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게시물에서 찾기Migrant workers' struggle

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  1. 2008/01/29
    수바수를 석방하라!
    no chr.!
  2. 2008/01/28
    [지난 주] 이주 투쟁..
    no chr.!
  3. 2008/01/23
    no chr.!
  4. 2008/01/18
    20.1(日): 이주..'대회'
    no chr.!
  5. 2008/01/15
    이주농성장.. 투쟁일정
    no chr.!
  6. 2008/01/13
    이주.. 농성소식 (D.40)
    no chr.!
  7. 2008/01/09
    no chr.!
  8. 2008/01/04
    매주(金): 촛불'문화제'..
    no chr.!
  9. 2008/01/01
    새해.. (2008/#2)
    no chr.!
  10. 2007/12/28
    12.29(土): 이주.. 문화제
    no chr.!

인터넷 1인시위..

Three weeks ago the "Emergency Committee to Stop Repression Against Migrants" (ECSRAM/이주탄압분쇄 비대위) initiated the "Internet One-Person-Demo (to support the struggle of migrant workers)". Following you can see just a few beautiful examples of the campaign:




 Many more pics of the campaign you can see here:



Here you can see a lot of pics about the (current) daily struggle of migrant workers: 



MWTV's latest video (last week's rally in front of Seoul's Immigration Office):

당뇨병 걸린 이주노동자 치료없이 폭력적 강제출국 강행






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

수바수동지 강제출국..

Jan. 30, only one day after I published the latest news about comrade Suwash he was deported without to get any medical treatment. Despite the protests, respectively the demand for to release him for medical treatment  by MTU and several S.K. human right, left political and labour organizations the MoJ/Immigration Office decided to send him back to Nepal, where he arrived yesterday.
Today, to protest against the deportation, MTU and several other orgainzations held a press conference in front of Seoul's Immigration Office..

Following you can read the news about Suwash's case by MWTV and IBMK:

Nepalese Migrant Worker, Suwash, Deported

Suwash, a manager of the Sung-dong branch of the Migrants' Trade Union was deported on Wednesday, January 30th. The Nepali worker spent months at the the Hwaseong Detention Center without getting proper treatment for his diabetes. Ignoring the calls of doctors and NGOs, the Ministry of Justice and the Immigration Office chose deportion instead of giving Suwash the medical treatment he required. The Ministry of Justice argued that they deported Nepalese because his diabetes had gotten better.

Aware of the deportion plans, members of the MTU sit-in struggle team blocked the gates in front of the Hwaseong Detention Center around the clock from January 29-30th. It was only when they demanded to see Suwash for an interview on the afternoon of January 30th that they were told that Suwash had been secreted out of the Center and put on a plane back to Nepal. 

Suwash had come to S. Korea on March 11th, 2003 as a trainee, becoming an undocumented worker after 3 years. He was caught by Immigration officials in a crackdown in July 2007. He had summited a petition over the violation of his human rights to the National Human Rights Commission of Korea but was turned down on the 28th of January. Protests against the deportation of Suwash are ongoing.

Immigration Office deported a migrant worker

with diabetes..
The application for temporary release was rejected without any reasons.

The Seoul Immigration Office rejected the application for temporary release of Suwash Budathoki, a Nepalese migrant worker suffering from diabetes and complications and deported him on January 30.

After hearing the news of deportation of Suwash, members of Migrant Trade Union and about ten civic group activists have went on a sit strike in the front of Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center since January 28.

Their last meeting with Suwash was at 10 a.m on Jan 30. At that time he asked to have endoscopy, complaining about stomachache. He said that he couldn’t sleep last night because of pain.   

The Migrant Trade Union and civic group activists stayed in Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center to confirm his deportation at around 4 p.m. on Jan 30.

Suwash Budathoki had been detained in Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center for 7 months. He had suffered from diabetes before arrest and in the center; complications were developed so he asked for temporary release. The Seoul Immigration Office accepted at first, however, the Justice Ministry requested reexamination without any reasons and finally, the application was rejected.


Related articles in Korean:

"대한민국에 인권이 있는가?" (이주탄압분쇄비대위, 2.01)

법무부 병든 이주노동자에 '가혹행위' (참세상, 2.01)

For more (but unfortunately only/nearly only in Korean) please check out:


MTU/이주노동자 노동조합

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

수바수를 석방하라!

"My health is deteriorating each day" (IBMK, 1.28)
Suwash Budathoki, a Nepalese migrant worker and MTU activist, was arrested in the S. Korean capital Seoul on July 7, 2007. He is now struggling to overcome his ill-health in Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center. A level of sugar on his blood (400 mg/dl) is found abnormal since last week. He is also suffering from acute gastritis. He failed even to manage a daily life.

The Migrant Trade Union (MTU) and other Korean social and human rights organizations (such as  have taken initiation to protect Suwash from his deteriorated health condition. They have put two conditions with Ministry of Justice (Korea). The first condition is to set Suwash free immediately. If his release is unlikely, activists urged to make thorough check up Suwash at an equipped hospital rather than the detention center itself.  But the Ministry of Justice refused their demands, ignoring the Suwash's health. Their logic is that it is impossible to make his treatment outside since Suwash is undocumented.

The activists worrying about Suwash's health again knocked the door of National Human Rights Commission in Korea. A team including doctors visited Hwaseong Immigrantion Detention Center and checked up Suwash. There are rumors that Ministry of Justice is on the process to deport Suwash to his homeland Nepal without any treatment. Suwash has worked very hard for five years in South Korean.

Is it not a violation of his human rights and labor rights? In addition, Suwash was arrested by the police while he was walking on the street in the Dongdaemun area (on his way to participate on a KCTU demonstration). That means the arrest was illegal since Korean law doesn't allow arresting undocumented migrant workers unless they are involved in criminal activities.  MTU had filled a written petition at Human Rights Commission in Korea, which yet to decide the case of Suwash.

Considering the seriousness of the subject and condition of Suwash’s health, IBMK interviewed Suwash on Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center recently. During an interview, Subash’s face was faded and eyes were tearful. And fatigue and tiredness were visible.

Here you can read..

The interview with comrade Suwash (in English)


수바수를 석방하라! (a special section for comrade Suwash by "ECSRAM")

Letter from Suwash, Hwaseong Detention Center





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[지난 주] 이주 투쟁..


Well, the struggle by MTU activists and their supporters (especially the "Emergency Committee to Stop Repression Against Migrants"/ECSRAM) is still going on, but on a lower level as before..

Last week started on Sunday (1.20) with a - unfortunately - small protest rally/demo against the ongoing crackdown policy by the S.K. gov't against "un-documented" migrant workers in general and MTU activists in particular.


Here you can watch a
MWTV video about the event:

[1.20] 이주노동자 집회

Last Thursday evening the weekly candlelight protest near Gwanghwamun in downtown Seoul took place. Few hours before, in the afternoon, some activists protested in front of the Immigration Detention Center near Hwaseong (south of Seoul) against the imprisonment of comrade Suwash (pics about it you can see here). 

And finally a few MTU activists and their supporters joined the "1.26 Int'l Action Day" rally and demo in Seoul (BTW, also here also only a very small number of activists took the streets to "Act together for another world - A world without poverty, war and discrimination"). Just see following two pics (MTU activists on the rally):




For more about last week's activities, please check out following:

1.20, 이주노동자.. 대회(이주탄압분쇄 비대위/ECSRAM)

[1월 20일] 이주노동자.. 대회 (다함께)

1.24 촛불문화제, 1.26 세계공동행동.. (이주탄압분쇄 비대위)

1.26 세계행동의 날.. (다함께)

And last but not least: don't miss ECSRAM's new section:







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크



화성보호소에서 수바시동지가 보낸 편지

Suwash's Letter from Hwaseong Detention Center

수바수 석방을 위한 게시판








More about the migrant workers'/MTU issue I'll write next Monday..


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

20.1(日): 이주..'대회'



For more informations:

이주탄압분쇄 비대위

이주노동자 노동조합


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이주농성장.. 투쟁일정

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이주.. 농성소식 (D.40)

Today, 40 days ago, MTU's current leading collective and their Korean supporters - the Emergency Committee Against the Suppression of MTU - started the ongoing sit-in (strike).

Until last Thursday (1.10) the sit-in place was located in the headquarter of the Korean Council of Churches (KNCC), but one day later (Friday/D.38 of the sit-in) they moved to KCTU's (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) headquarter in Yoengdeungpo (well, I hope that we'll see as soon as possible something officially about it from MTU in English..!!!).

For more informations in Korean, please read:

민주노총 1층으로 농성장으로 옮겼습니다



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


First of all: It seems that MTU and our supporters changed the day of the weekly Candle Light Rally in front of Kyobo Book Store (near Gwanghwa-mun) from Friday to Thursday:


For more informations (incl. almost daily news about the Sit-in) please check out:

이주탄압분쇄 비대위

Secondly: MTU published two days ago following..

.."Letter from Suwash, Hwaseong Detention Center":

To all my MTU Comrades...

..and all of those comrades are struggling in solidarity with MTU, I greet you with an expression of struggle and warm comradeship...

Korea is very advanced in terms of science and technology, but it is very backwards in terms of humanity and the rights of people. Because I have come from a poor country I have been met with violence and abuse, arrested by the police and treated like an animal. Injured while working and then forced to leave the country without compensation- where is the human rights in this situation?

Brokers make various excuses in order to bring women from the Philippines, Vietnam and other countries to South Korea. 25-year-old women are forced to marry men who are their fathers' ages. These days, there are many television programs about some of these women who meet their families after two or three years of being married in Korea. These programs tell the story as if South Korea is treating these women very well. However, they don't tell how difficult those two or three years are. Of course, the women on the programs are grateful to the t.v. station for giving them the chance to meet their parents and relatives again; however because they do not show the reality of the suffering and tears that these women live with, this programs have to take some responsibility for the increase in the number of marriage-immigrants. If the television programs showed the hardship and difficulties of these women it would become an international disgrace. Therefore the shows hide the reality and are only self-congratulatory.

I think you all know what it is like here in Hwaseong Detention Center and what kind of place this is. However, just to tell you, about 95% of the comrades here have been imprisoned for 7-8 months because they have not been paid their wages. The other 5% are here for different reasons. To use a Nepalese saying, the human rights in this country are like a fox wearing a tiger mask: the surface is entirely different from what is inside.

The South Korean government says it is good to migrant workers in terms of human rights, but in reality the only think left to us is the name 'migrant worker'. Finally, I would like to ask for the many allies in other countries, please show a lot of attention and solidarity to the migrant workers movement and the movement for workers' human rights here in South Korea.

I think it is my misfortune that I became a migrant worker. However you look at it, I have experience a great deal of suffering and sadness as a migrant. Even though I have suffered a lot, I have now been struggling for close to 6 or 7 months inside this detention center so that other migrant workers will not experience the same thing. I do not see this as my individual struggle, but rather as something necessary so that others will not suffer in the future; thus I will continue to fight. I believe that if there were some 1000 others who felt just like us and were struggling along side us we would be able to win our demands.

Struggle is the only choice for our victory.

One more time I would like to greet you, my beloved MTU comrades with a message of struggle and tell you not to loose hope. I resolve before you to struggle until my very last movement and very last breath.

We are labor! We are labor!

Labor rights! Labor rights!

Toojeng! Toojeng!

With great love and affection from inside Hwaseong Detention Center


Suwash Budathoki
December 11, 2007







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

매주(金): 촛불'문화제'..


2008년 1월1일 농성장 28일째:



2008년 1월 2일, 29일차 농성 소식

2008년 1월 3일, 30일차 농성 소식

NEW!! (two videos):

Migrant workers launched a sit-in.. (newscham TV)

[12.27] 이주탄압분쇄 비대위.. 공동행동 (MWTV)


For more latest news, etc.. please check out:

이주탄압분쇄 비대위




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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