and join the Mahdi.

At 9.09pm, screams tore through the street. A woman in a black abaya was walking toward the hospital wailing: 'My mother! My mother!' Her house had been hit, it was not clear by whom. Ambulances and police vehicles drove past the house as an unmanned US drone flew by. The vehicles drove back, carrying dead and injured.

At 10:35pm, Abu Nargis received another phone call. 'The Americans are gone. Even the snipers,' he said. 'I have to go and check on my daughter. She's afraid of the gunfire.'

Next morning, Kabi was standing on a nearby street with a group of fighters, including two boys who looked no older than 13. They were getting instructions from an older fighter, who clutched an AK-47 assault rifle. They looked weary.

At the edge of Sadr City, four Strykers rolled by. A white car waited patiently for the convoy to pass, then drove out, a wooden coffin strapped to the top.



Basra Assualt Threatens Trade Unionists (Naftana, 3.29)

Latest news (8:00 pm/KST):

Iraqi officials in talks with Sadr group to end fighting (AFP)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

미라이: 1968年3月16日


Today, 40 years ago the U.S. Army - on its way to bring "demorcacy and freedom" to Vietnam (respectively to "secure the free world against the communism") comitted the Massacre in My Lai, where roughly 500 unarmed civilians - old people, young women and children - were murdered!!! And "America's Struggle For Freedom" (Der Spiegel, 1967) was supported by all the NATO states (from Canada to Germany) but also by all the other "freedom-loving" countries like Turkey, S. Africa, Indonesia, Taiwan, S. Korea...


The result of the struggle for "Democracy and Freedom" in My Lai:





For more please read Seymour M. Hersh's articles about..

The My Lai Massacre


INTO THE DARK: The My Lai Massacre (by M. Gado)

My Lai Massacre ("education" video)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

오마르 빈 라덴^^


Just few days ago I had to learn by reading the Israeli daily newpaper Yedioth Ahronoth that Omar bin Laden - one of Osama bin Laden's 19(!!) sons - wants to be a "peace activist"(^^)..

Now, today CNN broadcasted an interview with Omar. BTW Omar seems to be complete stoned, or/and drunken (*)..
Anyway, you can watch the interview here:
Bin Laden's Son Speaks

* Of course to be drunken (or stoned) is complete no problem! Because, how comrade 'Hong Gil-dong' said already three years ago: "Soju is peace!!" (just see the last pic..)

Related article:

Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist (Examiner/USA, 1.17)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.18 反파병.. 집회


For yesterday several S.K. anti-war groups, KCTU, DLP, 'All Together' etc. called for a "massive protest" against the ongoing presence of S.K. troops in Iraq. But - despite the govt's latest decision to extend the troops' presence there and Roh Moo-hyun's stupid remark that his "decision to send Korean troops to Iraq was a historical error" - only a very small bunch of activists followed the call and gathered y'day afternoon in Myeong-dong to join the rally/demonstration.


A short time before, 11.03, Kim Gwang-il ('All Together'/anti-war activist) said in an interview with VoP that "Roh has confirmed several times that there would be no change of the administration's policy about the withdrawal of troops. However he breaks the promise with Korean people."

Surprise, surprise: Roh has been breaking his promise!! That must be a realy new realization for the S.K. "progressive" movement - after they defended with all their forces Roh's presidency against the attempted impeachment in spring 2004 (just one year after Roh has been breaking his promise not to support an "unjust war against Iraq")..

Finally - in my opinion - this kind of, simply said, political "confusion" in the S.K. "progressive" movement brings the "ordinary" people, even they're against the ruling gov't/class, to stay away from public political expressions.. (??!!)

Anyway.. here you can read "more"(^^) about y'day's event:

자이툰 파병 연장 저지를 위한 반전행동 (다함께)

"돌아오라, 자이툰!".. (SPARK)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.18: 反파병연장..



노무현: '파병 만세!!'

(미친) 노무현..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

노무현: '파병 만세!!'

Today the S. Korean president Roh Moo-hyun said in a televised speech that his government has decided to extend the presence of S.K. occupation forces in Iraq - the "Zaytun Division" - until the end of 2008.

And (surprise, surprise!!) Roh 'apologized' - once again - to the public. He said he and the government were very sorry for breaking the promise made a year earlier that the Zaytun Division will be withdrawn by the end of 2007. But the extension "is necessary for the alliance with the USA", Roh 'explained' according to S.K. media.

Hey, for me - likely not only for my(^^) - it sounds a kind of familiar:
During the last weeks/days of the presidential election campaign 2002 Roh Moo-hyun promised that he "never will join a (unjust) aggression and occupation against/of Iraq". In March 2003, just less than one month after Roh Moo-hyun took over the "presidential palace" in Seoul, he announced that his gov't decided to send S.K. (occupation) troops to Iraq.. "because it is necessary for our alliance with the USA" (despite the will of the majority of the S.K. people, who were complete against the US-aggression against Iraq!).


노무현 정부는 파병연장 사기극을 집어치워라! (사회진보연대)

Presidential candidates reverse roles over Korean troops.. (Yonhap)

[10월23일] 노무현.. 자이툰 파병 연장 담화 규탄 기자회견 (다함께)

What's the Logic Behind Opposing Iraq Deployment? (Chosun Ilbo's f.. BS)








진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Just few hours ago the Israeli..

..Cabinet voted Gaza a 'hostile entity' (Yedioth Ahronoth)

Security cabinet approves economic sanctions against Gaza in response to incessant Qassam attacks, ministers in consensus against retaking Gaza. Hamas: This is a declaration of war

The security cabinet voted on Wednesday to declare the Gaza Strip a hostile political entity..

The unanimous vote also authorized the imposing of economic sanctions against Gaza, so long as they do not affect the civilian population. The measures to be taken against Gaza include cutting back on the supply of electricity and fuel..

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said that Israel's decision constituted a "declaration of war."

"This is a dangerous escalation of the attempt to legitimize destroying Palestinian land, criminal behavior and bringing a humanitarian disaster on the Palestinian people. This is Israel attempting a knock-out blow against Hamas following its successes in taking control of Gaza.

"I find the silence and cooperation of the man in Ramallah (Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) with the enemy to be very curious indeed," said Barhoum..


Related article:

Ministers declare Gaza 'enemy entity', vote to disrupt power, fuel (Haaretz)

ANALYSIS: Gaza as a 'hostile entity' - a decision in the dark  (Haaretz)

Meanwhile, (not only) since the last days, the military thread by the US and EU Imperialists against Iran is increasing. "France threatens Iran.. unmistakably with war" today's German daily newspaper Der Tagespiegel wrote. Fears of a military conflict with Iran rose a notch after comments on Sunday night by the French foreign minister Kouchner, who said: "We have to prepare for the worst, and the worst is war."

For more please read:

French-kissing the war on Iran (A. Times/HK, 9.19)

Bush setting America up for war with Iran (Telegraph/UK, 9.17)

US crafting Iran bombing plan (Ynet/IL, 9.12)

UK troops are sent to Iranian border (The Independent/UK, 9.12)

US wants war with Iran (Yedioth Ahronoth, 9.16)

Senior intelligence source tells Sunday Telegraph most defense officials believe diplomacy failing, White House likely fine-tuning escalation program to lead to military confrontation with Iran

The United States Department of Defense has developed a list of up to 2,000 bombing targets in Iran, the Sunday Telegraph reported.


According to the report, senior CIA and US defense officials believe that the White House was taking steps to ensure military confrontation with Iran, for fear that diplomatic efforts to slow the country’s nuclear weapons program are doomed to fail.

According to a senior US intelligence officer, the escalation to military confrontation could begin with a public denunciation of Iran’s suspected meddling in Iraq, the report said. The US claims Iran is arming and training Shiite militants; a denunciation of such activity could lead to cross-border raids on Iranian training camps and bomb factories.

The official told the Sunday Telegraph that a prime target for such a raid would be the Fajr base run by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds Force in southern Iran, where Western intelligence agencies say armor-piercing projectiles used against British and US troops are manufactured.

The report said according to the theory, which was “gaining credence in Washington security circles”, US action could provoke a major Iranian response, possibly in the form of cutting off Gulf oil supplies, a move that could trigger air strikes against Iran's nuclear facilities and even its armed forces.

According to the report, the intelligence officer said the US military had "two major contingency plans" for air strikes on Iran.

"One is to bomb only the nuclear facilities. The second option is for a much bigger strike that would - over two or three days - hit all of the significant military sites as well. This plan involves more than 2,000 targets," he said.

"A strike will probably follow a gradual escalation. Over the next few weeks and months the US will build tensions and evidence around Iranian activities in Iraq," the US intelligence official explained.

The intelligence source added that no one outside a tight circle knew what was going to happen. However, he said that within the CIA "many if not most officials believe that diplomacy is failing" and that "top Pentagon brass believes the same".

A source in the US State Department told the Sunday Telegraph that pressure from senior counter-proliferation officials have caused US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to acknowledge that military action might be necessary in order to stop Iran’s nuclear plan.

The source added that Rice had begun working with Vice President Dick Cheney to find a way to reconcile their positions and present a united front to President George W Bush.





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


According to international news reports, Israel on September 6 bombed alleged nuclear facilities in Syria, close to the Euphrates River in a border region between Syria and Turkey. The bombing occurred three days after a North Korean ship entered a Syrian port. The North Korean ship was registered as carrying cement, but Israeli intelligence authorities reportedly believed it was carrying nuclear equipment (last Thursday I wrote the first time about it..).


Last weekend especially the media in Israel, the US and UK published articles about it as a top issue (But we should realize that only very few parts of these reports are based on real facts!! For example until today the Israeli gov't/military establishment is complete silent about the IAF attack..).

Here's a kind of "collection" of some of these articles:

Israel targeted N. Korean nuclear equipment (Yedioth Ahronoth/IL)

Secret raid on (North) Korean shipment (Sunday Times/UK)

IAF attacked N. Korean nuclear shipment to Syria (J'Post/IL)

Syria had planned 'devastating surprise' for Israel (Haaretz/IL)

Suspected nuclear shipment prompted IAF raid over Syria (Y. Ahronoth)

But at the same time some sources are assuming that..

..The IAF attack was 'rehearsal' for attack on Iran (Ynet/IL)

Was Israeli raid practice for Iran war? (The Observer/UK)



Updated 9.18:

N. Korea dismisses suspicions over nuclear link to Syria (Yonhap/SK)

North Korean bust-up over Syrian 'links' (Asia Times/HK)





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Last week, four Israeli warplanes invaded Syrian airspace after midnight on September 6, breaking the sound barrier, and reaching as far as the village of Tal Abyad in the vicinity of Deir al-Zour, about 160 kilometers north of the city of Raqqa.

9.06, IAF attack against Syria

After the "incident",  in the beginning, the int'l media mentioned it - if at all - just in short notices. But now, since the beginning of the week at least the US, Israeli and surprisingly the North Korean (*) media is reporting repeatedly about the subject.

Well, finally the "incident" in fact was an IAF attack against possibly very sensitive targets in Syria, connecting likely Israel, Syria, Iran and the DPRK - if we want to believe the int'l bourgeois media (!!??).

One of the latest articles about the entire issue was published in today's online edition of the Israeli daily Haaretz:

U.S. warned N. Korea not to help Syria with nukes

On Thursday, a U.S. official was quoted as saying Damascus may be building a nuclear facility with North Korean assistance, a week after Syria claimed Israeli aircraft violated its airspace and dropped munitions within its territory..

Israel has refused to comment on Syria's allegations, but a former Israeli official had said he had heard the attack had been carried out against a facilitiy capable of producing unconventional weapons.

On Wednesday, Reuters reported that U.S. officials had confirmed that the Israel Air Force launched air strikes against Syria last week, but would not discuss the intended targets.

"The strike I can confirm. The target, I can't," said one U.S. official, adding that there had been more than one strike. Another official called reports on the likely targets "confused."

While Israel remained silent, media reports began surfacing Tuesday of U.S. officials confirming the Israel Air Force had indeed carried out an air strike last Thursday..

Israeli officials have repeatedly declined to comment on the claims, however the CNN television network reported Tuesday that the Israeli government is "very happy with the successful operation."

Senior CNN correspondent Christiane Amanpour, citing Middle Eastern and Washington sources, said aircraft and possibly even ground forces, who may have directed the planes to their target, took part in the operation.

The attack left "a big hole in the desert," the report said. CNN quoted U.S. government and military sources as saying they were "happy to have Israel convey to both Syria and Iran the message that they can get in and out and strike when necessary." ..

Well, please read the entire article here:

* Israel Condemned for Intrusion into Syria's Territorial Air (KCNA, 9.11)

A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave the following answer to a question put by KCNA Tuesday in connection with the fact that Israeli warplanes invaded Syria's territorial air space: Early in the morning of Sept. 6 Israel's warplanes illegally intruded into the territorial air above Syria and dropped bombs in the desert in its northeastern area before fleeing.

This is a very dangerous provocation little short of wantonly violating the sovereignty of Syria and seriously harassing the regional peace and security.

The DPRK strongly denounces the above-said intrusion and extends full support and solidarity to the Syrian people in their just cause to defend the national security and the regional peace. (**)


Related articles:

ANALYSIS: The air strike in Syria is a secret that cannot be kept

'IAF targeted Iranian weapons in Syria'


Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria

NY Times: IAF recently photographed nuclear facilities in Syria

Syria, N. Korea building nuclear site together

N. Korea, Syria May Be at Work on Nuclear Facility

Syria and Israel flirt with war




** 외무성대변인 이스라엘의 수리아령공침범 규탄 (조선중앙통신, 9.11)
조선민주주의인민공화국 외무성 대변인은 최근 이스라엘군용기들이 수리아령공을 침범한것과 관련하여 11일 조선중앙통신사 기자가 제기한 질문에 다음과 같이 대답하였다.

지난 6일 새벽 이스라엘군용기들이 수리아령공을 불법침범하여 동북부 사막지역에 폭탄을 던지고 도주하는 사건이 발생하였다.

이것은 수리아의 자주권을 란폭히 침해하고 지역의 평화와 안전을 엄중히 파괴하는 극히 위험천만한 도발행위로 된다.

우리는 이스라엘의 수리아령공침범행위를 강력히 규탄하며 나라의 안전과 지역의 평화를 수호하기 위한 수리아인민의 정의의 위업에 전적인 지지와 련대성을 표시한다.




"北,시리아에 핵물질 판매"...美'현실성 적다'  (Vop)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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