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게시물에서 찾기anti-war struggle

295개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/10/09
    朝鮮의 핵실험 #3
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/10/08
    朝鮮의 핵실험 #2
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/10/07
    朝鮮의 핵실험 #1
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/10/04
    추석.. Made in D.P.R.K.
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/09/30
    9.24 베를린/독일..
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/09/28
    9.24 평화대회..
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/09/24
    9.24 평화대행진..
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/09/23
    9.23 反戰 집회..(2)
    no chr.!
  9. 2006/09/22
    9.23/24 A&P(*)^^
    no chr.!
  10. 2006/09/13
    대추리 ALERT!!(1)
    no chr.!




Last Wednesday I had to read the article Pyeongtaek Villagers Finally Agree to Resettlement in (f..) Chosun Ilbo. A short while later I asked a friend/comrade about the truth of this article (actually I wasn't really surprised about this development, but nevertheless it makes me very sad!!)..

And he posted following on PCPT's English section:


Daechuri residents had to give up the autonomous commune...

read an article below about the recent situation in Daechuri and Doduri.

Pyeongtaek Villagers Finally Agree to Resettlement
The three-and-a-half year conflict between the government and the residents of Pyeongtaek about the relocation of U.S. troops to the area has come to an end. Residents from villages surrounding Pyeongtaek and government officials agreed on 24 issues at a meeting in Pyeongtaek City Hall Tuesday regarding a resettlement area and living support measures for villagers uprooted by the coming U.S. base.

According to the plan, 59 households in Daechuri and Doduri villages that had earlier refused to resettle will move out by March 31.

A U.S. army helicopter passes behind a model of the Korean peninsula in front of Daechuri Elementary School in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province on Tuesday./Yonhap

The government will prepare two resettlement areas and some farmland, with each household receiving plots of 495 to 660 sq.m. Residents may choose from either resettlement area, the final size of which will be determined according to demand.

Regarding living support measures, the government agreed to lower the qualifying age for financial support to elderly evacuees from 70 to 65. They will receive W200,000 (US$1=W940) for 10 years. Each low-income elderly household will receive W10 million to cover moving expenses. Each of the evacuating households will also be provided 26.4-sq.m plots of land designated for commercial use in the newly developed districts, the same size granted to residents who left earlier. The government will also make available 990,000 sq.m of farmland in Seosan, South Chungchong Province. The size of the individual plots provided to households will be set according to total demand.

To implement the agreement, the government, Pyeongtaek City, and village representatives will form a working group until the end of 2008, a government official said. It was the 12th round of discussions about the relocation since talks restarted Jan. 2. Both sides abandoned negotiations on June 20, 2006.

Having read this article, a friend of mine asked me if this is true.
i replied to him like the following.
i didn't even want to click that frigging Chosun ilbo article. but since you asked me, i followed the link to read it.
well, first of all, it's not just a resettlement.
it's forced displacement.
the words chosen by the ultra right-wing assholes really piss me off, so i just don't go to their website at all.

Anyways, the truth is, the residents have been having negotiations with the government since January, and the government gave the residents an ultimatum, saying "We will give you a relocation village or two, but the residents must leave the village by the end of March. The residents can either take this final 'offer' or refuse to take it and continue to stay in the village. Either way, we don't give a damn, because the village is gone in April. That is for sure."

The residents have got nothing left, no financial aid, no greater support, no hope for the future. So they had to sign the damed deal.
Everyone cried out loud upon hearing this in the afternoon of Feb 13.


Korean government forces Daechuri residents to “agree” to their displacement




PS (2.19):

According to German newspapers last Saturday, 2.17, between 100,000 (Berliner Zeitung) and 200,000 (Junge Welt) protested in the north Italian city Vicenza against the expansion of the US military (air) base there (Dario Fo, who participated at the demonstration: "If they want to build here, they must bomb us before!").




Italians protest against US base (Al-Jazeera)

Vicenza in Struggle - No Dal Molin (struggle/demo statement)







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


"The U.S. Air Force on Tuesday said it will start deploying a squadron of F-117A stealth fighters and some 300 airmen in South Korea for four months..", Chosun Ilbo reported last Thursday (1.11) and on the same day it happened..



..and so JoongAng Ilbo was able to report yesterday following:


‘Routine' arrival of U.S. fighters here also a signal
F-117 stealth jets' deployment is a test of ability to react to North, analyst says


The arrival of a U.S. F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter squadron at Kunsan Air Base on the southwest coast Thursday has been called a "routine" deployment by U.S. officials, but one U.S. military analyst said the deployment of the unit served to test U.S. readiness to deter a North Korean threat quickly.
The number of arriving aircraft was not announced, but a squadron usually consists of 15 to 24 fighter planes.
Bruce E. Bechtol Jr., a faculty member of the Marine Corps Command and Staff College, said Wednesday in an interview that the deployment and another one of F-22 Raptor fighter planes to Japan recently had motives beyond the official explanation.
In military terms, he said, the deployments were tests of what the U.S. military calls "flexible deterrent options."
Mr. Bechtol said the philosophy behind the term was at least partly to ensure that an attack on South Korea by the North could be repelled quickly.
Other military analysts commenting on earlier deployments of stealth (radar-evading) aircraft here also served to give air crews a look at a potential combat theater and test the aircraft operating systems in the field (NK's air space..??)
The deployment comes at a time when speculation is mounting that North Korea may conduct a second nuclear test; its first, on Oct. 9, is generally considered to have been only partly successful.
Last month, six-nation talks to induce North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons programs ended inconclusively after a year's pause in the negotiations.
Mr. Bechtol has worked as a senior analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency and as a cryptographer at several duty posts. He worked in South Korea for four years in that capacity..







When I remember well, US military strategists/"scientists" suggested few years ago in one of the OPLAN's  (just) one way how to f.. the KPA: temporally limited violations of the DPRK air space would leed to increased activities of NK's airforce - hunt them from east to west and from north ot south and after a short while they will run out off kerosene..^^

20 additional war planes might be enough for to carry out this plan...



For the details of some of the different OPLAN's please check out this:


OPLAN 5027 - Major Theater War
OPLAN 5026 - Air Strikes
OPLAN 5029 - Collapse of DPRK
OPLAN 5030 - Rollback of DPRK






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.16 平和 집회






Some more pics about the event you can see here:

12월 16일 자이툰 부대 즉각 철군을 위한 반전행동


20061216 - 자이툰 부대 즉각 철군을 위한 반전행동







Three related articles (in Korean) about it you can read here:


“끝나지 않은 싸움, 진실을 다해야죠.”  
‘자이툰부대 즉각 철군 및 레바논 파병 반대’ 집회 열려



자이툰, '임무종결해도 철군 안한다?' 
이태호, '파병반대 반전행동 집회'서 의혹제기



전쟁은 꼰대들이나 해



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.16 (土) 反戰 집회..









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.3 反戰 집회/12.6


12.3 Anti-War Demo in Seoul


"Zaytun (name of the S.K. troops in Iraq) come back home"


Today, according to Voice of People (VoP), 400 people participated on the event (BTW still there are living 12,000,000 people in the S.K. capital^^). Beside the demand to bring the S.K. troops in Iraq back home, one of the main issues of the rally/demo was the struggle in Pyeongtaek/Daechuri. (C. Sheehan, she visited a short while ago Daechuri, said: "Daechuri has become 'ground zero' in the struggle against violent US military extremism".. harrharr)




Reports in Korean you can read here:


"자이툰 철군, 내년이 아니라 지금이다!" (VoP)

"평화유지 위한다면서 특전사 파병?" (OhmyNews)




Here you can see some more pics about the event:

[12월 3일] 자이툰 철군과 한반도 평화를 위한 반전평화 공동행동 









Meanwhile on the same day, according to Yonhap, the S.K. ruling class is threatening once again the anti-capitalist movement (for coming Wednesday, 12.6, the next mass protest day against U.S.-ROK FTA is scheduled):


Police to get tough on illegal FTA protest


South Korean police said Sunday that they will take stern action against unionists and labor activists who are poised to stage rallies against the government's negotiations on a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States...








(aeh.. the small blue points... I have no idea how/from where..^^)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

대추리 뉴스 #3




Hankyoreh wrote yesterday following:


Amnesty Int'l asks S.K. to free U.S. base move protestor
Man rallied against U.S. base land takeover, faces two years in prison

Kim Ji-tae, a 47-year-old village chief jailed for staging demonstrations to protest the relocation and expansion of a U.S. base in the village of Daechuri, Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, was designated as a 'prisoner of conscience' by Amnesty International, an international human rights organization.

On November 30, Amnesty International said it designed Kim as a prisoner of conscience and will take international action to ask for his release. Kim is the first South Korean to be designated as a prisoner of conscience without violating the notorious National Security Law. On November 3, Kim was sentenced for two years in jail on charges of interrupting public officials. He is now serving his time in a correctional facility in Anyang.

"Kim is a prisoner of conscience, who exercised his right to participate in a peaceful rally. He was arrested because of his ideology and beliefs," Amnesty International said. "Under international law, the government has no right to detain a prisoner of conscience."

On Dec. 1, a regional inspector at Amnesty International will meet Kim at his correctional facility and will send letters to the South Korean government and courts to appeal for Kim's release, according to Kim Hee-jin, an official at Amnesty International's Korean office.

Amnesty International issued three statements concerning the government's human rights violations in the process of the U.S. base relocation to the village of Daechuri. Priest Moon Jeong-hyun, co-president of an organization to ban the U.S. base's relocation to Pyeongtaek, said, "Kim didn't use physical force, while riot police and the defense ministry used violence."

Amnesty International defines a prisoner of conscience as someone imprisoned solely for the peaceful expression of their political or religious beliefs. In South Korea, former President Kim Dae-jung, poets Goh Eun and Kim Ji-ha, and professor Song Du-yul were designated as prisoners of conscience by the organization.





For more informations about the struggle in Pyeongtaek/Daechuri please check out:








진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北: 핵무기






Today in the morning(CET) AP reported following:


N. Korea Won't Abandon Nukes

A senior North Korean diplomat strongly indicated that his country has no plans to abandon nuclear weapons, despite its agreement to return to six-nation disarmament talks, according to news reports Wednesday.


North Korea's deputy foreign minister, Kang Sok Ju, speaking to a group of reporters while passing through Beijing from Russia, instead demanded that the United States lift financial sanctions against the North, Japan's NHK television and Kyodo News agency said.

Kang said North Korea had not tested nuclear weapons only to get rid of them, the reports said.


"Why would we abandon nuclear weapons?" NHK and Kyodo quoted Kang as saying in a Japanese translation of his comments in Korean. "Are you saying we conducted a nuclear test in order to abandon them?"


Asked if Pyongyang planned to demand the U.S. lift sanctions, Kang said, "of course," NHK and Kyodo reported...

In September 2005, Pyongyang agreed to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for security guarantees and aid, but it withdrew from the talks with the U.S., China, South Korea, Japan and Russia two months later, protesting Washington's financial sanctions over suspected money laundering...







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크






Already some days ago (11.3) Korea Herald reported following:


 Riot police unit to guard U.S. base site  
Police said yesterday they plan to keep riot police units around a U.S. base site from next week in Pyeongtaek, 70 kilometers south of Seoul.

The 14 units comprising 1,400 riot police will replace police troops to more effectively secure the site designated for a U.S. military base expansion.

Police have dispatched 32 rotating units to fend off attempts by local residents and anti-U.S. activists to break into the fenced land.

Protesters have staged a series of fierce resistances against the plan to triple the size of U.S. Camp Humphreys. The expansion is planned to take place by 2008.



Now, since y'day, it seems that the government/police/military wants to carry out/realize its threat!


In the latest online edition of (the conservative/extreme rightwing) JoongAng Daily following was published:

"Military engineers laying concertina wire yesterday on an expanded perimeter of the U.S. base site in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi province. The barrier is an attempt to keep dogged anti-U.S. protesters from entering the area." [NEWSIS-JoongAng Ilbo, 11.8]




The Internet magazine Voice of the People (VoP) published just a short while ago following pictures about yesterday's occupation activities by the SK military in the area of Pyeongtaek-Daechuri/Daeduri:


Unfortunately there is no detailed information in English about the latest developments there available..


But VoP published a report (in Korean), incl. two docu videos. Please check it out here:

평택 철조망 추가 설치...지킴이들 진입하다 연행


More here:


국방부의 야만적인 추가철조망작업 시작!!

(평택미군기지확장저지 범국민대책위원)


철조망 추가 설치로 주민들 고립압박 자행하는

국방부를 규탄한다. (With a lot of pictures!!)



평택 20만평 철조망 추가설치...주민 반발 (Ohmynews)



www.saveptfarmers.org (NEWS) wrote following report:


Police and soldiers invade and fence off Pyeongtaek fields


A huge number of police and soldiers attacked Daechuri and Doduri fields on November 8th. The soldiers dug up the edge of the fields with backhoes and set barbed wire all day long, surrounded by the police on guard. On the previous day, the Ministry of National Defense had announced that they were planning to add 2.8 km of barbed wire to the fields in Daechuri and Doduri, in order to block the residents from farming in the fields that hadn't been fenced off in May. They also said that they had invented a special unit of 1,400 soldiers to put on guard in the fields every day.

This most recent barbed wire attack is considered to be another tactic to make people give up their struggle by stopping their farming. The farmers had been farming the fields collectively since May. They had successfully completed this season's rice harvest and were preparing to plant winter crops. The attack has made the situation of struggle worse, especially after the residents' representative, Kim Ji-Tae was given 2 years-prison sentence last week.

While the police and soldiers were working on the barbed wire, several KCPT activists ran into the field crying, "Stop it!", "Don't break the peace!" and "Give up on extending the base!". Soon after, they were surrounded by the police and arrested. The other members of KCPT were having an urgent press conference in front of the police line and protesting, "Stop digging the field and setting the barbed wire, and free Kim Ji-Tae right now!"

However, the number of people who struggled this day was just about 20 while the police and the army moved more than 2 helicopters and 45 infantry companies to carry out the attack...(!!!)










진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택/대추리 투쟁

Just few minutes ago following was posted on (the conservative bourgeois) JoongAng Ilbo's web site:


U.S. base protester gets 2-year term
The leader of a group of Pyeongtaek residents opposing the relocation of U.S. military installations was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday by the Suwon District Court.

Kim Ji-tae had been convicted of instigating violence at prostests near the site for the relocated U.S. headquarters.

The court said Mr. Kim was personally responsible for the violence that broke out; his actions, the judge said, had instigated an atmosphere of defiance of public authority. Because he argued for the need to use violence, he should be punished severely, the verdict continued; "Considering [that] Mr. Kim was a catalyst for a large-scale violent protest in which bamboo sticks and iron pipes were wielded his crimes cannot be taken lightly."
The committee and some of its members complained of a "political" verdict and promised an appeal. Choi Yeon-chul, a committee official, said the sentence was out of proportion with those of similar cases, and accused the court of trying to intimidate future protesters.




For more informations please check out:


성지용판사, 대추리 김지태이장 징역 2년 실형 선고



Pan-S.Korea Solution Committee Against US Base Extension in Pyeongtaek (http://antigizi.or.kr) published following:


Village Leader Ji-tae Kim Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

An Exceptional Trial…. Dachuri, Doduri Residents Astonished
Judge Ji-yong Song Sentences Dachuri Village Leader Ji-tae Kim to Two Years in Prison



Scene 1- 10:40am

Dachuri Village Leader Ji-tae Kim's sentence shocks residents.

Today, November 3, 2006 at the Suwon, Pyongtaek District Courthouse at 10:00am Dachuri Village Leader Ji-tae Kim (head of the Paengsong Residents Committee) was handed the shocking sentence of 2 years imprisonment for obstructing civic affairs.


“The wickedness of the Noh Moohyun government goes beyond imagination.”

These are the words of Father Moon Jung-hyun, Representative for the Pan S.Korea Solution Committee against US Base Extension in Pyongtaek (KCPT), who spoke in astonishment this morning in the courtyard in front of the courthouse.
Compared with other similar cases, a sentence of 2 years imprisonment is extremely out of the ordinary.


Father Moon was not the only one who was bewildered.  Greatly shocked as well were the crowd of residents from Dachuri and Doduri and members of social movement organizations, about 70 people in all, who had come out to welcome Mr. Kim expecting him only to receive probation.  No one could hide their expressions of shock and confusion.  Mr. Kim’s elderly father, Mr. Suk-gyung Kim sank to his seat and remained their unable to speak or even move, with only a sorrowful look on his face.  Mr. Kim’s mother, Mrs. Hwang Pil-soon cried out “A-i-go, Ji-tae!  Our Ji-tae!” and then collapsed. 

Perhaps having anticipated this sort of verdict, 3 units of policemen were stationed in front of the court house, even blocking the residents from attending the trial.  While the resident met gruff treatment when trying to enter the courthouse from policemen blocking their path, the court delivered Mr. Kim’s two year sentence and ended the trial.



Scene 2- 11:20am

“Clearly a politically motivated trial.”  According to Father Moon Jug-hyun, “more cruel than the days of the Yushin System.  Therefore we must fight has hard as we did at that time.”


Upon hearing the verdict of Village Leader Kim Ji-tae’s trial, some 50 residents of Dachuri and Doduri and people affiliated with KCPT held press conference in front of the courthouse to condemn the verdict.


According to Representative Kim Yong-han who arrived early this morning and was therefore able to attend Mr. Kim’s trial, “the courts had decided because of disturbance at the last trial date (10.13) that it was necessary to stop residents from attending the trial in order to make it possible to deliver the verdict securely and protect equipment inside the courtroom.”


At the last court date residents had protested angrily when the prosecution presented old evidence as if it were new in order to intentionally prolong Mr. Ji-tae Kim’s imprisonment.

According to Representative Yong-han Kim, “we acknowledge the seven indictments put forward by the prosecution.  Among these the severe charge of obstructing civic affairs has a sentence of 3 to 7 years associated with it.  However considering that the defendant is the village leader and had to do what he did they give him a 2 year sentence.”   
But, he said, “I have experienced many trials in the past, but this is the first time I have seen a first-time offender receive prison time.”

According to Father Moon, “this the first time after Yushin System that I have seen police block the courthouse and refuse the right to attend the trial.  What is worse, they even denied Mr. Kim’s parents and family the right to attend the trial, which makes this even crueler than the time of Yushin.”    

“Because this is clearly a politically motivated trial the judgment that came out was not usual,” he added.
“If the government acts in this way, we have no choice but to struggle against it just as during the Yushin days,” he said and encouraged the residents to gather together even greater strengthen for this struggle.


Mr. Jong Il Kim, Joint Executive Director of KCPT, said of the situation, “Today, we must strictly question the violent attitude assumed by the government authorities who ordered the residents be blocked from the courtroom and the stance taken by the police and the prosecution.  We will also mobilize all means and measures possible to secure the release of Mr. Kim Ji-Tae.”


“In as much as the struggle to stop the base expansion is in a new phase with will fight to prevent the base expansion with new determination,” he said, assuring that there would be a corresponding plan after these events.


The press conference ended, but the residents could not be calmed, throwing newspapers and paper cups they were carrying in an expression of their pent up rage.






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11月: 평화(대추리) 활동/투쟁


"The Fields Weep in Silence"


To support the struggle for peace in Pyeongtaek/Daechu-ri
Against the expansion of USFK garrisons

Every day (until Nov. 11) 7:00 PM, Boshin-gak (Subway stn. Jong-gak)





November 2 (Thursday)
Singing Performance: Chee-hwan Ahn (invited), Tae-choon Jung, Eun-ok Park

November 3 (Friday)
MC: Wae-hyang Ryu
Poetry Recital: Yong-ju Yoo, Sang-hak Ahn, Nam-joon Park, Young-ju Lee
Singing Performance: “Aca-sia” acapela singing group, Sung-man Kim
Dance Performance: Chang-ho Han, Sang-young Lee
Mime Performance: Ji-su Kang

November 4 (Saturday)
Singing Performance: “Beautiful Country” children’s singing group

November 5 (Sunday)
Dance Performance: Thursday 1:00 (???)
Mime Performance: Jin-gyu Yoo
Singing Performance: “For Shining Smiles”



November 6 (Monday)
MC: Sung-ho Lee
Percussion Performance: “Youngsan Maru”, traditional percussion group “Pan”
Poongmul (traditional drumming) Performance: “Taeollim” drumming group
Singing Performance: Tae-choon Jung, new song group “Na-pal Flower” (singers: Chang-woo Pek, Soon-gwan Hong, Hyun-sung Kim, Su-jin Lee. Poet: Hwe-sung Jung)

November 7 (Tuesday)
MC: Wue-young Woo
Puppet Performance: Gyu-mi Ko
Mime Performance: Du-sung Lee
Traditional Martial Arts Performance
Singing Performance: Tae-choon Jung

November 8 (Wednesday)
MC: Eun-mi Kang
Singing Performance: Tae-choon Jung, Yoon Do-hyun Band (YB Band), Song of Hope “Got Daji”. Hot Potato (Kim C)
Dance Performance: Pae-tae (Yoo-mi Lee)
Traditional Play: joint performance by “Gyulpa” and “Hope Bird”
Pansori (traditional folk song) Performance: Myung-ja Kim

November 9 (Thursday)
Singing Performance: Su Ki-sang Band, Park Sung-hwan Band, Ma Gu-ri Band, Tae-choon Jung, Eun-ok Park

November 10 (Friday)
Poetry Recital: Hyun-lim Shin, Wae-hyang Ryu
Singing Performance: Tae-choon Jung

November 11 (Sunday): Final Performance
Poetry: Jong-hwan Do, Gyung-dong Song
Singing Performance: Tae-choon Jung, Eun-ok Park, Jun Il-gwon Band, Poong gyung (invited), Moon Bata Lamp Band
Dance Performance: Chang-ho Han

For more detailed informations about the daily events please check out:





11월 2일 (木)

노   래: 정태춘, 박은옥 

시낭송: 김자흔

무대그림: 전진경(그림공장)


11월 3일 (金)

사   회: 류외향

노    래: 김성만, 아카펠라 그룹 '아카시아'

시낭송: 유용주, 안상학, 박남준, 이영주

    춤   : 한창호, 이상연

마    임: 강지수 외 

탈    춤: 백두산 놀이마당(어린이 풍물패)


11월 4일 (土)

노   래: 어린이 노래패 '아름나라',

            강은영(째즈 보컬)

            옐로우 푸퍼 (밴드)

영   상: 한국독립영화협의회

무대그림: 박건웅


11월 5일 (日)

  춤   : 목요일오후1시(플레이백 시어터)

노   래: 해맑은 웃음을 위하여

마   임: 유진규

퍼포먼스: 페테(이유미)


11월 6일 (月)

사  회: 이성호

노  래: 정태춘,

          시노래모임 나팔꽃(가수_백창우, 홍순관, 김현성, 이수진 | 시인_정희성)

타  악: 굿패 '영산마루', 전통타악연구회 '판'

풍  물: 풍물패 '터울림'


11월 7일 (火)

사       회: 우위영

노       래: 정태춘

인  형  극: 고규미

마       임: 이두성

전통무예: 무예24반

    극  : 희망새, 걸판 합작공연 "사생결땅"


11월 8일 (水)

사   회: 강은미

노   래: 정태춘, 윤도현 밴드(YB),  뜨거운감자(김C), 노래모임 '아줌마'

판 소 리: 또랑광대


11월 9일 (木)

사   회: 우위영

노   래: 서기상밴드, 박성환 밴드마구리밴드

            정태춘, 박은옥


11월 10일 (金)

사     회: 류외향

노     래: 정태춘, 실버라인(예정)

시 낭 송: 신현림, 류외향

거 리 극: 장철기 외(2인 거리극, 1인 거리극, 창작 판소리)


11월 11일 (土) <페막일>

사    회: 최광기, 권해효

노    래: 정태춘, 박은옥,

            전인권밴드-전인권과 안싸우는 사람들

            밴드 문바트랩





Source of pic 1+3: 땅의 사람 


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