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게시물에서 찾기anti-war struggle

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  1. 2017/10/18
    THAAD배치 결사반대(#77)
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  2. 2017/10/13
    THAAD배치 결사반대(#76)
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  3. 2017/10/08
    전쟁 대신 김치를 하자 (12)
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  4. 2017/10/04
    THAAD배치 결사반대(#75)
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  5. 2017/10/02
    전쟁 대신 김치를 하자(11)
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  6. 2017/09/29
    전쟁 대신 김치를 하자(10)
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  7. 2017/09/27
    전쟁 대신 김치를 하자(#9)
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  8. 2017/09/22
    THAAD배치 결사반대(#74)
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  9. 2017/09/20
    THAAD배치 결사반대(#73)
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  10. 2017/09/17
    THAAD배치 결사반대(#72)
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THAAD배치 결사반대(#92)

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While - even today - Soseong-ri is still under siege...


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Korea Times reported last Friday(5.04) the following...


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The U.S. and China are currently discussing a possible withdrawal of a U.S. missile defense system from South Korea as part of a grand bargain over North Korea's nuclear program...(more you can read here)

Related article:

What China wants from North Korea (Asia Times, 5.07)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2018 南北 정상회담.. (#2)

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During this momentous period of historical transformation on the Korean Peninsula, reflecting the enduring aspiration of the Korean people for peace, prosperity and unification, President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea held an Inter-Korean Summit Meeting at the ‘Peace House' at Panmunjeom on April 27, 2018.

The two leaders solemnly declared before the 80 million Korean people and the whole world that there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and thus a new era of peace has begun.

The two leaders, sharing the firm commitment to bring a swift end to the Cold War relic of longstanding division and confrontation, to boldly approach a new era of national reconciliation, peace and prosperity, and to improve and cultivate inter-Korean relations in a more active manner, declared at this historic site of Panmunjeom as follows :

1. South and North Korea will reconnect the blood relations of the people and bring forward the future of co-prosperity and unification led by Koreans by facilitating comprehensive and groundbreaking advancement in inter-Korean relations. Improving and cultivating inter-Korean relations is the prevalent desire of the whole nation and the urgent calling of the times that cannot be held back any further.

① South and North Korea affirmed the principle of determining the destiny of the Korean nation on their own accord and agreed to bring forth the watershed moment for the improvement of inter-Korean relations by fully implementing all existing agreements and declarations adopted between the two sides thus far.

② South and North Korea agreed to hold dialogue and negotiations in various fields including at high level, and to take active measures for the implementation of the agreements reached at the Summit. 

③ South and North Korea agreed to establish a joint liaison office with resident representatives of both sides in the Gaeseong region in order to facilitate close consultation between the authorities as well as smooth exchanges and cooperation between the peoples. 

④ South and North Korea agreed to encourage more active cooperation, exchanges, visits and contacts at all levels in order to rejuvenate the sense of national reconciliation and unity. Between South and North, the two sides will encourage the atmosphere of amity and cooperation by actively staging various joint events on the dates that hold special meaning for both South and North Korea, such as June 15, in which participants from all levels, including central and local governments, parliaments, political parties, and civil organizations, will be involved. On the international front, the two sides agreed to demonstrate their collective wisdom, talents, and solidarity by jointly participating in international sports events such as the 2018 Asian Games. 

⑤ South and North Korea agreed to endeavor to swiftly resolve the humanitarian issues that resulted from the division of the nation, and to convene the Inter-Korean Red Cross Meeting to discuss and solve various issues including the reunion of separated families. In this vein, South and North Korea agreed to proceed with reunion programs for the separated families on the occasion of the National Liberation Day of August 15 this year.

⑥ South and North Korea agreed to actively implement the projects previously agreed in the 2007 October 4 Declaration, in order to promote balanced economic growth and co-prosperity of the nation. As a first step, the two sides agreed to adopt practical steps towards the connection and modernization of the railways and roads on the eastern transportation corridor as well as between Seoul and Sinuiju for their utilization. 

2. South and North Korea will make joint efforts to alleviate the acute military tension and practically eliminate the danger of war on the Korean Peninsula. Alleviating the military tension and eliminating the danger of war is a highly significant challenge directly linked to the fate of the Korean people and also a vital task in guaranteeing their peaceful and stable lives.

① South and North Korea agreed to completely cease all hostile acts against each other in every domain, including land, air and sea, that are the source of military tension and conflict. In this vein, the two sides agreed to transform the demilitarized zone into a peace zone in a genuine sense by ceasing as of May 1 this year all hostile acts and eliminating their means, including broadcasting through loudspeakers and distribution of leaflets, in the areas along the Military Demarcation Line.

② South and North Korea agreed to devise a practical scheme to turn the areas around the Northern Limit Line in the West Sea into a maritime peace zone in order to prevent accidental military clashes and guarantee safe fishing activities. 

③ South and North Korea agreed to take various military measures to ensure active mutual cooperation, exchanges, visits and contacts. The two sides agreed to hold frequent meetings between military authorities, including the Defense Ministers Meeting, in order to immediately discuss and solve military issues that arise between them. In this regard, the two sides agreed to first convene military talks at the rank of general in May. 

3. South and North Korea will actively cooperate to establish a permanent and solid peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Bringing an end to the current unnatural state of armistice and establishing a robust peace regime on the Korean Peninsula is a historical mission that must not be delayed any further.

① South and North Korea reaffirmed the Non-Aggression Agreement that precludes the use of force in any form against each other, and agreed to strictly adhere to this Agreement. 

② South and North Korea agreed to carry out disarmament in a phased manner, as military tension is alleviated and substantial progress is made in military confidence-building.

③ During this year that marks the 65th anniversary of the Armistice, South and North Korea agreed to actively pursue trilateral meetings involving the two Koreas and the United States, or quadrilateral meetings involving the two Koreas, the United States and China with a view to declaring an end to the War, turning the armistice into a peace treaty, and establishing a permanent and solid peace regime.

④ South and North Korea confirmed the common goal of realizing, through complete denuclearization, a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula. South and North Korea shared the view that the measures being initiated by North Korea are very meaningful and crucial for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and agreed to carry out their respective roles and responsibilities in this regard. South and North Korea agreed to actively seek the support and cooperation of the international community for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

The two leaders agreed, through regular meetings and direct telephone conversations, to hold frequent and candid discussions on issues vital to the nation, to strengthen mutual trust and to jointly endeavor to strengthen the positive momentum towards continuous advancement of inter-Korean relations as well as peace, prosperity and unification of the Korean Peninsula.

In this context, President Moon Jae-in agreed to visit Pyongyang this fall. 

April 27, 2018

President Moon Jae-in, Republic of Korea
State Affairs Commission Chairman Kim Jong-un, DPRK


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The declaration's text in Korean you'll get here.

Related articles:

Korea Summit Hype (WSJ, 4.27)
Bonhomie on Korean peninsula puts pressure on bellicose Trump (Guardian, 4.27)
Relations Thaw, But Questions Remain... (RFA, 4.27)
Panmunjeom Declaration aims to usher in a new era of peace... (Hankyoreh, 4.28)
Reasons for hope eclipse cynicism (Asia Times, 4.28)


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

THAAD배치 결사반대(#91)

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Today's Yohap News Agency reported in the morning(KST) that [S. Korea's]ruling party was seen striving to turn political attention to preparations for the upcoming cross-border[4.27 Inter-Korean] summit. It[i.e. the S. Korean gov't] has designated this week as a "week of peace"...

A "week of peace"? At least not for the residents of Seongju/Soseong-ri!!


Almost at the same time(today in the morning, KST) the same news agency(Yonhap) reported the following:

Riot police were removing protesters Monday from a bridge leading to the base of the U.S. THAAD anti-missile system in southeastern South Korea, sparking clashes that left about a dozen people injured...


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About 200 residents and activists have been occupying the Jinbat bridge in a sit-in aimed at blocking construction vehicles from entering the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense base in Seongju, some 300 km southeast of Seoul.

About 3,000 riot police were mobilized to break up the sit-in. Scuffles and shoving matches broke out as police moved in, and two people were taken to a hospital with injuries, while around 10 others suffered scratches.

As of 9:10 a.m., some 170 people were hauled away, and some 20-30 protesters remained in a standoff.


Protesters resisted by inserting their arms into plastic pipes in an attempt to tie themselves together to make it difficult for police to carry them away. They also chanted slogans such as "Out with violent police," blasting the police for using force...(more you can read here)


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Related articles in Korean:
경찰, 병력 3천명 동원 ‘사드기지 반대 주민’ 강제해산 (한겨레, 4.23)
성주 주민 강한 반발에도 사드기지 공사장비 반입 (민중의소리, 4.23)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

THAAD배치 결사반대(#90)

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Cheong Wa Dae said earlier this week the likely scenario is that South and North Korea reach an agreement on putting an end to the war at their summit...(source: K. Times, 4.19)

And while the S. Korean gov't(Cheong Wa Dae) will (possibly)declare the end of the war with the North, a part of the same institution - the Ministry of Defense - declared war on (a part of)its own people!!

Under the headline Military losing patience with protest against THAAD base today's Yonhap reported the following: South Korea's defense ministry said Thursday it is mulling an alternative to dialogue with activists and residents near the U.S. military's new missile defense base on the peninsula.

   They have been blocking the transport of construction materials and equipment into the THAAD site in Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province, for months.

   They are concerned that the military will expand helipads and other facilities associated with military operations in the compound.

   The Ministry of National Defense stressed that it's urgent to improve the living conditions of hundreds of American and South Korean troops there with no adequate amenities. "In connection with the deployment of the THAAD system, we have tried to respect residents' opinion as much as possible, abide by democratic procedures and maintain transparency," the ministry's spokeswoman Choi Hyun-soo said at a press briefing. However, it's believed to be difficult to resolve the issue through dialogue, she said, adding that the military plans to seek a "necessary measure."

   The statement was a de facto ultimatum, although no deadline has been set publicly. It heralds a police operation to disperse the protesters and clear the way for the delivery. A fierce physical clash is expected...(more you can read here)

PS. Well, if - according to the S. Korean gov't - "peace on the Korean peninsula is within reach"... Do we(^^) really need THAAD anymore???


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

THAAD배치 결사반대(#89)

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Today's Hankyoreh reported the following: Residents and civic groups opposed to the THAAD deployment clashed with police at the Jinbat Bridge in Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province on Apr. 12. On this day, the Ministry of National Defense(MND) was moving materials for the construction of facilities at the THAAD base. 3000 police were mobilized to stop the demonstrators from blocking the construction material entering the base. An emergency medical team was dispatched to the site of the demonstrations after one elderly woman injured her ribs during a scuffle with the police...


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...following the clash, a senior official from the MND met with residents and agreed to halt further delivery of construction material. 12 trailers were also allowed into the base to remove forklifts, bulldozers, and other equipment which had already been placed on the base.

Related articles:

Clash erupts as military moves to resume construction at THAAD site (Yonhap, 4.12)
성주 사드기지 앞 경찰-반대 주민 충돌…“공사 중단” (뉴스민, 4.12)
Military delays transporting construction materials to THAAD site (Yonhap, 4.12)
성주주민 강한 반발에 군 당국 사드기지 장비 반입 중단 (민중의소리, 4.12)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

제3차'南-北 정상회담'(#1)

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Today's "top stories" in the S. Korean media...


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Following is an unofficial translation of the statement issued by South Korea’s special envoys to the North on their return from a two-day visit to Pyongyang, during which they met North Korean leader Kim Jong-un:

1. The two Koreas agreed to convene the third inter-Korean summit at the Peace House of Panmunjeom in late April. To achieve this, the two parties agreed to hold working-level consultations. 

2. In order to ease military confrontation and foster further consultation, the two Koreas agreed to establish a hotline between the two countries’ heads of state. 

3. North Korea showed its resolve for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. The North also made clear that there is no reason for them to possess nuclear weapons as long as military threats to the North are eliminated and the regime’s security is guaranteed.

4. North Korea expressed its willingness to begin earnest negotiations with the US to discuss denuclearization issues and normalize North Korea-US relations.

5. North Korea made clear it will not resume strategic provocations such as additional nuclear tests or ballistic missile tests while the dialogue continues.

6. In order to sustain a reconciliatory and cooperative mood following PyeongChang Olympics, North Korea invited a South Korean taekwondo demonstration team and art troupe to Pyongyang.

Source: K. Herald, 3.06, 21:05(KST)


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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

THAAD배치 결사반대(#88)

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

드릴 말씀 없습니다..(#40)

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

THAAD배치 결사반대(#87)

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Y'day(12.30) evening in Soseong-ri...



Oops~ As you can see... you see nothing! Why? Because YouTube tells us, "Watch the video on YouTube!"(^^) Well, finally here you're able watch it!!



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

THAAD배치 결사반대(#86)

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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