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게시물에서 찾기anti-war struggle

295개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/08/26
    yalla yalla..(^^)
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/08/25
    8.26(土) "反戰.." 집회
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/08/24
    예루살렘 증후군..
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/08/23
    매주(木) 촛불문화제..
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/08/14
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/08/04
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/08/01
    카나 대학살 #2
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/07/31
    카나 대학살 #1
    no chr.!
  9. 2006/07/21
    평택 투쟁/7.22(土) 범국민대회(3)
    no chr.!
  10. 2006/07/14
    北 미사일.. #6
    no chr.!

朝鮮의 핵실험 #4


What was the aim of NK's yesterday's (likely) nuclear test?

According to the SK semi-official news agency Yonhap a NK gov't official said that the main aim was to push the world, especially the US to start talks with the DPRK.

Now instead to talk WITH the DPRK the world is talking ABOUT the DPRK and its "Dear Leader"(DL) Kim Jong-il. And the world is talking not positively about it, not really..

I really would like to know what NK diplomats/employees of DPRK's embassies, for example in Germany, are thinking about their leadership - especially the DL - in the home country when they had to see the today's front pages of many newspapers..



"The freak ignites the bomb"

BZ, Berlin's main yellow press newspaper









"The progress is already here"

Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel









The news about NK's (likely) nuclear test have also some serious impacts in SK:

"It ruined my and my friends lunch", Park Un-joo, 22, Korea Univ. student (Chosun Ilbo, 10.9)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

朝鮮의 핵실험 #3






Oops~ it seems that y'day I was a little to hasty to congratulate..

Only about 10 hours after I wrote my last "contribution" here... THEY DID IT!


Today in the morning - usually after I get up I have my breakfast(커피와 담배) and I check the latest news: at first on a German web site, after this Yonhap and then Yedioth Ahronoth, Haaretz and Al Jazeera.. - I had to found out that Kim Jong-il recovered and was now able to direct the nuclear test(f.. him!!!).


So KCNA was able to announce following this morning:


"The field of scientific research in the DPRK  [Democratic People's Republic of Korea] successfully conducted an underground nuclear test under secure conditions on October 9, 2006, at a stirring time when all the people of the country are making a great leap forward in the building of a great, prosperous, powerful socialist nation.


"It has been confirmed that there was no such danger from radioactive emission in the course of the nuclear test, as it was carried out under scientific consideration and careful calculation.


"The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology, 100 per cent.


"It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA [Korean People's Army] and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defence capability.


"It will contribute to defending the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the area around it."


Of course all around the world everyone is extremely outraged (about this situation, created now by the DPRK) ... except in S. Korea, especially on the "left" side there(anti-war, civil right, environment, political movement). 











Int'l news agencies/newspapers are writing this about the issue:


N. Korea's move threatens stability (IHT/NYT)


UN action against N Korea sought (Al Jazeera)


'We should be congratulated'  (Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel)


N. Korean test wake up call for South Koreans  


North Korea nuclear test
shocks world, stirs fears
  (Philippine Daily Inquirer)



Kim Jong Il Shocks the World (Der Spiegel, Germany)

The exclusive club of nuclear powers has a new member: North Korea. With his nuclear test, dictator Kim Jong Il has sent a strong message to the international community. American and Chinese efforts to contain his isolated regime have failed.

Early Monday morning in a mine, the North Korean army tested a nuclear warhead with the strength of 550 tons of TNT. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and his generals are sure they have now added the decisive instrument of power to its arsenal. The logic of the regime in Pyongyang? Only the bomb can protect the country from the Americans, who have never before in history attacked a nuclear power.

Kim Jong Il's regime is using this show of strength to force the Americans to the negotiating table. The goal is a peace treaty, followed by the withdrawal of US-troops from the Korean peninsula and a generous economic aid package for the starving rogue state.

China, North Korea's closest ally, seems to have been informed just prior to the detonation. Some 350 members of the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee are currently in the capital Beijing for a meeting designed to pave the way for the next party convention. The leadership in Beijing responded immediately to the alarming announcement.

China objected to the test in unusually harsh terms, calling it a "brazen" act of defiance. North Korea has disregarded the international community by undertaking the nuclear test, Beijing said, further warning its neighbor to abstain from any "activities that could worsen the situation." That the paranoid and secretive regime in Pyongyang has acquired the bomb is highly troubling to China. A nuclear-armed North Korea upsets the balance of power in East Asia and beyond.

China is now surrounded by nuclear powers to the west (India and Pakistan) and to the east (North Korea). The Japanese are also expected to become more vocal in their demand for a nuclear arsenal. In fact, the newly-elected Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced on Monday that his country plans to expand its military capacity in cooperation with the United States.

The relationship between the comrades in Beijing and Pyongyang, who in a 1961 treaty swore to each other eternal loyalty, has long since cooled off. Kim Jong Il provoked the Chinese in the fall of 2005 when he decided to boycott the six party talks, which China had organized. The talks were to involve China, North and South Korea, the United States, Russia and Japan.

China has summoned Kim back to the negotiating table, but it is questionable whether the six-party talks even make sense any more. The talks were originally designed to dissuade North Korea's leadership from pursuing its nuclear ambitions. With the bomb in hand, North Korea's military would hardly allow it to be negotiated back out of its arsenal.

Admittedly, testing a nuclear warhead is not the same as mounting it onto a missile and launching it over the ocean. The North Koreans still appear to be far from that capability.

China loses face, America has failed

But politically, the Chinese have lost face. All diplomatic, financial and rhetorical attempts to dissuade North Korean from pursuing its nuclear ambitions have utterly failed.


The Americans, too, stand before the ruins of their failed strategy. They have rejected direct talks with Kim because they don't trust him. The six party talks were supposed to help integrate North Korea into the international community, alas to no avail. As a result, Washington's rhetoric is becoming more bellicose: "The United States condemns this provocative act," US President George Bush said on Monday. "The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by North Korea to states or non-state entities would be considered a grave threat to the United States and we would hold North Korea fully accountable for consequences of such action."

Despite the harsh reprisals, one cannot help but wonder what trump card the Americans still have up their sleeve that could bring Pyongyang to reason. Perhaps North Korea's nuclear armament could have been avoided had Washington engaged in direct talks with Kim Jong Il's people, thereby granting them the international recognition they crave.

The international community will most likely react to North Korea's provocation with economic sanctions. It is unlikely that this will help: China will only participate in the sanctions for a little while, if at all, only to then continue its support of North Korea.

Beijing is simply not interested in toppling Kim's regime. Especially not when it is sitting on an atomic bomb.







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

朝鮮의 핵실험 #2








According to int'l news agencies: The Korean Peninsula still exists(fortunately). Congratulation!!



The int'l media, here for example AP/CNN, is explaining the "real" reason why..:


North Korea may drop nuclear test

North Korea informed China it may drop its plan to test its first atomic bomb if the United States holds bilateral talks with the communist country, a former South Korean lawmaker said Sunday.

The North also denied speculation that its nuclear test was imminent and said the regime has not raised the alert level of the country's military, said Jang Sung-min, citing a telephone conversation with an unidentified Chinese diplomatic official.

North Korea warned the Chinese official, however, that it would accelerate its preparations for a nuclear test if the United States moves toward imposing sanctions or launching a military attack, Jang said, citing his contact.

The Chinese official was informed of North Korea's stance by North Korean officials Sunday afternoon, Jang said.

The official then telephoned Jang in South Korea with the news.

Jang is a former lawmaker of the then-ruling Millennium Democratic Party...






But actually I'm sure that Kim Jong-il was simply to drunken(after yesterday's f.. long party) to get up today(and to direct the nuclear test or anything else^^)..



To be continued(of course!!)...








진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

朝鮮의 핵실험 #1




"North Korea can have a future or it can have such (nuclear) weapons. But it cannot have both." (Chr. Hill, CNN Int'l, 10.7)


Int'l news agencies/-papers are expecting for the coming days - many are saying TOMORROW - a test of a nuclear bomb by/in the D.P.R.K.


(Of course especially) the S.K. "left" is downplaying this threat. For example the "left-liberal" newspaper Hankyoreh wrote before y'day: "Despite the North’s recent announcement that it would go ahead with a nuclear test, there are no signs that North Korea is preparing for one. Indeed, experts believe a test is not imminent..." although even Chinese government related officials said that "The dicision for the test is alraedy made"(Li Dunqiu, Research Center of the State Council, 10.4).


I'm really worrying that, even after NK accomplished the test, nobody in SK will really care about it..


Tomorrow I'll write more about my opinion about this issue(aeh~ I mean if it's necessary - if you're still alive..).



U.S. readies options on North Korea  (IHT/NYT, 10.6)

Amid signs Friday that North Korea was gearing up for a nuclear test, the Bush administration was developing an extensive list of possible new sanctions against Pyongyang, senior officials said.

The measures under consideration include renewing efforts that have been unsuccessful in the past - persuading South Korea and China to cut off energy supplies and trade - and potentially confrontational steps that include intercepting and inspecting sea shipments into and out of the country.

Many of the sanctions have been considered before, as part of a long- running argument within the Bush administration over the best way to deal with North Korea. After a series of emergency meetings, including one on Tuesday at the White House, officials on each side of that debate said a nuclear test would end the argument about whether the United States should emphasize rewards or penalties.

"If the test happens, all the arguments are over," said one senior official in the midst of the debate. "We'll end up going to full-scale sanctions; the only debate is what 'full-scale' means."

On Wednesday night, Christopher Hill, the assistant secretary of state for East Asia and a leading proponent of new creative diplomatic offers to North Korea, announced that "we are not going to live with a nuclear North Korea."

Bush administration officials concede that the United States has been living with a nuclear North Korea for years. But the fact that North Korea has not yet tested its weapons has created enough diplomatic ambiguity so that President George W. Bush has not had to confront how he would enforce his own declaration in 2003 that he would never tolerate a nuclear-armed North Korea.

U.S. intelligence agencies have long declared that North Korea has produced the fuel for nuclear weapons, but in recent days, their briefings have also included an assessment based on the expectation that North Korea is likely to make good on its threat to conduct an underground test.

The briefings include the important caveat that such assessments are based more on an evaluation of the political environment and North Korean strategy than on physical evidence that a test is imminent. The briefings were described by several government officials, who said they did not forecast a specific timetable for a test.

The question of sanctions is an enormously sensitive one, administration officials said, and they would not describe the options publicly because no decisions had been made. The officials who did discuss them, however, came from both camps in the administration, and they appeared unified in their effort to send a warning to North Korea that a test would galvanize Washington into actions that some administration hawks have been proposing for years.

Bush, several officials said, planned to call President Hu Jintao of China in coming days to urge him to send an emissary to North Korea to deliver a sharp warning about the consequences of a test.

Frederick Jones, a National Security Council spokesman, would say only: "Our objective is to try to use our influence, and the influence of others, to convince the North Koreans that they should not test a nuclear device."

But U.S. officials are clearly concerned that the appeal to Beijing will not prove sufficient.

"The last time the Chinese did this, after the missile tests" that North Korea conducted in early July, "their delegation was left cooling their heels for days," one senior official said. Others cautioned that China had always shied away from the ultimate sanction, cutting off oil to North Korea, for fear that it could trigger an economic or political collapse that would result in chaos along the long Chinese-North Korean border.

The threatened test comes as the administration is already trying to persuade the UN Security Council to make good on its threat to impose sanctions against Iran for defying a call for it to suspend uranium enrichment.

Some U.S. officials are concerned that adding North Korea to the list of countries the United States wants punished could complicate those efforts and fracture a fragile coalition.

The potential sanctions against North Korea are described in a series of classified options papers that have been circulating among senior administration officials.

The proposed sanctions, which are graduated, begin with a significant tightening on economic transactions - a process that began last year with action against a small bank in Macao that is believed to have handled transactions for Kim Jong Il and other North Korean leaders, and that U.S. investigators say was involved in money laundering.

A more escalated measure would involve inspection of all shipping, using a provision of a council resolution passed after the missile tests in July that allows nations to block missile or missile-related transactions.

Such interceptions have been practiced under the administration's Proliferation Security Initiative, a program begun to persuade scores of nations to cooperate in stopping illicit weapons shipments.

But the reality is that North Korea receives most of its goods over the Chinese and Russian borders. Kurt Campbell, a former Defense Department official who specializes in Asia, said, "Without leveraging the Chinese to put firm pressure on, very little can be accomplished by the U.S. through sanctions."









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

추석.. Made in D.P.R.K.





"Today the Korean Nation is standing at the crossroad between life and death" (KCNA, 10.03)(*)


It seems that the DPRK is preparing for a special Chuseok present.


Today, while I was checking thge news about Palestine I saw on Yedioth Ahronoth(Israeli daily) following news: "Any North Korean nuclear test would be 'unacceptable' and the international community would respond 'harshly', Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Tuesday, after Pyongyang said it would conduct a test in the future.". And I said to myselfe: "Oops.. is Kim Jong-il preparing for a special Chuseok gift??!!" Later I found out that nearly everywhere - in Europe(**), Asia(aeh~ perhaps in S. Korea nobody is alarmed and scared..), the US,even in the Middle East(for example on Al Jazeera it's today's top story!)... - everyone is alarmed about NK's annoncement to test a nuclear bomb soon.




North Korea vows to test a nuclear weapon (IHT, 10.03) 

North Korea said Tuesday that it would test a nuclear weapon despite U.S. warnings that such a move would provoke harsher sanctions and perhaps even military action.

The announcement by the North Korean Foreign Ministry marked the first time the regime had declared its intention to conduct a nuclear test and raised the stakes dramatically in negotiations on how to deal with North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.

The statement gave no indication when a test might occur. Last month, Kim Seung Kyu, director of the National Intelligence Service, told the South Korean Parliament that North Korea was capable of conducting an underground nuclear test at any time.

Although Pyongyang declared in February 2005 that it possessed nuclear weapons, it has never conducted a known test on its territory to prove its claim. A successful test would confirm North Korea as the eighth declared nuclear power, following the steps of the United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, India and Pakistan. Israel is an undeclared nuclear power.

Confirmation that North Korea has nuclear weapons, experts said, would disrupt the arms balance in Northeast Asia and possibly compel Japan, which lies within the range of North Korean missiles, to amass its own arsenal. That in turn would encourage South Korea to pursue its own nuclear arms program.

In Tokyo, Foreign Minister Taro Aso said: "It is a threat to peace. We would never be able to forgive such a move."..

"The DPRK will in the future conduct a nuclear test under the condition where safety is firmly guaranteed," the North Korean Foreign Ministry said in a statement..

North Korea's statement, carried by its official press agency, KCNA, said the "U.S. extreme threat of a nuclear war and sanctions and pressure compel the DPRK to conduct a nuclear test, an essential process for bolstering nuclear deterrent."...

North Korea's statement came just days before planned visits by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Beijing and Seoul, Nam noted. Abe, a hawk on North Korea, was expected to discuss North Korea as a top agenda item in his meetings with Chinese and South Korean leaders...

Robert Joseph, the U.S. under secretary of state for arms control and international security, said last week that Washington was prepared to seek a UN Security Council resolution that would invoke Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, which allows for military force. The use of Chapter 7 has been vehemently opposed by China and South Korea.

In the recent weeks, there have been news reports in Washington, Tokyo and Seoul that North Korea may be preparing for an underground nuclear test. The reports cited activities around facilities near the border with China or on the North's remote northeast coast.




* Please keep in mind that there is only ONE Korean nation(N+S.K.)!!

** The German TV news Tagesschau was talking about "the communist military dictatorship in North Korea.." - haehae~












For the latest news/articles about the issue please check out following:


N Korea threatens nuclear test (Guardian, 10.04)


Pyongyang defiant on nuclear test 


North Korea raises stakes


Asian allies warn on nuclear test by N. Korea (IHT)

N Korea rejects nuclear test criticism (Al Jazeera)


North Korea calls the shots (Asia Times)


Pyongyang's bluster and bluff


S. Korea warns N. Korea not to test nuclear weapons  (Yonhap)


And last but not least here you can read the full text of 10.3 announcement by NK's "news" agency KCNA:


DPRK Foreign Ministry Clarifies Stand on New Measure to Bolster War Deterrent


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

9.24 베를린/독일..

Candlelight Rally of Koreans in Germany  (주체95년 9월 30일 조선중앙통신)


The Koreans in Germany held a candlelight rally in Berlin on Sept. 24 in support of the 4th grand peace march against the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek, south Korea, according to a news report. At the rally speakers denounced the U.S. moves to expand its military base in Phyongthaek and the forcible removal of dwelling houses against human rights, asserting that the Korean nation can neither fall victim to the U.S. military strategy nor allow the Korean Peninsula to be an outpost base for a war.

Members of German organizations for peace against war made solidarity speeches at the rally.

They said that the U.S. is working hard to realize its military strategy for supremacy not only in the Korean Peninsula but also on a worldwide scale.

The organizations extend support to the south Korean people in their struggle against the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek and get courage from their struggle, they said.

A resolution was adopted at the rally.






Actually I knew about this "event", but unfortunately I got the information about it one hour to late, so I wasn't able to participate..

Since some days I'm trying to find out more infos about what was going on last Sunday there, but without no success.. (mi-anh hae-yo!)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

9.24 평화대회..

Yesterday at last the first English report about last Sunday's Protest against new USFK garrisons in the Pyeongtaek region was published on http://saveptfarmers.org/blog (Days in Daechuri). Here it comes:


Over 15,000 come to Seoul solidarity rally;

villagers defy government with rice harvest


In Seoul over 15,000 people came out on September 24 for a rally in solidarity with Doduri and Daechuri, and against the Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA). See below for links to photos of the demo. Daechuri and Doduri villagers ripped apart a huge US flag in protest against the base expansion. Other activists tore down and cut through a section of razor wire fence, like the fencing that keeps villagers from their fields.


It's just a performance (unfortunately^^)


Several US Korean war veterans, some very elderly, came over from the US for the rally. Japanese activists came to the rally from from Henoko, a Japanese city fighting to keep a US military airport from relocating to their town. As the rally was going on, several activists scaled a nearby ancient city gate and hung a banner against the Pyeongtaek expulsion and the FTA, before being taken down and arrested by police. Solidarity actions were also held in other cities around the world..



Several days after the demonstration, villagers defied the Korean Ministry of Defense by beginning this season's harvest of one variety of rice. Villagers haven't been able to reach most of their fields since the police fenced them off with razor wire during the May 4th attack, beginning the police occupation of the fields that continues today. But in some close-in fields, villagers have been able to irrigate their crops and prepare for the harvest. On September 27th, villagers began to harvest one of the fields that the government claims as property of the Ministry of Defense. At one point during the day, a government helicopter buzzed down near the field to take pictures of those working in the fields. Villagers will keep harvesting the fields that they can still reach during the coming days. Villagers refuse to stop working their land as they have always done. The harvest shows the government that they aren't planning on abandoning their land before the government's October 31 expulsion deadline.


This week the nightly candlelight vigil is being held in nearby Pyeongtaek City, in front of the jail where Daechuri leader Kim Ji-tae has been held since May. Kim Ji-tae's hearing was scheduled for September 22, but prosecutors asked to postpone it until mid October, to keep Kim Ji-tae from attending the September 24th rally in Seoul. Villagers and supporters continue to demand that Kim Ji-tae be set free immediately.



For more photos, videos(VoP, Ohmynews) and reports(in Korean) about last Sunday's rally please check out this:












KCNA "reported" following about the event:


Fourth Grand Peace March Held in Seoul


 "The fourth grand peace march for a total renegotiation on the plan for the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek" was reportedly held in Seoul on September 24 under the sponsorship of the All-People Measure Committee for Checking the Expansion of the U.S. Military Base in Phyongthaek. That day the south Korean authorities let loose a large police force and 50 odd buses of the riot police to block the surroundings of the venue of the event and roads to it for a crackdown.
    The peace march was preceded by "a meeting for denouncing the Defense Ministry for its forcible evacuation of dwelling houses, demanding a total renegotiation on the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek and condemning the U.S. threat to peace of the Korean Peninsula and its demand of land for its military base" in front of the U.S. military base in Ryongsan, Seoul.
    The protesters tore a large Stars and Stripes into pieces and fastened police buses deployed around the U.S. military base in Ryongsan with them.
    Then there followed the fourth grand peace march against the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek.
    In the course of the march, the marchers snowballed(!!^^) to more than 12,000.
    Passing by the building of the Defense Ministry, the protesters chanted "We denounce Bush administration," "Stop to expansion of U.S. military base in Phyongthaek" and so on.
    At the end of the grand march they started an anti-U.S., anti-war agitation here and there. After the march, "the main rally of the September 24 grand peace march" was held in the Seoul City Hall plaza.
    Several speeches were made to be followed by the reading of a resolution at the rally.
    The resolution said the authorities should immediately stop the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek and crackdown on the inhabitants of Taechu-ri and Todu-ri. If the "government" and the United States continue to force the expansion of the U.S. military base in Phyongthaek, turning a deaf ear to this demand, they would face denunciation by the world peace loving forces, the resolution warned...




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

9.24 평화대행진..




(..by Voice of People, Ohmynews..)










(more about it later..)





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

9.23 反戰 집회..



Today's anti-war rally in Seoul..





..was, in my opinion, nothing more as for "a clear conscience"/self satisfaction - just a kind of polit-entertainment... without any results/consequences(mi-anh hae-yo.. I'm really sorry!)







A report(in Korean), incl. a video, you can check out here(Voice of People):



A lot of beautiful pictures - but finally that's all what's left.. - you can see here:






[9.23] 자이툰 연내 완전 철군을 위한 9.23 반전행동 


Ohmynews published this(also incl. video):




500 anti-war demonstrators..

(Hankyoreh wrote "1천여명..", they just can't count..^^)





Hopefully tomorrow's peace rally/demo will have more power..








* "'STOP THE WAR' 페이스 페인팅": wow, it's a really strange language...^^









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

9.23/24 A&P(*)^^











Let's come together to Peace March for Pyeongtaek

The 4th Great March for the Peace in Pyeongtaek is to be held at Seoul Plaza on Sunday.

The March, expected 100 thousand protesters take part in, will be an important event to stop the US base extention in Pyeongtaek.

Around 45 thousand people who had signed for being the member of the arrangement committee promised that they may not only participate in the march but also have other people make it with.

The prostesters will shout "Re-negatiate the Agreements related to the US base extention plan in Pyeongtaek", "Stop the demolition", and "Free Kim Ji-Tae, the representative of residents in the base site" etc.

'Korea solution Committee against US base extension in Pyeongtaek(KCPT)' is asking people to join in the march with his or her family, friends..., Voice of People wrote.









이라크 점령 종식 한국군 레바논 파병 반대 이란 공격 반대 평택 미군기지 확장 반대

자이툰 연내 완전 철군을 위한 9.23 반전행동

일시: 9월 23일(토) 오후 3시
장소: 서울역 광장(광화문으로 행진)
주최: 파병반대국민행동

-사전 반전 행사: 반전 페이스 페인팅, 반전 솜사탕 나눠주기, 참여연대 자원활동가들의 반전 캠페인

-사회: 정대연(파병반대국민행동 기획단장)

-공연: 정윤경


1. 민주노동당 권영길 의원
2. 미국 평화재향군인회
3. 다함께: 김우용(기아자동차 노조 조합원)
4. 평화재향군인회: 표명렬 대표

-공연: 우리나라


5. 평택 범대위: 유기만(평택 전국행진단)
6. 평화여성회: 정경란(평화여성회 한반도 평화센터 소장)
7. 사회진보연대: 공성식 활동가
8. 청소년: 이슬(전쟁에 반대하는 청소년들)
-결의문 낭독: 향린교회 나성국 목사
-집회를 마치고 광화문으로 행진 





* Agitation and Propaganda(^^)


PS: Actually the music in the video is strange, really very strange... but finally its very beautiful, funny..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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