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173개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2011/09/14
    '빈집' - 나의(아름다운)새집
    no chr.!
  2. 2011/08/31
    명동/카페'마리'일기 (#1)
    no chr.!
  3. 2011/08/22
    리비아 인민의 승리/축하!
    no chr.!
  4. 2011/06/10
    no chr.!
  5. 2011/05/20
    즐거운 주말 보내세요!(^^)
    no chr.!
  6. 2011/01/14
    (주말) 독서를 즐기다!!
    no chr.!
  7. 2010/12/31
    새해 복많이 받으세요
    no chr.!
  8. 2010/12/14
    불교(佛敎)와 공산주의...
    no chr.!
  9. 2010/04/07
    no chr.!
  10. 2010/02/14
    새해 복 많이 받으세요~
    no chr.!

'빈집' - 나의(아름다운)새집

The view from the roof of my new 'home' ("Bin-jib", Yongsan-dong 2-ga):


사용자 삽입 이미지



Article, related to "Bin-jib":
옆방 남자 무서워 하는 일, 이곳에선 없어요 (OMN, 11.2.26)

For more info about "Bin-jib" please check out:
해방촌 게스츠하우스 빈집/빈마을


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

명동/카페'마리'일기 (#1)



Just in pictures and (mainly) without comments!


Mon., 8.29, 04:00 am:

사용자 삽입 이미지


사용자 삽입 이미지


사용자 삽입 이미지



Wed., 8.31, 03:15 am:


사용자 삽입 이미지



Wed., 8.31, 01:15 pm:


사용자 삽입 이미지








진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

리비아 인민의 승리/축하!

Congratulations to the people of Libya. One more crazy dictator down!!

And the next must be Syria, Jemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Iran... (And dont't forget NORTH KOREA!!!)

사용자 삽입 이미지



¡Viva la Revolución!


For more updated news please check out:
Libya Live Blog (Al-Jazeera)
Libya: live updates (Guardian)


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No comment... (^^)


사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

즐거운 주말 보내세요!(^^)

The (bourgeois) Korea Times will publish in its tomorrow's printed edition the following "in-depth analysis" about the reasons why Kim Jeong-eun is traveling to


China's leadership training for Jung-un

NK heir's trip focuses on smooth power transfer, economic aid

North Korean heir Kim Jong-un’s China trip, which began early Friday morning, has two target audiences, according to analysts.

It sent the unequivocal message to international observers that Kim Jong-un, the youngest son of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, will be the Stalinist state’s next leader.

For the domestic viewers, it will be regarded as a leadership training program to help the younger Kim gain credentials as a leader.

This interpretation was supported by the report that Jong-un might tour the historic sites located in northern China where Korean independence fighters teamed up with their

Chinese counterparts to fight against Japan, the colonial master during the 1930s.

Baek Seung-joo, chief of the Center for Security and Strategy of the Korean Institute for Defense Analyses in Seoul, said the dynastical succession from father to son in the

North appeared to be on the right track.

“Against this backdrop, Jong-un’s China trip is taking place. This, therefore, could mean that the North wants the world to recognize that the young leader in his late 20s

will lead the nation,” he said.

The expert played down the possibility that the younger Kim’s China trip is focused on gaining economic assistance from China, North Korea’s closest ally.

Baek declined to give a detailed interpretation of China’s motives to accept Jong-un’s visit even though he doesn’t officially represent the North. “China has a consistent

policy regarding the succession issue. It repeated that it won’t intervene in sovereignty-related issues,” he said.

A government official, who asked not to be named, agreed that the main purpose of Jong-un’s China visit is to affirm internationally that he is the man to rule the reclusive


North Korea watchers speculated that Jong-un may meet Xi Jinping, vice chairman of the Chinese Communist Party Central Military Commission who is reportedly to replace

President Hu Jintao as president next year, during this trip.

If realized, it will be viewed as a meeting between the next leaders of China and North Korea.

Park Young-ho, a senior fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul, said the younger Kim’s China trip will be better understood when it is put in the

context of North Korea’s deepening economic dependency on China.

Considering the trade setting, he said China has become more significant to the North than ever before.

“It’s like North Korean version of seeking China’s endorsement for the younger Kim as its next leader,” he said. “I don’t want to describe it like this, but it will be easier

for one to understand accurately the purpose of the younger Kim’s China trip when explaining it like that. North Korea’s interpretation will be different though as it put

heavy emphasis on self-determination.”

Park noted Jong-un’s China trip will also help him establish leadership credentials as the itinerary included historic sites in the northern provinces of China.

“During Japanese colonial rule, Korean independence fighters teamed up with the Chinese to fight against their common enemy, which in the region is Japan,” he said.

The late Kim Il-sung, Jong-un’s grandfather, was one of the independence fighters having joined the anti-Japanese campaign in the 1930s.

“By visiting those sites, the younger Kim will be viewed by grass-root North Koreans as a legitimate successor of the revolution of which his grandfather played a part.”

Park remained skeptical about the possible impact of the younger Kim’s China trip on inter-Korean relations or the resumption of stalled nuclear talks.


But eventually this piece will be just good-for-nothing... Because the same paper, on its online edition, had to report today in the early evening(KST) the following:

[Urgent]NK leader, but not his son, visiting China: presidential office 

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was visiting China Friday, a Seoul government source said, contradicting earlier reports that his heir-apparent son, Jong-un, traveled to the


The trip, if confirmed, will be the leader's third in slightly over one year. He had visited China in early May and late August last year.
It has yet to be confirmed whether the 69-year-old leader was accompanied on the trip by his heir-apparent son, the source said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

The name of the junior Kim was not on an official list of about 70-member entourage, said the source.(Yonhap)


Yep, that we can call perfect serous and investigative journalism!!


Anyways, please enjoy a nice weekend!!!









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(주말) 독서를 즐기다!!

Here the "Weekend Reading"(source: Haaretz, 1.06):

When the Messiah comes, Israel will deport him

When the Messiah comes, he will be without papers.

When the Messiah comes, he will be taken into a small room, off-white and chilled, with one gray metal chair at each side of a gray metal desk.

When the Messiah comes, he will be questioned by a junior officer of the Shin Bet, and by an official of the Interior Ministry, who got his job through his cousin, who is an inspector of ritual dietary observance at a cookie bakery and who got his job through his sister's father-in-law, third assistant to the deputy chair of the Shas party branch in Ramla.

When the Messiah comes, no one will know.

His donkey, which is white and is named Snowpea, will be impounded in a leaky underground police lot near the Lod railroad station. There will be no paperwork. By nightfall it will have disappeared, spirited into a closed truck by the lot's watchman, who after his shift will drive the donkey to a moshav. Money will change hands, and the donkey as well, four times, until it is sold by settlers to Palestinians some of whose ancestral land now lies inside the settlement fence.

When the Messiah comes, the first sign will be a gag order.

A coded report on a high-profile news website will be made to disappear. It will reappear on a blog in Seattle, and then in the Guardian. The government will delay response, finally issuing a statement ascribed to sources in Jerusalem, reading "We have no knowledge of this." The IDF, quoting an unnamed senior military official, will state that there is no evidence that a Messiah of any kind has come. It will later soften the denial, saying it is checking the report and directing reporters to the Defense Ministry, which turfs them to the Prime Minister's Office, which cannot be reached for comment.

When the Messiah comes, rabbis will treat him like Jesus.

They will brand him disloyal, diseased, Reform.

In wall posters, Sabbath sermons, ritual decrees and signed petitions, careful not to use his title, chief rabbis of cities and towns will warn of an existential threat to the essential Jewish character of the state. Under no circumstances are Jews to sell or rent homes or lots to someone like this. The rabbis' wives will vilify him as a carnal threat to Jewish girls.

The rabbis' declarations will divide the Jewish people and bring wrath and dishonor upon Israel. The rabbis will continue to draw large civil service salaries, as well as generous tips, in cash, goods and services under the table and off the books.

When the Messiah comes, the Right will crucify him. Im Tirzu will roll out ads and billboards showing him with a tail to go along with his horns. A blogger from Commentary will call him a whiny, petulant boob. In Maariv and the Jerusalem Post, seven columnists will all have at him in the same three day period. NGO Monitor will ask for donations to expose his sources of funding.

When the Messiah comes, the Occupation will end.

But before it does, a global social network led by the Republican Jewish Coalition, Fox News, The Zionist Organization of America and Daniel Pipes, will launch a campaign aimed at exposing the Messiah as a Muslim.

When the Messiah is crucified, the army will deny that he was even present at the time.

When the Messiah comes, an Israel political party whose voters are routinely denigrated by native-born Israelis as whores and non-Jews will propose legislation declaring him a delegitimizer of Israel and the army (over the crucifixion), a blasphemer of Zionism (for suggesting that the Palestinians were not the sole obstacles to peace), and rendering him ineligible for citizenship unless he signs a loyalty oath stating that even if Israel did practice crucifiction, it did so in a democratic and Jewish manner.

Aides to Knesset Member Michael Ben-Ari, along with Beitar Jerusalem soccer fans, will take out a Facebook page headed "Mavet L' Mashiach" – Death to the Messiah.

When the Messiah comes, he will be granted refugee status by the United Nations as a legitimate seeker of asylum, but will be held at a detention camp in Israel's Area 51, near the perimeter of the Dimona nuclear reactor facility, where a judge will trick him into signing an illegible document, which will force his deportation to Chad.

By the time the messiah leaves the Jewish state, he'll be thrilled to go.



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새해 복많이 받으세요


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

불교(佛敎)와 공산주의...


Yesterday's NepalNews had the following funny(??) piece: 

'Buddhism is close to Marxist ideology' 

Vice chairman of the main opposition UCPN (Maoist) Dr Baburam Bhattarai has drawn a parallel between Marxism and the Buddhist philosophy, saying that the two doctrines are very similar.

"The Buddhist philosophy is very much similar to Marxist ideology," he said.

Speaking at a book launching ceremony organised by Nepal-China Society in the capital on Sunday, the Maoist ideologue said Lord Buddha held very progressive view during his time and his philosophy and teachings are not so far removed Marxist ideology.

At the programme, Bhattarai also stressed on the need to expand the Buddhist philosophy across the world.



And it seems that the S. Korean Buddhists are already on the right track!!(^^):

Jogyesa, the main temple of the Buddhist Jogye Order in central Seoul, displays a placard stating its refusal to admit members of the Lee Myung-bak administration and the GNP in protest of the

four-rivers refurbishment project... (Yonhap, 12.09)






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1. Sorry, dear comrades, but in the coming two(?) days I'll have no access to any computer and internet connection!
So, until Sat./Sun. there will be a short break here...
Please relax and be patient!^^

2. Al-Jazeera, like many other int'l news agencies reported today the following:

A US man has been sentenced to eight years hard labour in North Korea after he was convicted by a court in Pyongyang of entering the country illegally, state media has reported.

Aijalon Mahli Gomes was sentenced on Wednesday, a day after he pleaded guilty in court, according to the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

The report said the Central Court – the North's highest – had also sentenced Gomes to pay a fine of $700,000.


Oops... a "Fine of $700,000"?? Sounds for me more like a "legal"(^^) hostage-taking...




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새해 복 많이 받으세요~




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