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게시물에서 찾기anti-war struggle

295개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/06/09
    反 미군..투쟁..
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/06/09
    이라크: 자르카위 사망..
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/06/07
    이라크.. 대학살 #6
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/06/04
    이라크.. 대학살 #5
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/06/04
    평택 투쟁.. 국제연대..
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/06/02
    이라크.. 대학살 #4
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/05/31
    이라크.. 대학살 #3
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/05/30
    이라크.. 대학살 #2
    no chr.!
  9. 2006/05/28
    이라크 전쟁.. 대학살
    no chr.!
  10. 2006/03/18
    3.19 反戰 대회
    no chr.!



VICTORY!! ...but for whom??






"There is us, there is Iran, there is Syria, there is Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. There are the resisting peoples of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan! As long as there is imperialism and occupations, these people will continue resisting. They can forget about peace. If they want peace, they should now respect the freedom of peoples and should eliminate the collaborators. God willing, the victory will be ours." (H. Nasrallah, 8.17)



Now since about two weeks the "official part" of the Lebanon War, the war between IDF and Hizbullah is over. All over the Arab world "Hizbullah’s victory" was celebrated. But not only there: also parts of the Europe and US "anti-war movement" called it a victory by the "peoples’ resistance" over the "Israeli aggressors".


While in the beginning of the war Hizbullah already was predicting that "this war will be now the beginning of the end of the Zionist entity(a.k.a. Israel)" at least since the end of the war the Palestinian "resistance" is telling the world what they were/are learning about the war and how they will finish the job – to bring the Zionist entity to ist final end. And the "progressive, anti-imperialist world movement" is applauding and promissing support "without any without reservation", so a German "left" magazine. But also the not so radical "peace movement" is now demanding especially from Israel the "recognition of the Palestinian governments and its legitime rights" for to create a peacefull solution of the Israel/Palestine crisis.





But is this realistic? In my opinion not!

First the current Israeli gov’t isn’t willing to give up the entire 1967 occupied territories. Israel isn’t willing to resolve the Jerusalem issue and the problem of the Palestinian refugees.


But on the other side: if there would be in the near future a Israeli gov’t which would be ready for to pull out complete from the West Bank and (parts) of East Jerusalem... you think everything would be fine??


Until now nearly all Palestinian "resistance" groups are demanding the leberation of the entire Palestine (from the Red See till the borders to Lebanon, from the Mediterranian to the Jordan River/just check out several of the pictures on www.intifada.or.kr (만화/그림), for example. Hizbullah is demanding the same(and its mentors Iran and Syria of course too..). If you don’t believe, just check out their own statements on their own web sites!


Ok, let’s say a new Israeli gov’t will give up everything and agrees with a "bi-national democratic state" in the entire territory of the "historic Palestine".

Let’s say it would be happen in the coming year.. Let’s say only 1,5 million Palestine refugees will return.. "Democratic" election will be held in (the entire) Palestine.. Hamas (because its struggle let to the "liberation") will win the Arab sector..

You think that this new gov’t will tolerate any democratic civil society?? Just forget it!


Actually its not just about the liberation of Palestine.. Its about the termination of democracy, because democracy is endangering the position of the Muslim leaders(btw.. a, let’s say, "real socialist – or more ‚strange‘ a communist - society" will be much more dangereous for this islamic rulers, because it must/will include much more freedom as today, in the so-called democracy..).


And this is the point why fascists/nazis and Islamists are coming more and more together.

Because of their common hate against any real liberal society. 

And the f.. (so-called) "left" movement is supporting this way..


"NAZI was not only rightful but reasonable."

(p. 10 on the signature site of www.intifada.or.kr)



"Support Hizbollah and the Lebanese people’s resistance against the Zionist aggression!
Support Hamas and the Palestinian people’s resistance against Zionism!
For one democratic anti-imperialist state in entire Palestine!"(www.antiimperialista.com)




In my opinion there is only one way to solve this situation:

It's not enough to have the possibility to elect "democratically".. Only if the masses of the people are fighting and achieving a (real) democratic civil society, then they will be able to create a new peaceful future in the M.E.






One of the latest very stupid examples of the collaboration of so-called "progressives" and the Islamists:


From an interview conducted shortly before the ceasefire by reporters from the Turkish Labor Party(*) daily, Evrensel.


"Goodbye to the Unipolar World"


Q. What is the current state of your relations with the Socialist movement?


Hasan Nasrallah: The socialist movement, which has been away from international struggle for a considerable time, at last has begun to offer moral support for us once again. The most concrete example of this has been Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela. What most of the Muslim states could not do has been done by Chavez, by the withdrawal of Venezuela's ambassador to Israel. He furthermore communicated to us his support for our resistance. This has been an immense source of moral strength for us.

We can observe a similar reaction within the Turkish Revolutionary Movement. We had socialist brothers from Turkey who went to Palestine in 1960s to fight against Israel. And one of them still remains in my memory and my heart; Deniz Gezmis..!


[Deniz Gezmis, 1947-1972, was a Turkish revolutionary in the Marxist-Leninist tradition. He led major student actions in the late 1960s, went to a Fatah training camp in Lebanon in late 1969, returned to Turkey where his group seized four US army privates in Ankara. After their release of the soldiers, Gezmis was captured, tried for attempting to overthrow the Turkish state and, with two of his comrades, was hanged in the central prison in Ankara on May 6, 1972. Editors.]


Q. What is the importance of Denizs for you?


Hasan Nasrallah: We now want new Denizs. Our ranks are always open to new Denizs against the oppressors. Deniz will always live in the hearts of the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon. No-one should doubt this. Unfortunately, there is no longer a common fight and fraternity against the common enemy left over by the Denizs. What we would have liked is for our socialist brothers in Lebanon to fight against imperialism and Zionism shoulder to shoulder. This fight is not only our fight. It is the common fight of all those oppressed across the world. Don't forget that if the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon lose this war, this will mean the defeat of all the oppressed people of the world. In our fight against imperialism, the revolutionaries should also undertake a responsibility and should become, in the hearts of our people of Palestine and Lebanon, Denizs once again.


Q. It is possible to see the posters of Che, Chavez and Ahmadinejad side by side in the streets of Beirut. Are these the signs of a new polarization?


Hasan Nasrallah: We salute the leaders and the peoples of Latin America. They have resisted the American bandits heroically and have been a source of moral strength for us. They are guiding the way for the oppressed peoples. Go and wonder around our streets..! You will witness how our people have embraced Chavez and Ernesto Che Guevara. Nearly in every house, you will come across posters of Che or Chavez.


What we are saying to our socialist friends who want fight together with us for fraternity and freedom is: Do not come at all if you are going to say "Religion is an opiate". We do not agree with this analysis. Here is the biggest proof of this in our streets with the pictures of Chavez, Che, Sadr and Khamenei together. These leaders are saluting our people in unison. So long as we respect your beliefs, and you respect ours, there is no imperialist power we cannot defeat!


Q. Returning to threats in the region, western governments are intensifying their pressure on Damascus and Tehran, for which they are proposing a "change of regime." Some sources are of the view that the attack on Lebanon will be directed on Syria. According to your point of view, is a regional war possible?


Hasan Nasrallah: The centers of imperialist power want to make collaborators of our region as a whole. They expect us to kneel before them. Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are opposing this. The provocation concerning the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and the efforts to secure the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon and -- going even further -- their wish to attack callously on to Tehran and Damascus are all due to this reason.


Syria, with Iran and Hezbollah will certainly resist this. We are going to resist for our motherland and freedom. We are going to resist in order not kneel before them. The imperialists of the west are seeking to make a second Kosovo out of Lebanon and our region. They are seeking to create a clash in between sects. But we have spoiled this trick. In our streets, the whole of Lebanon, with its Christian, Sunnis and Shias, are flying the flags of Hezbollah. Again, "the unipolar world" has already been left behind in history. There is us, there is Iran, there is Syria, there is Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. There are the resisting peoples of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan! As long as there is imperialism and occupations, these people will continue resisting. They can forget about peace. If they want peace, they should now respect the freedom of peoples and should eliminate the collaborators. God willing, the victory will be ours.


They are not going to be able to turn our country and region into a Kosovo. Now our people are aware of everything and will not play into imperialist tricks. We will absolutely not permit them to attack Iran or Syria. We are going to fight for our freedom to the last drop of our blood. Let no one doubt this. They are claiming that Iran has nuclear weapons at its disposal. On the contrary, most of the nuclear weapons are in the hands of Israel and the US. Furthermore, nuclear weapons are nothing but excuses put forward in order to create collaborating regimes in the region.


Q. There are claims that Hezbollah is being directed by Tehran. What are your views on this issue?


Hasan Nasrallah: This is a great lie. We are an independent Lebanese organization. We do not take orders from anyone. But this does not mean that we are not going to form alliances. We are on the side of Iran and Syria. They are our brothers. We are going to oppose any attack directed at Tehran and Damascus to the last drop of our blood just as we do in Lebanon. We uphold global resistance against global imperial terrorism.

Q. Is there any other additional point you want to make?


Hasan Nasrallah: Peace cannot be unilateral. So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible. This war will not come to an end as long as there are occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.



London. "Anti-war" rally (Jews = blood drinking pigs**)



(Hizbullah "fighters"..)



* The Turkish Labour Party(Emek Partisi) is the "legal arm" of the Turkish Revolutionary Communist Party(TDKP/harrharr, or enemies are calling them a "Stalinist" party).


** for muslims and jews pigs are the most dirty animals






Last Sunday the "Holy War Brigades(HWB)" - a Palestinian "resistance" group - released the two Fox TV reporters who were kidnapped about two weeks before in Gaza. Actually HWB wanted the release of Muslim prisoners from US jails. But of course the US administration refused.. So finally HWB, just for to achieve a something, forced the reporters to convert to Islam before they would be freed.....

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

yalla yalla..(^^)









Yalla, Yalla, Ya Nasrallah

by Fishman & the Pioneers


You look like a hippopotamus!
You have the brains of a bird!
You may as well stay in your hole
because soon you will die!
You are simply a complete fool
with a severe megalomania!
You are a devil, or to make a long story short,
you are the scum of mankind!


Even if you launch rockets at us,
or threaten the Galilee
with your friends from Syria and Iran,
Even if you drop here more Katyushas
Know that there’s no despair around here at all,
Together we will overcome the Evil Trouble.



Yalla(*) Ya Nasrallah,
We will screw you Inshallah(**)
And send you back to Allah
With all the Hezbollah!
Yalla Ya Nasrallah,
go away ya garbage
It’s already been sentenced from above
That this is your end.


You are pathetic, you are small
and resemble an orangutan!
You have lice on your beard!
and soon you’ll be out of here!
You are a dead cockroach, you are skunk,
you are running out of breath!
The IDF is asking just after you to
burn you up in fire.




So listen good, ya pathetic Hezbollon’chik
and be prepared, because soon all the IDF
with the Apaches, the F-16s, the battleships,
the missiles and the tanks,
the commandos, paratroops, Golani, Giv’ati,
all of them! All of them are coming to visit you!
So take a few deep breaths, and enjoy them
because they are your LAST ones!
Ya Kahlb!






*  yalla(arabic): come on

** inshallah(arabic): so God will 



This song was very famous in the Israeli radio, tv... short after the beginning of the Lebanon War. But since about two weeks it's not so famous anymore.., not really^^


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

8.26(土) "反戰.." 집회





Perhaps you can imagine, but I have some(possibly controversially) thoughts about this issue..

Well, very soon(aeh~ as soon as possible..) I'll write about it!.........................











진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

예루살렘 증후군..

Following article was already published 8.08 in the French daily Le Figaro, but only yesterday I found it on Indymedia Germany.

In my opinion the article is very interesting, even I don't agree with everything in it. But I think it might be an important part for the current discussion about the situation in the Middle East..


The Jerusalem Syndrome


by André Glucksmann

From surrealistic geopolitics to apocalyptic delusion

The outrage of so many outraged people outrages me. On the scales of world opinion, some Muslim corpses are light as a feather, and others weigh tonnes. Two measures, two weights. The daily terrorist attacks on civilians in Baghdad, killing 50 people or more, are checked off in reports under the heading of miscellaneous, while the bomb that took 28 lives in Qana is denounced as a crime against humanity. Only a few intellectuals like Bernard-Henri Lévy or Magdi Allam, chief editor of the Corriere della Sera, find this surprising. Why do the 200,000 slaughtered Muslims of Darfur not arouse even half a quarter of the fury caused by 200-times fewer dead in Lebanon? Must we deduce that Muslims killed by other Muslims don't count - whether in the eyes of Muslim authorities or viewed through the bad conscience of the west? This conclusion has its weak spots, because if the Russian Army - Christian, and blessed by their popes - razes the capital of Chechnian Muslims (Grosny, with 400,000 residents) killing tens of thousands of children in the process, this doesn't count either. The Security Council does not hold meeting after meeting, and the Organization of Islamic States piously averts its eyes. From that we may conclude that the world is appalled only when a Muslim is killed by Israelis.


Should we thus presume that the public at large implicitly endorses the ideas that Ahmadinedjad shouts at the top of his lungs? And yet so many of those sceptics who display consternation over bombings in Lebanon seem shocked if you suspect them of anti-Semitism. I want to trust them. We don't want to imagine that the entire planet is mired in anti-Jewish paranoia! But then the matter becomes even more puzzling. What is the source of this hemiplegia? Why is the world frightened by Israeli bombs alone?


Perhaps the reason why the deaths in Lebanon are so disproportionately shocking as compared with the starving people of Darfur and the ruins of Chechnya is that they are seen as a surrealistic geopolitical signal. Anyone who follows the news in Gaza or Qana does not simply count the dead on a particularly violent day - rather, the coffins of these victims encircle the aura of a fatal promise - a promise that the hundreds of thousands of corpses from Africa and the Caucasus have no chance of approaching. Haven't legions of experts - for decades now - identified the Mideast conflict as the centre of the world's chaos and the key to its pacification? Is there any diplomat who does not repeat ad nauseum the formula about the gates to a hell of future wars versus the gates to world harmony, all of which open in Jerusalem? A never-changing script haunts 21st century minds. The script maintains that everything is decided on the banks of the Jordan. In its most grim version, that means: As long as four million Israelis and as many Palestinians are facing off against one another, 300 million Arabs and 1.5 billion Muslims are condemned to live in hate, bloody slaughter and desperation. And the rosier version: We just need peace in Jerusalem to put out the fires in Tehran, Karachi, Khartoum and Baghdad and to set the course for universal harmony.


Have our sages gone crazy? Do they really believe that sans Israeli-Palestinian conflict nothing bad would have happened, neither the deadly Khomeini Revolution, nor the bloody Baathist dictatorships in Syria and Iraq, nor the decade of Islamic terrorism in Algeria, nor the Taliban in Afghanistan, nor the angry warriors of God the world over? The sad, reverse hypothesis is seldom posed, but it is actually much more likely: Every truce along the Jordan is fleeting, as long as the palaces and streets, the majority of the intelligentsia and the officials of the Muslim world hang on to their anti-western passion. Globalization (which entails the dismantling of economic barriers but more importantly all social and mental barriers) necessarily leads to tough and terrible defensive reactions. The development of anti-western ideologies in Germany, from Fichte to Hitler, does not depend on the foundation of the Zionist state. The anti-western affect is constantly renewed in Russia, from the tsars to Stalin and on up through Putin. And it would be naive to presume that the Iranian lust for power, in search of its Khomeinistic force de frappe, uses the "Jewish question" as anything more than a pretence for a universal Jihad. Does anyone think that the green subversion, after erasing Israel from the map, will mark its success by laying down its weapons?


A hypocritical geopolitics, which ordains the Mideast as a basic pillar of the world order, has become the religion of the European Union, the belief of the unbelievers and of the doubters of the west. Post-modern thinkers have no justification in proclaiming the end of all ideologies. In fact, we are swimming in an ideological illusion and have secretly exchanged our deceptive hopes for a final battle with a fearful incantation conjuring a catastrophe to end all catastrophes, that is just as absolute. While our head swarms with surrealistic ghosts, our heart perceives, in every photo from Lebanon, the death of humankind. Jerusalem is only the centre of the world because it is considered the centre of the end of the world. Our illusions feed on apocalyptic notions.


And so every Mideast conflict is like a rehearsal for the end of days. Just look at the undefinable war of cultures, if you need convincing. And anyone taking that position is resigned to a self-fulfilling prophecy. The years of bombing of Israeli cities by the rockets of the Party of God become a foretaste of the Iranian godfather's promised destruction. And so, as Clausewitz already noted with irony, it is not the aggressor who starts the war. Instead it is he who steps in to stop the aggression. So Israel is guilty. Guilty of a collectively fomented fantasy of the end of days. From surrealistic geopolitics to delusion - just one step.


André Glucksmann is a French philosopher and writer.


Original title of the article in Le Figaro:

Proche-Orient : les illusions calamiteuses d'une géopolitique surréaliste

Proche-Orient : les illusions calamiteuses d'une géopolitique ...





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

매주(木) 촛불문화제..






And on all the other days(aeh~ better said evenings) during the week(at the same time) candle light rallies to support the stuggle of the irregular construction workers in Pohang are taking place there:


매일 저녁 7시 30분 촛불문화제로 모입시다


포항지역건설노동자들의 파업이 두달째 전개되고 있습니다.

하중근 열사 사망 사건에 대해 경찰과 검찰은 파렴치한
작태로 자신들의 잘못 보다는 불법시위, 폭력시위라는 낙인찍기에
혈안이 되어 있습니다.

포스코는 여전히 기만적인 협상자세를 보이고 있고
언론은 포항시 관제대모를 포항시민들의 여론인양
건설노동자들의 파업 파괴공작을 일삼고 있습니다.

이제 투쟁의 중심은 포항에서 서울로 올라와야 합니다.

수도 서울에서 '하중근열사 진상규명, 책임자 처벌과 포항지역건설노동자
파업투쟁' 승리를 위한 치열한 사투가 전개되어야 합니다.

오늘부터 포항지역건설노조에서 약 40여분의 조합원들이 올라와서
광화문 열린마당을 거점으로 매일 집회와 시위, 선전전을 전개할 예정입니다.

또한 매일 저녁 7시 30분 광화문 동아일보앞에서
'열사정신계승, 파업투쟁 승리 촛불문화제'가 있습니다.

각 단위에서는 촛불문화제에 적극적인 참여를 조직하여 주십시오.

열마디 말보다 한번의 연대, 실천이 중요한 시기입니다.
투쟁의 현장에서 만납시다.. 투쟁!

'하중근 열사정신계승, 파업투쟁 승리를 위한 촛불문화제'

일시: 평일 오후 7시 30분
(주말 개최여부는 추후 판단.)
장소: 동아일보사 앞


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크



Get our fields back, that is peace

빼앗긴 들녘을 되찾는 것, 그것이 평화




The documentary I found today on:





Source of the pic:




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크



..Fighting for Peace and

Against Capitalism..




found on manic's blog



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

카나 대학살 #2


QANA 1996

QANA 2006






by Laure Ghorayeb, Lebanon



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

카나 대학살 #1





by Mazen Kerbaj

Beirut, Lebanon 




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평택 투쟁/7.22(土) 범국민대회




..to learn more about the schedule, please check out here:





Some days ago(7.19) Yonhap was writing this about the planned rally:


Anti-U.S. activists to stage more mass rallies this weekend

About 2,000 activists plan to stage rallies again this weekend to oppose plans to expand a U.S. military base south of Seoul, police said Wednesday.


In May, thousands of anti-U.S. activists and farmers clashed with riot police for several days as the enlargement of Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, 70 kilometers south of Seoul, will require several farming villages there to be leveled.


The protests emerged as the most violent anti-U.S. rallies in recent years, with hundreds of activists and police injured and several hundred more activists briefly detained.


Saturday's demonstration is aimed at urging the U.S. military to scrap its base expansion plan and persuading the South Korean authorities to release activists jailed due to earlier protests held in May, organizers said.


Police said they plan to barricade major roads in Pyeongtaek to prevent protesters from marching through the city.


Meanwhile, pro-U.S. civic groups and merchants in Pyeongtaek said they would hold counter-rallies to help the U.S. military proceed with its base enlargement plan as scheduled.


Camp Humphreys is being expanded in order to accommodate the U.S. Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, the 2nd U.S. Infantry Division near the border with North Korea and other small U.S. bases over the next few years. The plan is part of the U.S. Global Posture Review aimed at transforming its fixed military installations worldwide into more agile and rapid response forces.


The U.S. currently stations 30,000 troops in South Korea, but the troop level is to be reduced to 25,000 by 2008.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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